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Urgent Update: Planning Committee 18 April 2024
Item 16 Pages 53-90
Greensand Place, Heath Road, Linton
The developer of the Beacon Park site (LPRSA312) on the northern side of Heath Road has withdrawn his objection on the basis of the revised location of the new crossing to Heath Road.
Highway Matters
Since the report was published, KCC (H&T) have commented on the suggested Heads of Terms/conditions relating to Heath Road, summarised below:
In terms of the zebra crossing,
- Concern over visibility on the approach to the crossing as this would be located between two bus stops
- To determine if the proposed crossing facility is appropriate, traffic speeds and volumes in addition to pedestrian counts are required.
- Manual for Streets 2 states that zebra crossings shall only be installed where speeds are 30mph or below. There is a need to assess the suitability of the existing road layout for this proposed speed limit reduction.
- No potential works have been subject to a Safety Audit. A stage 1 audit typically relates to the initial design and is typically done at the planning stage when off-site highway works are proposed (with a stage 2 audit done as part of the detailed design/S278 approval process).
Head of Development Management:
Given KCC’s latest comments, it is concluded that more information is needed from the applicants to give confidence that the suggested Grampian condition securing Heath Road highway improvements meet the legal tests.
Therefore, it is recommended that the application be withdrawn from the agenda to allow time for the information requested by KCC to be provided and consulted on, with a report back to Planning Committee in due course.
Application be withdrawn from the agenda