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To be responsible for any cabinet functions which involve a recommendation to Council including budget and policy framework proposals.


To be responsible for making key decisions covering more than one Cabinet portfolio.


To receive and respond to:


(a)  reports to the Cabinet from the Overview and Scrutiny Committees, the Head of Paid Service, the Monitoring Officer and the Chief Finance Officer; and


(b)  recommendations from Council.


To receive reports from external and internal auditors.


To receive reports on risk management.


To consider any matter referred to it by the Leader of the Council, or Cabinet Member.


To make appointments to outside bodies that do not fall under the remit of the Democracy and General Purposes Committee.



The Cabinet may take a decision relating to any matter under an individual portfolio where the relevant Cabinet Member or the Leader of the Council has requested that the Cabinet consider the matter.          

Leader of the Council




(a)  To have overall responsibility for the Vision and Corporate Objectives of the Council and for ensuring their delivery.

(b)  To be the principal political spokesperson for the Council and have overall responsibility for representing its views to the public and all organisations with whom the Council has contact.

(c)   To provide community leadership.




(a)  Leading the work of the Cabinet, its programmes and priorities.

(b)  Working with others in building a vision for the Council and community; promotion of collaborative working relationships with stakeholders and partners as part of the borough’s ‘Civic Family’.

(c)   New models for local government

(d)  Acting as an ambassador for the Council and its activities amongst external advisory and interest groups and representing the Council’s policy agenda as appropriate locally, regionally and nationally.

(e)  Development, implementation, monitoring and review of the Council’s Vision and Strategic Objectives.

(f)    Ensuring the Council’s Strategic Plan and all other policy framework documents interrelate and reflect agreed Council priorities.

(g)  Development and implementation of the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy and Capital Strategy.

(h)  Political responsibility for effective corporate governance of the Council.

(i)    Providing strong, clear leadership in the co-ordination of strategies and policies.

(j)    Responsibility for the discharge of any Cabinet function not delegated to another individual or body.

(k)   Performance Monitoring


Service Areas (where budget and service areas are relevant to scope)


(a)  Communications

(b)  Governance


Representative on Bodies


(a)  Kent Leaders

(b)  Kent and Medway Economic Partnership

(c)   Kent and Medway Police and Crime Panel

(d)  LGA General Assembly

(e)  Mid Kent Services Board

(f)    Maidstone Rivers Task Force

(g)  West Kent Improvement Board Elected Members Forum


Cabinet Member (General)




(a)  To provide collective and individual leadership as part of the Cabinet;

(b)  To undertake lead responsibility for an allocated portfolio; and

(c)   To contribute effectively towards the strategic direction of the Council


Duties and Responsibilities


(a)  To participate effectively as a Member of the Cabinet; taking joint responsibility with other Cabinet Members for all decisions.

(b)  To participate in shaping and developing the policy and vision of the Council.

(c)   To act as the Cabinet Member for a particular portfolio as may be determined by the Leader, and in doing so, have regard to the Council’s corporate policy objectives and championing the portfolio concerned within that strategic context, and being aware of key budgetary issues relating to the portfolio.

(d)  To build good working relationships with senior officers and external partners, as appropriate, and to work with them in developing policy, strategy and delivery plans.

(e)  To keep abreast of related developments and policies at national, regional and local level including being aware of the importance to the community and other stakeholders of the portfolio services.

(f)    To work with and involve Policy Advisory Committees in decision making, as appropriate, keeping them informed of issues relevant to the Member portfolio and their terms of reference.

(g)  To represent the Cabinet where appropriate at Overview & Scrutiny Committee in connection with any matter that may be called in; and to attend Overview & Scrutiny at their request in connection with any issues associated with the Member portfolio that are being scrutinised.

(h)  To represent the Council on external bodies, as appointed, and feedback to the Cabinet any issues of relevance/importance.

(i)    To be available as appropriate for other Members to discuss any queries or matters of concern.

(j)    To promote the services within the portfolio and where appropriate to act as the spokesperson with the media for the portfolio area.

(k)   To encourage the highest standards of probity and corporate governance, and to promote inclusivity and transparency in all that the Council does.

(l)    Broad shared strategic responsibilities for:

a.    Planning and policy development

b.    Performance Management

c.     Partnerships

d.    People and Nature welfare

e.    Climate change adaptation and mitigation

f.      Capital Projects




Cabinet Member for Healthier Stronger Communities


Key focus:


(a)  Economic regeneration

(b)  Arts and leisure

(c)   Public health


Specific Responsibilities


(d)  Public health (e.g. reducing inequalities)

(e)  Economic Development Strategy

(f)    Arts and Culture Strategy 2019-24

(g)  Festivals and Events Policy

(h)  Hazlitt Arts Centre

(i)    Museum 20 year Plan

(j)    Maidstone Leisure Centre

(k)   Lockmeadow Leisure Centre Complex and Market Activities

(l)    Public Art Policy

(m) Visitor Economy

(n)  Events

(o)  Education and training

(p)  Health in all policies oversight

(q)  Strategic health projects and programmes

(r)   Environmental Health

(s)   Air Quality Strategy (including Low Emissions)

(t)    Link with Planning Policy and Management on Integrated Transport Strategy


Service Areas

(a)  Leisure property and assets      

(b)  Communities, Insight and Governance

(c)   Communications and Events

(d)  Economic Development

(e)  Town Centre Services


Representative on Bodies


(a)  Health and Care Partnership Members’ Forum

(b)  Maidstone Area Arts Partnership

(c)   Kent Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee




Cabinet Member for Climate Transition and Nature Recovery


Key focus:


(a)  Climate change mitigation

(b)  Climate change adaptation

(c)   Day-to-day delivery of MBC Biodiversity and Climate Change Action Plan

(d)  Climate / Severe Weather Resilience

(e)  Measures to evolve and safeguard local economy in face of climate change impacts

(f)    Measures to safeguard local health and wellbeing from climate change impacts

(g)  Measures to safeguard biodiversity from climate change impacts

(h)  Measures to safeguard agriculture and forestry from climate change impacts

(i)    Building the green local economy

(j)    Building green partnerships and funding bids

(k)   Driving bold innovation and savings in energy use across MBC and wider community

(l)    C40 town bid

(m) Research and development to drive climate change adaptation and resilience

(n)  Flood Risk Alleviation Strategy


Specific Responsibilities


(a)  Climate change mitigation

(b)  Climate change adaptation

(c)   Partnership and coalition building for action

(d)  Bid creation

(e)  Grant delivery

(f)    Community outreach on climate change action and resilience

(g)  Provide climate change advocacy, support and advice to MBC Cabinet and Committees


Service Areas


(a)  Communities, Insight and Governance (Biodiversity and Climate Change)


Representative on Bodies


(a)  Maidstone Rivers Task Force

(b)  Upper Medway Internal Drainage Board

(c)   All relevant climate change mitigation and adaptation groups

(d)  Forge new MBC-led partnerships to ensure a climate ready Maidstone Borough

(e)  Kent Flood Risk Committee




Cabinet Member for Planning Policy and Management


Key focus:


(a)  Spatial Strategy and Infrastructure

(b)  Local Plan Review

(o)  Town and Countryside Strategies

(p)  Environment inc. climate change (adaptation and mitigation)

(q)  A Resilient Borough

(r)   Making Space for Nature, Nature Recovery and Biodiversity Net Gain


Specific Responsibilities

(a)  Local Plan Review

(b)  Development Plan Documents

(c)   Integrated Sustainable Transport Strategy (with Healthier Stronger Communities)

(d)  Public Realm Design Guide

(e)  District Highways Functions

(f)    Opportunity Sites Policies

(g)  Infrastructure delivery including CIL

(h)  Planning Enforcement

(i)    Neighbourhood Plans

(j)    Town and Countryside Strategy

(k)   Building Safety Policy

(l)    Nature recovery

(m) Climate mitigation and adaptation

(n)  Conservation Area Designation and Policies

(o)  Landscape management, protection and resilience

(p)  Biodiversity Net Gain

(q)  Tree Preservation Orders

(r)   Declaration of Local Nature Reserves


Service Areas 


(a)  Development Management

(b)  Spatial Planning

(c)   Building Control

(d)  Landscape and Heritage


Representative on Bodies

(a)  Kent Downs National Landscape Joint Advisory Committee

(b)  Kent Flood Risk Management Committee

(c)   Maidstone Rivers Task Force

(d)  Upper Medway Internal Drainage Board

(e)  Joint Transport Board

(f)    Maidstone Quality Bus Partnership (or equivalent)




Cabinet Member for Community Cohesion and Safety


Key focus:


(a)  Inclusion

(b)  Community protection and resilience

(c)   Health and Wellbeing

(d)  Partnership and liaison on community initiatives

(e)  Bid creation and coalition building for community initiatives and funding applications

(f)    Community resilience

(g)  Harm reduction and community outreach



Specific Responsibilities


(a)  Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and Action Plan

(b)  Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Outreach and Engagement

(c)   Armed Forces Community Covenant

(d)  Safety, inclusion and emancipation of women, children and diverse communities

(e)  Safeguarding

(f)    Communication and Engagement Strategy

(g)  Community Resilience

(h)  Community Safety    

(i)    Financial inclusion

(j)    Community Grants Policy

(k)   Development of assets of community value

(l)    Parish Charter

(m) Partnership working with Voluntary and Community Sector

(n)  Place based enforcement

(o)  Emergency Planning


Service Areas


(a)  Communities, Insight and Governance

(b)  Communications and Events

(c)   Customer services

(d)  Community Safety and Strategic Partnerships

(e)  Emergency Planning and Resilience


Representative on Bodies


(a)  Beauvais Twinning Committee

(b)  Maidstone Sea Cadets

(c)   Parish Liaison Meetings

(d)  Kent and Medway Military Civilian Partnership Board

(e)  Safer Maidstone Partnership



Cabinet Member for Housing and Homelessness


Key Focus


(a)  Housing

(b)  Homelessness

(c)   Partnership building across key housing/homelessness stakeholders

(d)  Champion for external funding and pilot scheme bids


Specific Responsibilities


(a)  Housing Strategy

(b)  Social Housing Programme

(c)   Housing Delivery Programme (incl. purchases for the purposes of housing delivery)

(d)  Housing Management Policy

(e)  Housing Tenancy Strategy/Policy

(f)    Houses of Multiple Occupation (HMO)

(g)  Gypsy, Roma and Traveller sites (existing and new sites)

(h)  Private Sector Housing Enforcement Policy

(i)    Housing Register Policy/Housing Allocation Scheme

(j)    Building Safety Policy (Residents / tenant support)

(k)   Reducing rough sleeping and homelessness

(l)    Housing for refugees

(m) Housing Revenue Account development

(n)  Housing appeals


Service Areas 


(a)  Housing and Regulatory Services

(b)  New Business and Development


Representative on Bodies


(a)   All relevant partnership boards



Cabinet Member for Environmental Services and Enforcement


Key Focus


(a)  Environmental Services

(b)  Waste

(c)   Parking Services


Scope of Specific Responsibilities


(a)  Waste Strategy (including waste reduction, re-use and recycling)

(b)  Waste Collection and Cleansing

(c)   Litter and fly-tipping

(d)  Parks and Open Spaces 10-year plan

(e)  Parks management Strategy

(f)    Parking Management Strategy

(g)  Public Conveniences

(h)  Parking management

(i)    Bereavement


Service Areas (where budget and service areas are relevant to the scope)


(a)  Environmental Services and Public Realm

(b)  Housing and Regulatory Services

(c)   Property and Leisure (for flood risk)

(d)  Waste crime enforcement (including littering and fly-tipping)

(e)  Parking Services

(f)    Enforcement (parking, traffic)



Representative on Bodies


(a)  Kent Resource Partnership Members Board



Cabinet Member for Corporate Resources


Key focus


(a)  Finance 

(b)  IT

(c)   HR

(d)  Business Continuity


Specific Responsibilities


(a)  Medium Term Financial Strategy

(b)  Capital Strategy

(c)   Treasury Management Strategy

(d)  Commissioning and Procurement Strategy

(e)  Council Tax Reduction Scheme

(f)    Strategic Risk Management

(g)  Health and Safety

(h)  Commercial and Operational Asset Management Strategy

(i)    Information Management Strategy

(j)    Digital Strategy

(k)   ICT Strategy

(l)    Workforce Strategy

(m) Maidstone Property Holdings (shareholder role)

(n)  Land and property purchases, excluding purchases for the purpose of housing

(o)  Cyber Security and Fraud Prevention

(p)  Management of assets of community value

(q)  Shared Services


Service Areas (where budget and service areas are relevant to the scope)


(a)  Democratic and Electoral Services

(b)  Communities, Insight and Governance

(c)   Finance

(d)  Audit (for corporate risk)

(e)  Digital and Transformation

(f)    ICT

(g)  HR

(h)  Revenue and Benefits

(i)    Legal Services


Representative on Bodies

(a)   Mid Kent Services Board





Cobtree Manor Estate Charity Committee




Leader of the Council, Cabinet Member for Corporate Resources,

Cabinet Member for Housing and Homelessness, and

Cabinet Member for Planning Policy and Management


Terms of reference:


To be responsible for all matters relating to the Registered

Charity Number 283617 known as the Cobtree manor Estate,

with the exception of daily management of the Charity and the

land known as Cobtree Estate, Sandling, Maidstone, Kent which

will be undertaken by the Director of Finance, Resources and Business Improvement.



The Queens Own Royal West Kent Regiment Museum Trust Committee




Leader of the Council, Cabinet Member for Corporate Resources,

Cabinet Member for Environmental Services and Enforcement, and

Cabinet Member for Housing and Homelessness


Terms of Reference:


To be responsible for all matters relating to the Registered

Charity Number 1083570 known as The Queens Own Royal

West Kent Regiment Museum Trust, with the exception of daily

management of the Charity which will be undertaken by the

Director of Regeneration and Place and the Museums Director.


Note – Composition of a Trust should not include a Cabinet Member with a

portfolio that includes responsibility for elements that significantly involve

Cabinet decisions relating to similar matters as the Trust (i.e. the Member

responsible for the Museum should not be on the QORWKRT).