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Maidstone Borough Council


Regeneration and Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Thursday 18 December 2008


Presentation of Petition and Call-In: Managing On and Off Street Parking Demand


Report of: Overview and Scrutiny Officer



7a) Presentation of Petition: Managing On and Off Street Parking Demand


1.        Background


1.1     In accordance with the constitution a petition with 100 or more signatures can be presented to the Council, its Committees or any of its Sub-Committees.  The procedural rules for petitions are attached at Appendix A.


1.2     This petition has been presented to the Regeneration and Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee as it concerns parking.


2.        Recommendation


2.1   Members are recommended to interview the Cabinet Member for Environment and the appropriate Officers to ascertain what action should be recommended. 


2.2   In accordance with the constitution, at the conclusion of the speech of the presenter the petition may be:

(i)      referred without further discussion to the next ordinary meeting of the appropriate Committee or Sub-Committee or to the Cabinet or the appropriate Cabinet Member when it will be included on the appropriate officers' report;

(ii)      considered at the meeting in conjunction with any report that has been placed on the agenda concerning the matter raised in the petition; or

(iii)    considered at the meeting if Members feel that a report is not necessary.



7b)  Call-In: Managing On and Off Street Parking Demand


3.        Background


3.1        Councillors Schnell and Sellar have called-in the decision, as attached, of the Cabinet Member for Environment with regard to Managing On and Off Street Parking Demand.


3.2        In order to assist Members in their consideration of this issue the following documents have been attached to this agenda:



Call-in Form

Report for Decision: Managing On and Off Street Parking Demand


Record of Decision of the Cabinet Member for Environment



3.3        The Cabinet Member for Environment and the Parking Services Manager, Jeff Kitson will be in attendance at the meeting for interview.


4.        Recommendation


4.1.   The reasons for calling-in the Cabinet Member for Environment’s decision are stated as:


“No consideration has been given within the report to the hardship this will cause residents at a time of economic slow down or to the impact this will have on local businesses and services such as dentists and doctors surgeries.  The reasons for the changes to North Ward are unsubstantiated and there is no rigour behind the reason provided for the fall in municipal car park receipts.  Questions relating to the administration and implementation costs remain unanswered”


4.2.   The Committee should consider the decision of the Cabinet Member for Environment against the above reason. 


4.3.   Having considered the call-in the Committee has three options for action:


(i)          Take no action – the decision will be implemented as taken by the Cabinet Member for Environment on 28 November 2008.


(ii)     Refer to the Cabinet Member for Environment – the comments of the Committee will be referred to the Cabinet Member for Environment for reconsideration of the decision within five working days, after which a final decision will be made.


(iii)    Refer to Council – the comments of the Committee and decision of the Cabinet Member for Environment will be referred to Council.  If Council does not object to the Cabinet Member for Environment’s decision it will be implemented.  If Council does object, it does not have power to make a decision unless the Cabinet Member for Environment’s decision is against the policy framework or contrary to or inconsistent with the budget.  Unless that is the case, Council will refer its comments back to the Cabinet Member for Environment for reconsideration of the decision within five working days, after which a final decision will be made.