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101102_LSP Covering report

Maidstone Borough Council


Corporate Services Overview & Scrutiny Committee


Tuesday 2 November 2010


Local Strategic Partnership Economic Development & Regeneration Delivery Group Update


Report of: Performance & Scrutiny Officer


1.      Introduction


1.1        Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny has a clearly defined role in relation to monitoring the Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) as set out in the Local Strategic Partnership’s Constitution (updated May 2010).


 2.     Recommendation


2.1        The Committee is recommended to interview the Economic Development Manager, John Foster and the Economic Development Officer, Keith Grimley in relation to the progress made by the LSP Economic Development & Regeneration Delivery Group.


3          Local Strategic Partnerships


3.1        Local strategic partnerships bring together representatives from the local statutory, voluntary, community and private sectors to address local problems, allocate funding, and discuss strategies and initiatives. They aim to encourage joint working and community involvement, and prevent 'silo working' (i.e., different agencies that share aims working in isolation) with the general aim of ensuring resources are better allocated at a local level.


3.2        The objectives of the Economic Development & Regeneration Delivery Group are to:


·         Develop a vibrant economy, create prosperity and opportunities for all;

·         Develop an efficient, sustainable, integrated transport system;

·         Develop the borough’s urban and rural communities as models for 21st century quality and sustainable living;

·         Provide flexible housing to accommodate changing needs; and

·         Prevent homelessness.


3.3        The delivery groups report progress against priorities/targets to the LSP board on a quarterly basis and produce an annual report.  They also present emerging issues to the Board and identify actions required, as the need arises. 


4.      Impact on Corporate Objectives


4.1     The remit of LSP Economic Development & Regeneration Delivery Group spans across the Council’s Priorities. The priority of a place to achieve prosper and thrive covers the majority of the delivery groups work but the MBC priority of a place to live and enjoy relates to the housing objectives of the group.