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110215 report LSP performance

Maidstone Borough Council


Environment and Transportation Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Tuesday 15 February 2011


LSP Thematic Quarterly Performance


Report of: Overview and Scrutiny Officer


1.           Introduction


1.1    As part of the Committee’s remit the Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) the delivery groups for Economic Development and Regeneration and Environmental are required to provide quarterly performance updates to the Committee.  The Committee will have the opportunity to focus on one-off activities or events, and review governance arrangements. The third quarter is attached at Appendix A.


1.2    The objectives of the delivery groups are set out below;


                             Economic Development and Regeneration


·         Develop a vibrant economy, create prosperity and opportunities for all;

·         Develop an efficient, sustainable, integrated transport system;

·         Develop the borough’s urban and rural communities as models for 21st century quality and sustainable living;

·         Provide flexible housing to accommodate changing needs; and

·         Prevent homelessness.


                   Environmental Quality


·         Reduce waste and litter;

·         Prepare the borough’s communities and businesses to adapt to climate change;

·         Reduce carbon emissions from fossil fuels across transport commerce/business and domestic use;

·         Enhance biodiversity and links between semi natural habitats;

·         Improve air quality; and

·         Retain and enhance the borough’s distinctive history, landscape and character.


2.      Recommendation


2.1        The Committee is recommended to consider the written update giving consideration to the future possibilities to improve schemes and projects within Maidstone and make recommendations to the Cabinet Member as appropriate.


2.2        Areas of questioning could include but are not limited to:



·         What monitoring is in place to ensure that the projects funded by the Performance Reward Grant are delivered on time and within budget;

·         How did the LSP prioritise projects that received funding;

·         Will the refresh of the LSP’s priorities impact on the projects that receive funding in the future;

·         How will the Government’s spending cuts impact on the LSP’s funding allocations and priorities; and

·         What will be involved in the second phase of resource mapping and how and when will this information be acted on.



3.      Local Strategic Partnership (LSP)


3.1    The LSP is a partnership of key public, private, community, faith and voluntary organisations.  The partnership is the overseeing body for developing and implementing the Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS) for Maidstone. This strategy fulfils the duty placed on the borough council by the Local Government White Paper 2006 ‘Strong and Prosperous Communities’ to produce a community strategy to promote the social, economic and environmental well-being of the people and communities of Maidstone.


3.2     The LSP is comprised of members (10-12 members, no more

than 15) and includes organisations such as MBC, Theme Leads,  Primary Care Trust, Police, Fire, KCC, Voluntary and community sector. Maidstone’s LSP has five delivery groups; Health and Wellbeing, Economic Development and Regeneration, Environmental Quality, Safer Maidstone Partnership and Local Children’s Services.



4.      Impact on Corporate Objectives


4.1     Considering the progress of the LSP through recommendations should help to deliver the Council’s objectives for the borough to be a place that is clean and green and a place to achieve prosper and thrive.


4.2     There are no risks involved in considering the performance of the LSP.