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Cabinet, Council or Committee Report for Review of Committees enc. 1


Draft Overview and Scrutiny Committee Structure Options

Three Committees Aligned to the Priorities

Each overview and scrutiny committee will be responsible for scrutinising policy framework documents that fall within their respective terms of reference.


Corporate Services OSC

9 Members


Cabinet Scrutiny


Performance Management Scrutiny

Corporate Documents including the Strategic Plan, Strategic Risk Register and MTFS


Business Improvement

Customer Care and Complaints

Budget Scrutiny

Emergency Planning


LSP and Locality Boards

Legal Services

Procurement and Asset Management


Audit Service




Regeneration and Economic Development OSC

9 Members





Public Transport

Economic Development

Support for Business

Visitor Economy

Learning and Skills


LDF and Core Strategy

Regeneration projects



Communities OSC

9 Members

Community Development

Social Inclusion and Equalities



Revenues and Benefits

Parks and open spaces

Environmental Services

Waste and Recycling

Street Cleansing

Active Citizenship and Democracy

Neighbourhood Action Planning

Vulnerable People and deprivation

Crime and Disorder (responsibility for acting as CDRP OSC twice a year)


One Overview and Scrutiny Committee – plus Sub Committees and Task and Finish Panels

It would be up to the OSC to agree which sub committees it needed and how long they would be appointed for. Below are some examples. The task and finish panels would be appointed by the OSC on a time limited basis to carry out scrutiny reviews.


Overview and Scrutiny Committee

13 Members

Cabinet Scrutiny


Performance Management Scrutiny

Corporate Policy Documents including the Strategic Plan, Strategic Risk Register and MTFS

Scrutiny of all Council Services

Power to appoint Sub Committees and task and finish panels to carry out any of the functions above and scrutiny reviews

CDRP OSC Sub Committee

Determined by Parent Committee

Meet twice a year in accordance with the SMP scrutiny protocol to scrutinise crime and disorder matters and the work of the SMP

Planning  Scrutiny Panel

Determined by Parent Committee

To scrutinise all documents relating to the LDF and Core Strategy

Housing Consultative Board

Determined by Parent Committee


To give advice to the Cabinet and the Cabinet Member with responsibility for housing on;

a) Housing Strategy, housing needs and the Housing Investment Programme

b) The provision of housing including the type, size and tenure

c) The delivery of new affordable homes

d) Homelessness, temporary

accommodation and the provision of

housing advice

e) The council’s Allocation Scheme and

performance of the housing register

f) The Supporting People programme

g) Changes to housing legislation,

regulation and policy


Topic Scrutiny Panel

As agreed by OSC