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Maidstone Borough Council

Maidstone Borough Council


Environment and Transportation Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Tuesday 15 February 2011


Climate Management Framework 2011- 2016


Report of: Overview and Scrutiny Officer


1.        Introduction


1.1        Climate Change is a topic which reaches across a number of departments in the Council.  A large amount of work has been done in a variety of areas because of the relevance Climate Change has to so many departments within the Council. The draft Climate Change Framework is intended to bring everything together providing a conclusive context for a variety of work to ensure that Climate Change and Maidstone’s impact on the environment becomes a principle consideration of the Council in all decisions it makes. The draft Climate Change Framework: 2011-2016 and report is attached (Appendixes A and B).


2.      Recommendation


2.1        The Committee is recommended to interview Jennifer Hunt, EMS Project Manager and Brian Morgan, Assistant Director of Regeneration and Cultural Services and to make recommendations to the Cabinet Member for Environment.


2.2        Areas of questioning could include but are not limited to:


·         What procedures will put in place to facilitate the ongoing development of the Carbon Management  Plan to ensure all the relevant departments continue to contribute and have input;

·         How will overall performance be measured taking into consideration the contributing departments and work achieved in relation to the borough as a whole;

·         What methods will be used to raise awareness of Climate Change;

·         How will communities and businesses be encouraged to promote sustainable development; and

·         Will there be incentives for communities and businesses.


3.      Background information    


3.1    The Climate Change Framework is intended to be an overarching       framework. It will set out    the Council’s intention with respect to          tackling Climate Change and will outline the various strategies and action plan that are either in development or already in     place that will deliver against the stated objectives.


3.2    The vision of the Climate Change Framework is:


‘To reduce greenhouse gas emissions from across Maidstone Borough, including those from the services provided by the Council, and to better prepare and adapt Maidstone’s communities and businesses to the likely impacts of climate change with the aim of both protecting and enhancing the quality of life for the current and future residents of the borough.’


3.3     The objectives of the Framework are:


·         To reduce Maidstone Borough Council’s carbon emissions and those from the Borough as a whole;

·         To prepare and adapt Maidstone Borough for future climate change;

·         To raise the awareness and understanding of climate change and energy efficiency for residents, businesses, organisations and within the Council itself;

·         Encourage and promote sustainable development, sustainable business and sustainable transport with the aim of enabling communities to reduce their energy and water consumption and consequently carbon emissions; and

·         That all current and future MBC frameworks, strategies and action plans will seek to reduce carbon emissions in accordance with the vision of the Climate Change Framework.



4.      Impact on Corporate Objectives


4.1    Considering the draft Climate Change Framework and making recommendations should help to deliver the Council’s objectives for the Borough to be a place that is clean and green.


4.2    There are no risks involved in considering the draft Climate Change Framework and making recommendations.