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Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Environment and Transportation Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Future Work Programme 2010-2011



Items to be considered

15 June 2010


  • Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman
  • Work Programming Workshop

20 July 2010



17 August


  • Interview with the Cabinet Member for Environment – priorities for the year
  • Interview with the Cabinet Member for Leisure and Culture – priorities for the year
  • First quarter performance monitoring: Interview with Jonathan Scott concerning Street Cleansing performance
  • First quarter performance monitoring: Interview with Brian Morgan concerning performance of the Park and Ride service.


21 September 2010

·         Home Office consultation - Review of Waste Policies: Written update on the outcome of the meeting on 16 September of the Kent Waste Partnership.

·         Update on charges for bulky waste collection and the waste strategy.

·         Interview with the Cabinet Member for Environment on the above items

·         LSP thematic quarterly performance report – Interview the Leader and / or specific partners depending on performance issues


19 October 2010

·         Cleansing of streets and rural areas: - written update

  • Integrated Transport Strategy: –Interview with Michael Thornton and Peter Rosevear
  • Air Quality Action Plan – Interview with John Newington, Senior Pollution Officer


16 November 2010

  • Car Parks and Park and Ride

14 December 2010


18 January 2011

  • Local Transport Plan for Kent 2011-01-10
  • Interview with Paul Crick, KCC Director of Integrated Transport Strategy and Planning
  • Carbon Management Plan
  • Interview with Jennifer Hunt, EMS Project Manager; and David Tibbit, Property & Procurement Manager

15 February 2011

·         Security of water supplies:

·         Interviews with Lee Dance, Head of Resource and Environmental at South East Water and Building Control

·         Climate Change Framework:

·         Interview with Jennifer Hunt

·         LSP Performance Report – Written Update

15 March 2011

  • Consider draft scrutiny report on Communal Spaces
  • Provision, Maintenance and Ownership of Communal Spaces: Interview witnesses


19 April 2011

·         LSP thematic quarterly performance report

  • Interview with Cabinet Member for Environment – progress over the year
  • Interview with the Cabinet Member for Leisure and Culture – progress over the year