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Minutes of Previous Meeting





Minutes of the meeting held on

Monday 15 November 2010



Councillor Mrs Joy (Chairman), and

Councillors Mrs Gooch, Mrs Hinder, B Mortimer, Parvin, Mrs Parvin and Yates



Also Present:

Councillor Chittenden




37.        Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies for absence.




38.        Notification of Substitute Members


The following substitutions were noted:


Councillor Mrs Parvin for Councillor Blackmore

Councillor Parvin for Councillor Horne




39.        Notification of Visiting Members


Councillor Chittenden attended the meeting as a Visiting Member and, with the agreement of the Group, took part in the debate on items 8, Report of the Head of Change and Scrutiny - Independent Group Representation on Overview and Scrutiny, and item 9, Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places, but did not vote.




40.        Disclosures by Members and Officers


Councillor Mrs Joy declared a personal interest in item 9, Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places as she was a governor of Archbishop Courtenay Primary School.




41.        Disclosures of Lobbying


Councillors Mrs Gooch, Mrs Hinder, Mrs Joy, Mortimer and Yates disclosed that they had been lobbied on item 8 –Report of the Head of Change and Scrutiny - Independent Group Representation on Overview and Scrutiny.




42.        Exempt Items


RESOLVED: That the Items on the Agenda be taken in public as proposed.




43.        Minutes of the Meeting held on 8 July 2010


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 8 July 2010 be approved as a correct record and signed.




44.        Independent Group Representation on Overview and Scrutiny


The Group considered the report of the Head of Change and Scrutiny on Independent Group Representation on Overview and Scrutiny and agreed to refer the matter to the Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee for consideration. The Group raised concerns over the length of time to make the change, as it would be required to go to Standards Committee and Council, as well as Overview and Scrutiny, before the change could be implemented.  However, it was agreed to forward the matter to Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny for a preference on the approach to be taken so that the decision making process could be undertaken.




1.   That the following options be referred to the Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee for consideration and for them to express a preference:


(i)          No change be made; or


(ii)         That the Council be requested to either


(a) Appoint 4 Overview and Scrutiny Committees of 7 Members which are not politically balanced but with an independent Group representative on the committee; or


(b) Increase the Overview and Scrutiny Committee membership from 7 to 8 (or more) which would give Independent Group representation on these committees; and


2.   That if the preferred option is (ii) (a) or (b) it be further explored and reported to Council to agree the change and make the necessary amendments to the Committee Membership and the Constitution.




45.        Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places


The Group considered the report of the Head of Change and Scrutiny setting out the Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places that had been carried out.  The report set out a number of changes to polling stations and polling areas.  The Group were informed that the change at Archbishop Courtenay Primary School was required because using the school as a polling station caused disruption to the school children and was particularly difficult for parents who had children at two schools as it led to one child being off from school whilst the other was still required to attend.  It was also noted that the Tovil Working Men’s Club had been rejected as an alternative polling station as the majority of the electors for the area lived on the opposite side of the main road.


RESOLVED: That the following changes be agreed:


Bearsted Ward


To discontinue the use of the mobile Polling Station at The Plantation Public House, Plantation Lane. Electors in Polling District CB who currently vote at this Polling Station will vote as follows:


King George V Memorial Hall,             

Manor Rise, Bearsted                         


Aldington Road                         Roseacre Gardens

Ames Avenue                           Roseacre Lane (Nos 23–77 & 40-78)

Birling Avenue                          Spurway

Birling Close                             The Almonds

Clarendon Close                       The Chimes

Fullers Close                                       The Landway (Nos 15–109 & 30–130)

Hampson Way                          The Sprig

Hill Brow                                   Upper Chimes

Mynn Crescent                        




Madginford Hall,

Egremont Road, Bearsted


Ashford Road (Nos 1 – 109)

Aviemore Gardens

Fauchons Close

Fauchons Lane

Plantation Lane

Roseacre Lane (Nos 1A, 1-21, 2A & 2-34A)

The Grove

The Landway (From the junction with Ashford Road to number 13A (odd nos) & to number 28 (even nos) including Bradley Court)

Tylers Croft


Headcorn Ward


To discontinue the use of the mobile Polling Station at The Hawkenbury Public House and use self contained accommodation at the Public House.


Heath Ward


Electors who use St Andrews Church Hall, St Andrews Road will go to vote at Beechwood Community Hall, St Andrews Park once the hall is available for hire and the use of St Andrews Church Hall, St Andrews Road will then be discontinued.


South Ward


To discontinue the use of Archbishop Courtenay School, Church Road. Electors who use this Polling Station will go to vote at 1 St Stephens Square.


Sutton Valence and Langley Ward


To discontinue the use of the mobile Polling Station at The Hawkenbury Public House and use self contained accommodation at the Public House.




46.        Duration of Meeting


6.30pm to 7.20pm

