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110125_future Work Programme

Maidstone Borough Council


Leisure and Prosperity Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Tuesday 25 January 2011


Future Work Programme


Report of: Overview and Scrutiny Officer


1.      Introduction


1.1        Throughout the course of the municipal year the Committee is asked to put forward work programme suggestions.  These suggestions are planned into its annual work programme. 


2.      Recommendation


2.1        The Committee is recommended too review the work programme attached at Appendix A.


3.      Future Work Programme


3.1        Members are asked to consider the work programme at each meeting to ensure that it remains appropriate and covers all issues Members currently wish to consider within the Committee’s remit.


3.2        The Forward Plan for 1 November 2010 - 28 February 2011 contains the following decision relevant to the Leisure and Prosperity Overview and Scrutiny Committee:


·         High Street Improvement Project

·         Amending the Allocation Scheme

·         Housing Strategy 2010-15

·         Common Housing Assessment Framework

·         Core Strategy Public Consultation Draft

·         Fees & Charges - Market Services 2011/12

·         Private Sector Housing Review of HMO licensing fees, conditions  and assistance

·         Core Strategy Progress

·         Building Surveying Charges


The report with further details on this is attached at Appendix B.


3.3     It should be noted that a joint Leisure & Prosperity O&S and LDDAG meeting has been scheduled for 21 February 2011 at 6pm in the Town Hall. This will be with David Edwards, Sue Whiteside, Michael Thornton and Councillor Lusty.





4.      Impact on Corporate Objectives


4.1        The Committee will consider reports that deliver against the following Council priority:


·         ‘A place to achieve, prosper and thrive’; and

·         ‘A place to live and enjoy’.


4.2        The Strategic Plan sets the Council’s key objectives for the medium term and has a range of objectives which support the delivery of the Council’s priorities.  Actions to deliver these key objectives may therefore include work that the Committee will consider over the next year.