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110215 Climate Change Framework v3 Appendix B







2011 – 2016












The Climate Change Framework (CCF) is the overarching document that will form the foundation through which Maidstone Borough Council will work to reduce carbon emissions and adapt to the challenges of a changing climate both within its own services and across the Borough.


Maidstone Borough Council recognises the increasing impact that climate change will have on communities in Maidstone and understands the crucial role it must play in reducing the Borough’s carbon emissions to help prevent the most damaging effects of climate change. It is committed to taking a lead in communicating and addressing the causes and impacts of climate change to benefit both the current and future residents of the Borough.


The Council signed up to the Nottingham Declaration in 2000 signifying Maidstone’s long term commitment to systematically addressing the causes of climate change and to prepare the community of Maidstone for its impacts. This Framework is intended to enhance this commitment and consolidate the Council’s efforts for the future. This Framework will be reviewed in 6 months to take account of any change in circumstances surrounding the national indicator dataset.





‘Climate Change is not only a massive threat to the global environment; it is also perhaps the greatest economic challenge facing us in the twenty-first century.’ (Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC))


Rising to the climate change challenge; ensuring that we reduce our emissions and minimising the impact of future climate change for the benefit of future generations to come; has become one of the most important tasks facing us today.


We must begin to consider the amount of energy and water that we consume, and why we consume it, as well as embracing sustainable transport options. Consideration of our environmental impact needs to become embedded in everyday practice if the challenging climate change targets are going to be met on a local, national and global scale.


Achievement of the objectives outlined below will help us to achieve sustainable thriving communities in Maidstone who are responding to the climate change challenge and who are able to lead their lives in a way that minimises their environmental impact, whilst not impacting on their quality of life.










The Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change (2006) said: “There is still time to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, if we act now and act internationally”


In recent years, climate change has started to play a greater role in the shaping of policies around the world and there is a significant movement towards tackling climate change. In terms of the legislation, the following is notable at different scales;


  1. Global


There are two international agreements on Climate Change: the Kyoto Protocol (1997) and the Copenhagen Accord (2009). The Kyoto Protocol agreed emission reduction targets which give developing countries flexibility to continue development but commits industrialised nations to reduce their emissions. The Copenhagen Accord endorses the continued use of those targets.


  1. European


In December 2008 the Climate and Energy Package was agreed by the European Parliament and Council and became law in June 2009. This made meeting the’20-20-20’ targets by 2020, which are as follows, legally binding:

  • A reduction of EU greenhouse gas emissions of at least 20% below 1990 levels;
  • 20% of the EU energy consumption is to come from renewable resources; and,
  • A 20% reduction in primary energy use compared with projected levels, to be achieved by improving energy efficiency.


  1. National (UK)


The Climate Change Act 2008 introduces the world’s first long-term legally binding framework to tackle the dangers of climate change and sets a legally binding target of an 80% cut in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, and an interim target of 34% by 2020, set against a baseline from  1990.


Other notable legislation includes;


  • The Energy Act (2008) which aims to reduce carbon dioxide emissions within the UK and abroad, whilst ensuring that the UK has secure, clean and affordable energy and details ways in which renewable energy sources will be encouraged in the UK.

·         Building a Greener Future (2007) confirms the Governments intention for all new homes to be zero carbon by 2016 with a major progressive tightening of the energy efficiency building regulations up to this point.

  • Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Bill (2009) will act to strengthen local authorities’ economic development role and it states that they will need to “consider the impact of local economic development on the environment, and how the local economy will be affected by the transition to a low-carbon economy”.


  1. Local


In April 2009, the Council adopted a new Sustainable Community Strategy ‘Maidstone 2020’ which sets out the overall strategic direction and long-term vision for the Borough. One of the key cross cutting themes was to ‘Establish Maidstone Borough’s reputation as a place for environmental excellence and action on climate change’. Topic 8: Environmental Excellence and Climate Change aims to deliver that theme through a number of objectives including the following;


·         Reduce waste;

·         Prepare the Borough’s communities and businesses to adapt to climate change – particularly extreme weather incidents such as drought, heat-waves, flooding and the requirement for adequate drainage to minimise surface run off;

·         Reduce carbon emissions from fossil fuels across transport commerce / business and domestic use;

·         Reduce fuel poverty in the Borough;

·         Improve air quality;


The Climate Change Framework will set out a structure through which this theme and related objectives can be delivered in the next 5 years, following on from the successful work of the previous Climate Change Plan 2005 – 2010.


In 2008 a new national indicator set was introduced to monitor the work surrounding climate change at a Local Authority level. Maidstone Borough Council signed up, with the other Kent authorities to report on the Climate Change indicators. In addition Maidstone Borough Council was signed up to report on a range of other indicators which deal with wider environmental and sustainability issues, all related and crucial with respect to the climate change challenge. The 3 principle Climate Change indicators are below;


  • NI 185 – Percentage CO2 reduction from local authority operations

·         NI 186 – Per capita reduction in CO2 emissions in the Local Authority area

  • NI 188 – Planning to adapt to climate change


In November 2008, the Cabinet set internal targets for an annual 3% reduction in carbon emissions from the Council’s operations with the aim of achieving a 20% reduction by 2016 and a 30% reduction by 2021, from a 2006/07 baseline.


However, as of the 13th October 2010, the national indicator dataset was withdrawn by the Coalition Government. They announced that they will replace this national indicator set with a single comprehensive list of all data expected to be provided to central government. Details of this single set have not yet been released but are expected by the time this interim document is reviewed. The Sustainable Communities Strategy will be refreshed in light of these changes.












To reduce greenhouse gas emissions from across Maidstone Borough, including those from the services provided by the Council, and to better prepare and adapt Maidstone’s communities and businesses to the likely impacts of climate change with the aim of both protecting and enhancing the quality of life for the current and future residents of the borough.




Maidstone Borough Council has determined the following 5 main objectives in relation to Climate Change:


1)      To reduce Maidstone Borough Council’s carbon emissions and those from the Borough as a whole;

2)      To prepare and adapt Maidstone Borough for future climate change;

3)      To raise the awareness and understanding of climate change and energy efficiency for residents, businesses, organisations, and within the Council itself;

4)      Encourage and promote sustainable development, sustainable business and sustainable transport with the aim of enabling communities to reduce their energy and water consumption and consequently carbon emissions; and,

5)      That all current and future MBC frameworks, strategies and action plans will seek to reduce carbon emissions in accordance with the vision of the Climate Change Framework.















The objectives of the Climate Change Framework will be met through the implementation of a number of specific action plans and other related strategies that are either currently in place, or are in development. To ensure that the objectives of the Climate Change Framework are fed into these, the following practices will be employed;


A)     Primary Climate Change Indicators

Specific action plans will be developed which will form the principle basis through which the Climate Change Framework will be delivered.


B)      Frameworks / Strategies / Action Plans – Already in Place

All plans which fall into this category will, at the next appropriate point, be reviewed in light of the Climate Change Framework and any updates or revisions must take the objectives of this framework into account.


C)      Frameworks / Strategies / Action Plans – In development

Any plans which are currently in development must be developed in conjunction with the Climate Change Framework to ensure they support the delivery of this overarching framework.


A)   Primary Climate Change Indicators


In relation to the 3 primary climate change national indicators, Maidstone Borough Council is currently developing specific action plans for each indicator, to ensure that the individual issues associated with each national indicator are suitably addressed.


Once published the action plans will form the principle basis through which the Climate Change Framework will be targeted and delivered;


  • Carbon Management Plan (CMP) – NI 185
  • Carbon Emissions Reduction Action Plan (CERAP) – NI 186
  • Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan (CCAAP) – NI 188


B)    Associated Frameworks / Strategies / Action Plans – Already in Place


There are a number of frameworks / strategies / action plans that are currently in place that have a significant impact on the delivery of the Climate Change Framework and these are detailed below. As discussed above, at the next appropriate point, these will be reviewed in light of the Climate Change Framework and any updates or reviews must take the vision and objectives of this framework into account.


  • Sustainable Communities Strategy
  • Economic Development Strategy
  • Procurement Strategy
  • Maidstone Town Air Quality Action Plan
  • ICT Strategy
  • Emergency Plan
  • Waste Strategy


C)    Associated Frameworks / Strategies / Action Plans – In development


There are a number of frameworks / strategies / action plans that are in development that have a significant impact on the delivery of the Climate Change Framework and these are detailed below. As noted above, these should be developed in conjunction with this framework to ensure that they support the delivery of the vision and objectives.


  • Local Development Framework
  • Housing Strategy
  • Integrated Transport Strategy
  • Biodiversity Action Plan
  • Water Cycle Strategy


Local Strategic Partnership – Environmental Quality Delivery Group


The Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) is a partnership of key agencies which aim to assist in the delivery of the Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS). This is delivered through a number of delivery groups including the Environmental Quality Delivery Group which aims to establish Maidstone Borough’s reputation as a place for environmental excellence and action on climate change. To achieve this it has three key themes: carbon reduction, carbon adaptation and waste. This will be a key group through which the Climate Change Framework will be delivered.




The Climate Change Officers Working Group is currently in the process of being reinstated and it is intended that this group will provide the forum through which the Climate Change Framework will be implemented and monitored. The Climate Change Officers Working Group will be made up of officers from across the Council that work in the associated areas in relation to the strategies and actions plans outlined above, to ensure that work can progress to meet the objectives over the next 5 years. The main purpose of the group will be to coordinate the overall implementation of, monitor and review, the Climate Change Framework, Carbon Emissions Reduction Action Plan, Carbon Management Plan and the Climate Change Adaptation Plan. The group will meet every 4 months.















More information on the Climate Change Framework can be obtained from:


Name:                  Jennifer Hunt


Position:              Environmental Management Systems Project Manager




Telephone:         01622 602 471

