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CS Work Programme 2010-11

Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Work Programme 2010-2011



Items to be considered

1 June 2010


  • Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman
  • Work Programming 2010/11


6 July 2010


  • Cabinet Member for Corporate Services – priorities for the year
  • Leader of the Council – priorities for the year

·          Performance Plan

·          Written Maidstone House Update (rec. 6 April 10)

·          Interview with the Democratic Services Manager (rec. 6 April 10)


3 August


  • Budget Strategy


31 August 2010

  • Customer Services Review - Gateway

·         1st quarter performance monitoring report

·         Corporate Improvement Plan Update


16 September 2010 (daytime)

  • Customer Services Review - Gateway


5 October 2010


·         Green IT policy

·         Customer Services Review

·         LSP thematic quarterly performance report


2 November 2010

  • Update on LSP Economic & Regeneration Delivery Group
  • Interview with Democratic Service manager, Neil Harris
  • Formulate Questions for mid-year progress updates for Leader or the Council and |Cabinet Member for Corporate Services

30 November 2010

  • Interview with Cabinet Member for Corporate Services – mid-year progress
  • Update from the Leader of the Council – mid year progress
  • Customer Services Review
  • 2nd quarter performance monitoring report

10 January 2011

  • Budget Strategy
  • Strategic Plan

·         LSP thematic quarterly performance report


1 February 2011

·         Customer Services Review Report

1 March


·         LSP thematic quarterly performance report

  • 3rd quarter performance monitoring report


5 April 2011

  • Interview with Leader and Cabinet Member for Corporate Services – Progress Over the Year