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100928_Appendix C SA framework_housing targets

Appendix C

Framework for comparison of options - Sustainability Appraisal


Would be likely to meet the sustainability objective



Would be likely to partially meet the sustainability objective



Would not contribute significantly to meeting the sustainability objective



Option 1

8.200 dwellings - dispersed

Option 2

10,080 dwellings -  dispersed

Option 3

11,000 dwellings – with SDA & dispersed

1 To ensure that everyone has the opportunity to live in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home suitable to their need





2 To improve the health and well-being of the population and reduce inequalities in health





3 To reduce poverty and social exclusion and stimulate economic revival in deprived areas





4 To raise educational achievement levels and develop the opportunities for everyone to acquire the skills needed to find and remain in work





5 To reduce crime and perceptions of disorder





6 To create and sustain vibrant communities





7 To improve accessibility to all services and





8 To develop a dynamic, diverse and knowledge-based economy and ensure high and stable levels of employment




9 To improve efficiency in land use through the appropriate re-use of previously developed land and existing buildings, including re-use of materials from buildings, and encourage urban renaissance





10 To reduce the risk of flooding





11 To reduce air pollution and ensure air quality continues to improve





12 To address the causes of climate change through reducing emissions of greenhouse gases





13 To conserve and enhance biodiversity





14 To protect and enhance the countryside and historic environment





15 To improve the efficiency of transport networks by enhancing the proportion of travel by sustainable modes and by promoting policies which reduce the need to travel





16 To reduce waste generation and disposal, and achieve the sustainable management of waste





17 To maintain and improve the water quality and to achieve sustainable water resources management





18 To increase energy efficiency, security and diversity of supply and the proportion of energy generated from renewable sources