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Report prepared by Jason Taylor

Date Issued: 28 October 2010



1.1        Issue for Decision

1.1.1   To consider giving authority to the Head of Legal Services to sign the contract from the National Heritage Memorial Fund and the Big Lottery Fund (HLF) accepting the offer of a grant towards the Mote Park Regeneration Project.

1.1.2   To consider agreeing to progress to the implementation stage of the Mote Park Regeneration Project and issue the contract documents for the work.

1.2        Recommendation of The Assistant Director for Environment and Regulatory Services:


1.2.1   That authority be given to the Head of Legal Services to approve and to sign the contract submitted to the Council by the National Heritage Memorial Fund and the Big Lottery Fund (HLF) accepting the offer of an HLF grant towards the Mote Park Regeneration Project.

1.2.2   To request that the Cabinet release the Council’s financial contribution for the scheme from the Capital Programme and commit the Council to implementing the scheme.


1.2.3   That subject to confirmation from Cabinet, the Cabinet Member agrees to progress to the implementation stage of the Mote Park Regeneration Project and the issuing of the tender documents in January 2011 for the works.

1.3        Reasons for Recommendation


1.3.1   The Council applied for funding towards the Mote Park Regeneration Project to the Heritage Lottery Parks for People Scheme in September 2009.  The Stage 1 application was approved and funding provided to progress to the detailed Stage 2 procedure.


1.3.2   The Stage 2 application was produced and submitted in June 2010 and reviewed by the Heritage Lottery Fund in September 2010.  A grant of £1,867,000 was awarded to MBC towards the total cost of £2,505,752 for the restoration and site wide improvements to Mote Park.


1.3.3   As part of both the Stage 1 and 2 phases, a considerable amount of consultation was carried out with not only existing park users but also with potential future park users.  This helped shape the final design for the scheme.

1.3.4   A decision was made by the Cabinet Member for Leisure and Culture on 12th September 2008 that the “proposals for the regeneration of Mote Park with the assistance of the lottery bid as set out in the report of the Assistant Director of Regulatory and Environmental Services be supported”.  It is recommended that now HLF funding has been awarded, that the implementation stage of the project be permitted to begin and contract documents be prepared and issued for the works early in the new year.

1.3.5   The detailed offer from the HLF requires that the Council accept the offer within 21 working days of receipt, hence the recommendation for the Cabinet Member to accept the offer.

1.3.6   However, this offer is different to previous HLF grants in that it requires the Council to confirm its financial contribution, throughout the term of the project, is available within 28 days of the signing of the agreement.  This will mean that the Cabinet will need to release the capital funding to enable the improvements to proceed.  Upon such agreement, the Council will be committed to completing the scheme.

1.3.7   A detailed report on the results of the tendering exercise will be provided in due course.


1.4        Alternative Action and why not Recommended


1.4.1   Alternative action could be to delay the signing of the contract with the HLF, but this is not recommended as this could potentially result in the HLF withdrawing their offer of funding.

1.4.2   Authority to progress to the implementation stage could be delayed; however, this is not supported as it would be likely that the deadlines set in the programme approved by the HLF will not be reached.


1.5        Impact on Corporate Objectives


1.5.1   Key objectives which the regeneration of Mote Park will have an impact on will include:

1.5.2   “Maintain a clean and pleasant environment for people who live in and visit the borough”;

1.5.3   “Enhance the Council’s parks, green spaces and natural habitats through initiatives like the Mote Park Improvement Project”;


1.6        Risk Management


1.6.1   If the contract is not signed and returned to the HLF, there is a risk that they will withdraw their offer of £1,867,000.  Without this funding the level of improvements and the impact that they have on the park would be very limited.

1.6.2   The HLF would not be happy if we were to pull out of the project at this late stage. There is a risk that this could greatly affect the chances of future Lottery funding and the reputation of the Council.

1.6.3   If the project was delayed, there is a very strong chance that the deadlines agreed with the HLF would be missed; as the program is very tight it is unlikely that any lost time could be made up.

1.7        Other Implications


1.      Financial




2.           Staffing




3.           Legal




4.           Equality Impact Needs Assessment




5.           Environmental/Sustainable Development



6.           Community Safety



7.           Human Rights Act



8.           Procurement



9.           Asset Management




1.7.2   Financial - The Council’s contribution from the Capital Programme to the overall project implementation cost of £2,505,752 is £576,438.


1.7.3   Staffing – Two posts (Mote Park Project Officer and Mote Park Audience Development Officer) are funded by the project. If the project is delayed, these posts will be unable to reach the targets set in the program agreed with HLF.

1.7.4   Legal – Legal Services’ support will be required to agree and sign the contract provided by HLF.


1.7.5   Procurement – The issuing of the tender documentation will be delayed if the project cannot be progressed; again this could result in failure to reach deadlines agreed with HLF.


1.8        Relevant Documents

1.8.1   Record of Cabinet Decision “Mote Park Regeneration Scheme and its funding through a lottery bid” 12th September 2008.


1.9        Background Documents

1.9.1   The Mote Park Improvement Project Stage 1 and 2 submissions to the HLF Parks for People Scheme.








Yes                                         No



If yes, when did it first appear in the Forward Plan?




This is a Key Decision because:



Wards/Parishes affected: Shepway North




How to Comment


Should you have any comments on the issue that is being considered please contact either the relevant Officer or the Member of the Executive who will be taking the decision.


Cllr Richard Ash                                        Cabinet Member for Leisure and Culture

                                                                                   Telephone: 01622 730151




[Jason Taylor]                                                              Parks and Leisure Manager

                                                                                   Telephone: 01622 602753
