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0943 cs urgent update

Item 18 , Page 106






East Court, The Street, Detling



Officer Comment

The wording of condition 7 (acoustic protection) should be amended to reflect the current policy framework.


Amendments to recommendation

GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION subject to the conditions set out in the report and amended as follows:


Amend condition 7 to read as follows


7.       To protect residential amenity, an acoustic survey, to identify the Noise exposure category (NEC) of the site in accordance with PPG24, has to be carried out. The subsequent report should identify any noise mitigation measures that are necessary to meet the following criteria:-


1.       Where habitable rooms will be exposed to noise levels that are in excess of NEC A of Maidstone Borough Council's 'Adopted Noise Exposure Categories', mitigation should include a scheme of acoustic protection sufficient to ensure internal noise levels no greater than 30 LAeq,T dB in bedrooms and living rooms with windows closed. Where the internal noise levels will exceed 35 LAeq,T dB in bedrooms (night-time) and 48 LAeq,T in living rooms (daytime) with windows open, the scheme of acoustic protection should incorporate appropriate acoustically screened mechanical ventilation.


2.       Within gardens and amenity areas the daytime 0700-23.00 hours level of noise should not exceed 55 dB LAeq free field. This excludes front gardens.


3.       A report will be required in order to confirm that the mitigation methods implemented are sufficiently effective.


Reason: to protect residential amenity in accordance with guidance contained within PPG24.