Contact your Parish Council

Sent: Monday, April 22, 2024 3:05 PM
To: Lorraine Neale <>
Subject: FW: Licensing Application 24/01167/LAPRE -
Importance: High


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Thank you Lorraine for your email.


Yalding Parish Council object to the hours of operation as the premise is set in a quiet residential area.  When The George was operating as a public house there was very little off site sales.


Councillors believe that the off sales should be curtailed by 9pm on the basis of noise and vibration (car engine running) , noxious smells, and light pollution, as with the current application customers will be arriving and leaving at late hours.


Councillors also feel that later hours will encourage youths to hang around the properties outdoor space and car park potentially causing anti-social behaviour. 


Experience tells us that litter is more likely to be a problem late at night as there are less people around to see people littering.


For all the above reasons Councillors feel that the operating hours applied for may cause demonstrable harm to the character, appearance and functioning of the surrounding area and/or the enjoyment of their properties by adjoining residential occupiers.



Can you please confirm this email will suffice as Yalding Parish Councils objection.


Kind regards


Angela Gent 

Clerk to Yalding Parish Council