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L & P Work Programme 2010-11

Leisure and Prosperity Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Work Programme 2010-2011



Items to be considered

22 June 2010


  • Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman
  • Work Programming 2010/11


27 July 2010


  • Cabinet Member for Leisure and Culture Written Vision Statement
  • Cabinet Member for Regeneration Written Vision Statement
  • High Street Regeneration
  • Value of Leisure and Culture Review

14 September 2010

  • Local Development Framework Targets and Distribution
  • 1st Quarter performance monitoring


28 September  2010

  • Call-In, Core Strategy


12 October 2010

·         Value of Leisure & Culture Review interview with John Holden


26 October 2010


·         Holiday Play Schemes (Jim Boot and Kate Pomphrey)

·         Draft Housing Strategy(Duncan Bruce)

·         Housing Allocations (John Littlemore)


TBC – Feb?

·         Local Development Framework Document

·         Assessment of data quality for core strategy

23 November 2010

  • Interview with Cabinet Member for Regeneration– mid-year progress
  • Interview with Cabinet Member for Leisure and Culture– mid year progress
  • Interview with Mandy Hare and Simon Lace as part of the Leisure and Culture Strategy Review
  • Obtain volunteers for daytime meeting with Sally Staples, KCC


13 December 2010 (Monday)

  • 2nd quarter performance monitoring report

·         Maidstone Market Update

·         Interview with Jason Taylor as part of the Leisure & Culture Review

  • Rural Economy?


25 January 2011

  • Rural Economy


21 February 2011

  • Joint Leisure & Prosperity O&S and LDDAG meeting


22 February 2011

  • Demographic & Transport Data Check

·         LSP thematic quarterly performance report


22 March 2011

  • 3rd quarter performance monitoring report
  • Rural Economy – Interview with John Foster, MBC, Liz Harrison, KCC Rural Regeneration Manager, and

Huw Jarvis, Leader Programme.


26 April 2011

  • Interview with Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Cabinet Member for Cabinet Member for Leisure and Culture – Progress Over the Year
  • LSP thematic quarterly performance
  • Rural Economy – Interview with Elaine Collins, Network of Rural Business Forums.