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Rural Economy Review - SCRAIP



Report Title: Leisure & Prosperity – Rural Economy Review


Report of Leisure & Prosperity Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Date of Publication: 9 June 2011


Dates to report back to Committee:      






Dec 2011


6 months after publication


June 2012


12 months after publication







Chief Officer /Cabinet





Lead Officer[v]

The Economic Development Strategy July 2008 needs to be revised to show an equal focus on the rural and urban aspects of the Borough and reflect the recent changes concerning the Localism Bill.


Chief Officers of Economic Development




To lobby for station improvements within the rural areas to allow better disabled access to all platforms.


Full Cabinet




That the Cabinet Members for Environment and Regeneration support the future work programme for 2011/12 and that the rural economy transport issues are suitably addressed as part of the Local Development Framework.


Cabinet Members




The Cabinet Members for Regeneration and Environment should lobby support to the Growth Without Gridlock team on the major priorities concerning Maidstone in the Rail Action Plan for Kent Strategy.


Cabinet Members




As the new plan is being devised, the Committee would like to see a stronger recognition of the rural transport issues and provide detail on how the Council intend to overcome the current obstacles.


Full Cabinet




Following the announcements of the first successful round of applications for the Superfast Broadband Pilot Fund in mid May 2011, the Committee see which applicants have been successful within the borough, and what the next procedure is before this can be implemented.


IT/Economic Development Officers




The Cabinet Member for Regeneration seeks methods to educate Maidstone residents in renewable energy benefits, perhaps with the help of Distributed Generation Ltd at possible community and town events.


Cabinet Member




In line with the Council’s Sustainable Procurement Strategy , the Council support businesses within the borough when possible


Full Cabinet




The Cabinet Member for Community Services investigates any licence issues regarding obtaining a business recycling point in Marden.


Cabinet Member




The Cabinet Member seeks the possibility of creating a ‘bank roll’ service, using Cornwall Council as an example, in order to support applicants in the Leader Programme.


Cabinet Member




The Cabinet Member liaises with the Director of Change, Planning and the Environment and the Head of Development Management to reduce the time taken for planning to write confirmation that no planning permission was required on the site concerned.  This may include highlighting to the Leader Programme team the process to apply for Certificate for Lawful Developments on sites concerning the Leader Programe.



Cabinet Member




That the Cabinet Member and Leader of the Council should ensure planning policies reflect the contemporary needs of Maidstone’s agricultural businesses. Spatial planning policies should be pro-active in encouraging planning applications for renewables and polytunnels (where appropriate and done in a sensitive manner)to help our agricultural community compete.


Full Cabinet




That the Cabinet Member and Leader of the Council should ensure planning policies reflect the contemporary needs of Maidstone’s agricultural businesses. Spatial planning policies should be pro-active in encouraging planning applications for renewables and polytunnels (where appropriate and done in a sensitive manner)to help our agricultural community compete.


Full Cabinet




The Committee would like the Council to give encouragement for local affordable housing schemes in the rural communities. Ways of incentivising such schemes should be given consideration.


Full Cabinet




Cabinet Member to pursue lobbying KCC Members to review the procedure for renewing and mending brown tourism signs.


Cabinet Member




That  the neighbourhood forum meets with the business forums from time to time to help lobby the council with issues as a community.


Janet Barnes/Cabinet Member




The Cabinet Member should review the possibility of adapting the boroughs neighborhood forums using Merton Council as an example.


Cabinet Member





Notes on the completion of SCRAIP

[i] Report recommendations are listed as found in the report.


[ii] Insert in this box the Cabinet Member whose portfolio the recommendation falls within.


[iii] The Officer/Cabinet Member responsible for responding to the recommendation should indicate in this box either the acceptance or rejection of the recommendation.

If the recommendation is rejected an explanation for its rejection should be provided.  The ‘timetable’ and ‘lead officer’ boxes can be left blank

If the recommendation is accepted an explanation of the action to be taken to implement the recommendation should be recorded in this box.  Please also complete the ‘timetable’ and ‘lead officer’ boxes.


[iv] The Officer/Cabinet Member responsible for responding to the recommendation should indicate in this box when the action in indicated in the previous box will be implemented.


[v] The Officer/Cabinet Member responsible for responding to the recommendation should indicate in this box the Officer responsible for the implementation of the action highlighted in the ‘response’ box.