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110221 LDDAG + OS chronology App A v2

Appendix A


Chronology of Events relating to the Core Strategy Development Plan Document




Member Presentations/ Workshops

Publication of New Evidence

Government Planning Policy Changes

29 June 2009

Cabinet – Decision to restart Core Strategy programme




August 2009



Retail Needs Assessment Study


22 September 2009

LDDAG – Development of a settlement hierarchy for Maidstone borough




September 2009



Employment Land Review (update)


11 November 2009


Presentations on employment, housing and retail needs



02 December 2009

LDDAG – Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report

Presentation on the water cycle strategy

Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report


24 February 2010

LDDAG – Format and content of the Core Strategy; designation of rural service centres; development of a green and blue infrastructure strategy; town centre policy directions for the Core Strategy




February 2010



Town Centre Study


March 2010



Strategic Housing Market Assessment


16 June 2010


Establishment of Core Strategy Members Working Group as a cross-party sounding board to aid communication and discuss spatial planning policy issues



28 June 2010

LDDAG – Core Strategy draft vision and objectives

Presentation on the initial findings of the landscape character assessment



30 June 2010


Presentation on the demise of the regional strategy, emergence of a new planning system, and impact on the Core Strategy



June 2010



Water Cycle Study


June 2010




PPS3: Housing – deletes national indicative minimum density of 30 dwellings per hectare; removes private residential gardens from the definition of previously developed land

06 July 2010




Secretary of State attempts to revoke regional strategies and the imposed housing targets

26 July 2010

LDDAG – Core Strategy draft core policies




23 August 2010


Presentation and workshop on the methodology for setting a local housing target and the approach to determining the distribution of development



13 September 2010

14 September 2010

15 September 2010

22 September 2010

29 September 2010


Leisure & Prosperity O&S


Leisure & Prosperity O&S


Approval of the methodology for setting a local housing target and the testing of 5 development scenarios for a dwelling target and distribution of development; approval of the approach to setting a numerical target for gypsy and traveller pitches to 2016




25 October 2010


Workshop to establish Members’ priorities for 30 elements that would assist in the testing of development scenarios



October 2010



Sensitivity Tests: Retail Needs Assessment Study


October 2010



Demographic and Labour Supply Forecasts


10 November 2010




Action to revoke regional strategies challenged and, following judicial review, the Secretary of State’s decision of 6 July is quashed

14 December 2010




Localism Bill published – proposed abolition of regional strategies; retention of LDF system; scope for neighbourhood planning; confirmed introduction of CIL.  Bill expected to be enacted within 6 to 9 months; regulations to be rolled out over time; new National Planning Policy Framework excluded from the Bill (therefore non statutory)

06 January 2011


Workshop on proposed housing and employment targets and the distribution of development to take forward as the basis for drafting the Core Strategy for public participation



07 February 2011




High Court ruling on regional strategies: the government’s intended abolition of regional strategies is a material consideration when making planning decisions.

09 February 2011

Cabinet agree a local housing target of 10,080 dwellings (2006-2026) and a development distribution that will underpin preparation of the draft Core Strategy for public participation; also agree a target of 71 pitches (2006-2011) for gypsy and traveller accommodation