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URGENT UPDATE: Planning and Healthier Stronger Communities Policy Advisory Committee - Tuesday 9th July, 2024 6.30 pm – ITEM 12 Maidstone Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan

New paragraph 2.14:

2.14 The forthcoming consultation will focus on the identified 9 priority cycling routes (please see appendix 2 and appendix 4 for individual route details) and 9 priority walking routes (please see appendix 1 and appendix 3 for individual route details) in the Borough. Of the 9 walking and 9 cycling routes 3 walking and 3 cycling routes were then prioritised for interventions (whereby ancillary work would be needed to help them be brought forward), and these are to be consulted on and are available to review in appendix 5.

·         New appendices 3 & 4 are provided that provided greater clarity on the routes provided in appendix 1 & 2.

·         New appendix 5 outlines the draft interventions proposed on 3 of the walking and 3 of the cycling routes.