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0135 urgent update

Item 18, Page 69






Additional documentation

Additional documentation, being drawing numbers Maidstone/122 and Maidstone/128, landscape statement and covering email received 28th February 2011 and drawing number Maidstone/10 rev A received 2nd March 2011 have been received by the Local Planning Authority. A full reconsultation of interested parties was undertaken as a result. This consultation period expired on 14th March 2011.

Consultation Response

As a result of the reconsultation, one representation was received from a Member which raised concerns about the procedural detail of the application, in particular the fact that the Committee report had been finalised prior to the publicity expiry date, and that a subsequent reconsultation of interested parties had taken place.

In addition, a further three objections were received from two households. They raised the following concerns:

●        Loss of landscaping.

●        Surfacing materials to be used in the construction of the driveway.

●        Level of vehicular and cycle parking provision.

●        Harm to residential amenity through loss of privacy.

●        Disruption of the building line.

●        The description of the proposal.

Officer Comment

Additional documentation has been received and consulted on, and the responses received to date are summarised below.

In regard to the objections received since the Committee report was finalised, I have the following comments to make. The proposed development is a single storey dwellinghouse, albeit with accommodation in the roof space, and as such the description of the proposal is considered to be correct. With regard to the provision of cycling storage, there is no requirement for the applicant to provide any, and in any case, the scale of the facility is considered adequate for provision of vertical storage. The other points raised have been previously addressed in the main Committee report.


Any further responses will be reported in a further urgent update.




My recommendation remains unchanged.