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Maidstone Borough Council


Leisure and Prosperity Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Tuesday 26 October 2010


Review of Hotfoot Scheme


Report of: Head of Change and Scrutiny


1.           Introduction


1.1    Last year the External Overview and Scrutiny Committee considered a report on the Council’s Hotfoot scheme. Leisure and Prosperity Overview and Scrutiny Committee considered reviewing Hotfoot as part of its work programme for 2010-11, it was agreed that a written update reviewing the scheme would be provided for scrutiny to consider. Attached at appendix A is report reviewing the play scheme, it should be noted that this report is produced annually for Councillors and the Cabinet Member.


2.      Recommendation


2.1        The Committee is recommended to interview the Officers giving consideration to the future possibilities to improve Hotfoot and community play schemes and make recommendations to the Cabinet Member for Community Services as appropriate.


2.2        Areas of questioning could include but are not limited to:


·         Whether the places available met the needs of residents;

·         Whether the Council should be providing or enabling the provision of community play schemes;

·         Why the cost of the scheme to the Council has been reduced; and how this will continue in future years.


3.      Hotfoot  Review


3.1    The report details the achievements of the scheme on 2010 and includes an assessment of its need and value for money. In terms of funding the scheme cost the Council £6779.67 in 2010 significantly less than in previous years and almost half of the cost of the scheme in 2009. It should be noted that the KCC extended schools scheme “your choice” funding will not be available for next year’s scheme.  Less places were available in 2010 than previous years and the uptake has increased from 86% in 2006 to 98% in 2010. In reviewing the data by site three sites had 100% take-up it is not evident in the report if more places were requested than available for the sites with 100% take-up. The overall picture suggests the places available met need.  100% positive feedback was received from those parents surveyed.



4.      Impact on Corporate Objectives


4.1     The Strategic Plan 2009-12 states that the Council wants Maidstone to be “a place to live and enjoy”, which includes the provision of sporting, leisure and cultural activities.  The Plan also states that Maidstone should be “a place with efficient and effective public services”; therefore ensuring that the Council’s spend on holiday play schemes provides value for money is important.