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Cabinet, Council or Committee Report for Member Development Update










Report prepared by Claire Hayes & Janet Barnes 





1.1             Issue for Decision


1.1.1        To consider the possibility of holding a Becoming A Councillor event in February 2011 and to note the improvements made to Member development.


1.2             Recommendation of the Head of Change and Scrutiny


1.2.1        That a Becoming A Councillor event be held in The Mall in February 2011. 


1.2.2        That the update on Member Development be noted.


1.3             Reasons for Recommendation


             Becoming A Councillor Event


1.3.1        In previous years, the Becoming A Councillor event was held in February.  However, it transpired that this is too late for political parties as they are required to agree their candidates by December.


1.3.2        It was therefore agreed by this Committee on 8 July 2010 that a Becoming A Councillor event be held in September 2010 and that, following a review of the event, consideration would be given as to whether to still hold the event in February 2011.


1.3.3        A stand was set up in the Mall promoting the event on the day and leaflets/brochures handed out.  7 members of the public attended the event in the evening and 2 responses to the leaflets were received seeking further information.


1.3.4        During the evening, discussion took place as to the most appropriate venue for this event.  It was suggested that the event took place in the Mall during shop opening hours and Officers and Members covered the stall for periods of time throughout the day.


1.3.5        Enquiries of the Mall have been made and possible dates are 10 or 24 February 2011.  The latter date is during half term so it is expected that more people will be in the Town Centre during this period.


1.3.6        The area available is as marked Area F on the Plan attached at Appendix A.


1.3.7        The cost of printing Posters and Leaflets can be met within existing budgets.


1.3.8        A number of Parishes will also be looking for candidates to stand in the May election and this would be a good opportunity to work with KALC to promote the seats available in Parishes as well as Wards.   Parish/KALC representation at the event would be useful, as well as using Parish Council Newsletters and Notice Boards to promote the event and contact will be made if it is agreed to hold this event.


             Member Development Update


1.3.9        There have been continuing learning activities for Members this year which have included three Members attending the Planning Summer School. Two Members have also attended the Annual Licensing Conference. Two Members have attended the annual LGA Conference and one Member is currently attending the IDEA Leadership Academy.


1.3.10     In consultation with Members of the Licensing and Planning Committees and relevant Officers a comprehensive training programme has been identified for both of the Committees. The programme has been delivered by Officers at regular intervals and with good attendance. These programmes will continue throughout 2011/12 and will include any new and relevant topics identified.


1.3.11   A programme of dates has been set for the Standards Committee to deliver their Code of Conduct training sessions.


1.3.12   The New Member Induction took place on 26th May 2010, the content of the day will be considered and reviewed prior to the next Induction.  The proposed date for next year is 25th May 2011.


1.3.13   An initial offer has been made to the Cabinet for Personal Development Planning sessions, with a view to rolling this out to all Members in future, and an offer to carry out Training Needs Analysis for new Members, at present one Member has taken up this offer.




1.4             Alternative Action and why not Recommended


1.4.1        The Group could decide not to hold the event but this is not recommended as this is a good opportunity to work with Parishes and, due to the fact that we would be visible in a main area of The Mall Chequers, this will give us a better opportunity to engage with more members of the public.


1.5             Impact on Corporate Objectives


1.5.1        There is no impact on corporate objectives.


1.6             Risk Management


1.6.1        There are no risks associated with this report.


1.7             Other Implications



1.          Financial




2.                 Staffing




3.                 Legal




4.                 Equality Impact Needs Assessment




5.                 Environmental/Sustainable Development



6.                 Community Safety



7.                 Human Rights Act



8.                 Procurement



9.                 Asset Management




1.7.2        Financial


The cost of printing posters and leaflets can be covered within existing budgets.






1.8             Relevant Documents


1.8.1        Appendices


Appendix A – Location Map of area in The Mall Chequers


1.8.2        Background Documents






Yes                                               No



If yes, when did it first appear in the Forward Plan?





This is a Key Decision because: ………………………………………………………………………..






Wards/Parishes affected: …………………………………………………………………………………..

