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Audit Committee 01 Jan 11 to 30 April 12





Work Programme







01 January 2011 to

30 April 2012


Chairman: Cllr John Horne





Statement of Purpose:


The purpose of the Audit Committee is to provide independent assurance of the adequacy of the risk management framework and the associated control environment, independent scrutiny of the Authority‘s financial and non-financial performance to the extent that it affects the Authority‘s exposure to risk and weakens the control environment, and to oversee the financial reporting process, including approval of the annual statement of accounts.




Audit Committee Members:



John Horne

Councillor John Horne


Detling & Thurnham Ward

Tel:  01622 739377





Derek Butler


Councillor Derek Butler

Boxley Ward

Tel: 01634 684854


Rodd Nelson-Gracie

Councillor Rodd Nelson-Gracie

Marden & Yalding Ward

Tel: 01622 814263


Fran Smith


Councillor Fran Smith

Fant Ward

Tel: 01622 720623


Mervyn Warner

Councillor Mervyn Warner

North Ward

Tel: 01622 753220


Date of Meeting



Title of Report and Brief Summary of Decision to be made

Contact Officer

17 January 2011



Maidstone Museum East Wing Redevelopment


To note the current position relating to the Maidstone Museum East Wing redevelopment project.


Brian Morgan, Assistant Director of Regeneration and Cultural Services

Simon Lace, Museums and Heritage Manager

17 January 2011



Review of the Business Transformation Partnership


To consider and comment on the findings of the review undertaken of the Business Transformation Partnership.


Georgia Hawkes, Head of Business Improvement

17 January 2011



Review of Audit Committee


To consider the outcome of the LGI and D review of the Audit Committee and the incorporation of any actions to be taken in relation to the report’s findings and conclusions into the Committee’s future work programme.


Brian Parsons, Head of Internal Audit Partnership



17 January 2011

Treasury Management Strategy 2011/12 – 2013/14


To refer the Committee’s initial thoughts on the draft Treasury Management Strategy 2011/12 to Cabinet.


Paul Riley, Head of Finance and Customer Services

17 January 2011

Budget Strategy 2011/12 Onwards


To consider the risk assessment of the budget strategy 2011/12 onwards and comment on or make recommendations to Cabinet.


Paul Riley, Head of Finance and Customer Services

21 March 2011



Internal Audit Strategic Plan 2011/12


To note the content of the Internal Audit Strategic Plan for 2011/12.


Brian Parsons, Head of Internal Audit Partnership



21 March 2011



External Auditor’s Work Plan 2011/12 and Fee Proposals


To consider and comment on the External Auditor’s Work Plan 2011/12 and fee proposals.


Zena Cooke, Director of Regeneration and Communities

Paul Riley, Head of Finance and Customer Services


21 March 2011

Strategic Risk Register


To consider and comment on the process for identifying and managing the strategic and operational risks that might affect the ability of the Council to deliver its priorities.


Brian Parsons, Head of Internal Audit Partnership

6 June 2011




Annual Governance Statement 2010/11


To endorse the Annual Governance Statement for inclusion in the Statement of Accounts.


Paul Riley, Head of Finance and Customer Services



6 June 2011



Local Code of Corporate Governance - Annual Update


To approve the Local Code of Corporate Governance.


Paul Riley, Head of Finance and Customer Services



6 June 2011



Internal Audit Annual Report 2010/11


To consider the work of the Internal Audit Section over the financial year 2010/11 and to decide whether the outcome of the Internal Audit work etc. provides evidence of a substantial level of control within the Council.


Brian Parsons, Head of Internal Audit Partnership



6 June 2011



Future Assurance Arrangements


To comment on the adequacy of the Council’s governance and performance arrangements in the absence of the Audit Commission.


Zena Cooke, Director of Regeneration and Communities

Brian Parsons, Head of Internal Audit Partnership

6 June 2011



Internal Audit Partnership First Year Review


To note progress on the implementation of the Internal Audit Partnership.


Brian Parsons, Head of Internal Audit Partnership



6 June 2011

Quarterly Work in Progress Report from the External Auditors


To note the position with regard to work being untaken by external audit.


Brian Parsons, Head of Internal Audit Partnership

20 June 2011



Treasury Management Performance 2010/11


To note the activities of the treasury management function for the 2010/11 financial year and to recommend amendments to current procedures as appropriate.

Paul Riley, Head of Finance and Customer Services


20 June 2011



Statement of Accounts 2010/11


To approve the Statement of Accounts for the financial year ended 31 March 2011.


Paul Riley, Head of Finance and Customer Services


20 June 2011



Audit Committee Annual Report 2010/11


To approve the Audit Committee Annual Report 2010/11 for submission to the Council.


Zena Cooke, Director of Regeneration and Communities



19 September 2011



Audit Commission’s Annual Governance Report 2010/11


To approve the Audit Commission’s Annual Governance Report 2010/11 and any amendments to the Statement of Accounts.


Zena Cooke, Director of Regeneration and Communities

Paul Riley, Head of Finance and Customer Services



19 September 2011

Quarterly Work in Progress Report from the External Auditors


To note the position with regard to work being untaken by external audit.


Brian Parsons, Head of Internal Audit Partnership

28 November 2011



Internal Audit - Six Monthly Interim Report


To consider the work of the Internal Audit Section over the six month period April to September 2011 and to note the outcomes of the Internal Audit work.


Brian Parsons, Head of Internal Audit Partnership


28 November 2011



Treasury Management Strategy Mid Year Performance 2011/12


To note the activities of the treasury management function for the 2011/12 financial year to date and to recommend amendments to current procedures as appropriate.


Paul Riley, Head of Finance and Customer Services



28 November 2011

Quarterly Work in Progress Report from the External Auditors


To note the position with regard to work being untaken by external audit.


Brian Parsons, Head of Internal Audit Partnership

16 January 2012



Strategic Risk Register


To consider and comment to Cabinet on the adequacy of risk management within the Authority.


Brian Parsons, Head of Internal Audit Partnership



16 January 2012



Annual Audit Letter 2010/11


To note and comment on the Audit Commission’s Annual Audit Letter to Maidstone Borough Council and to make any recommendations to Cabinet and/or Council.


Zena Cooke, Director of Regeneration and Communities

Paul Riley, Head of Finance and Customer Services



19 March 2012



Quarterly Work in Progress Report from the External Auditors


To note the position with regard to work being untaken by external audit.


Brian Parsons, Head of Internal Audit Partnership