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100901_report_Joint IRP





REPORT of the meeting held on 1 SEPTEMBER 2010






The Committee considered a report by the Head of Democratic Services outlining a proposal to establish a Joint Independent Remuneration Panel with Swale Borough Council.  It was noted that:-


  • The Local Authorities (Members’ Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003 required the Council to establish an Independent Remuneration Panel (“IRP”).  The Council’s IRP comprised a representative of South East Employers, a representative of the Maidstone Chamber of Commerce and an Independent Member.  The term of office of the Independent Member (Mrs Valerie Page) expired on 31 December 2009.
  • Discussions had taken place with Swale Borough Council regarding the possible establishment of a Joint IRP.
  • It was proposed that the Joint IRP would comprise a representative of South East Employers, an Independent Member from the Maidstone area, an Independent Member from the Swale area and a representative of the Chamber of Commerce in the Maidstone area.  The terms of office would be staggered in the first instance to maintain a degree of continuity and expertise.  Subsequent terms of office would be three years.
  • It was proposed that the Panel would meet to consider the level of allowances for both Maidstone and Swale Borough Councils on the same day(s) and it would produce a separate report for each Council.  Administration of the Panel would alternate between the two Councils.


In response to questions, the Head of Democratic Services explained that the arrangements for the appointment of the Independent Members of the IRP were the same as those for the appointment of Independent Members of the Standards Committee, i.e. advertisement followed by interviews by a Selection Panel which then made recommendations to the Council.


The Committee endorsed the proposed establishment of a Joint IRP with Swale Borough Council noting that the arrangement would provide an opportunity to increase capacity and expertise whilst at the same time achieving a saving of approximately £500 per annum.




1.     That agreement be given to the establishment of a Joint Independent Remuneration Panel with Swale Borough Council.


2.     That the membership of the Panel should comprise a representative of South East Employers, an Independent Member from the Maidstone area, an Independent Member from the Swale area and a representative of the Chamber of Commerce in the Maidstone area with the following initial terms of office (thereafter three years):-


        South East Employers – until 31 October 2010 (current expiry term)

        Maidstone local Independent Member – for the remainder of the 2010/11 Municipal Year

        Swale local Independent Member – two years

        Chamber of Commerce representative – until 30 April 2012 (current expiry term)


3.     That the arrangements for the Joint Independent Remuneration Panel should be reviewed in two years.


4.     That Mrs Valerie Page be reappointed as the Maidstone Independent Member on the Joint Independent Remuneration Panel for the remainder of the 2010/11 Municipal Year.