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110419 E&T DRAFT minutes 2



MINUTES OF THE Environment and Transportation Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting held on Tuesday 19 April 2011



Councillor Mrs Blackmore (Chairman)

Councillors Ross, Verrall, Vizzard and Yates




95.       The Committee to consider whether all items on the agenda should be web-cast


Resolved:  That all items should be web cast with exception to Item 10, Update on Transport Modelling, and Item 12, Update on King Street Car Park.




96.       Apologies for Absence


An apology for absence was received from Councillor Beerling.




97.       Notification of Substitute Members


There were no substitute members.




98.       Notification of Visiting Members


There were no visiting members




99.       Disclosures by Members and Officers:


There were no disclosures of interests.




100.    To consider whether any items should be taken in private because of the possible disclosure of exempt information


Resolved:  That Item 10, Update on Transport Modelling and Item 12, Update on King Street Car Park should be taken in private because of the likely disclosure of exempt information; Item 10 for the reasons specified in category 2 of the constitution (information which is subject to any obligations of confidentiality) and Item 12 for reasons of financial information (category 3) having applied the public interests test.




101.    Minutes of the Meeting held on 15 April 2010


Resolved: That the minutes of the Environment and Transportation Overview and Scrutiny meeting of the 15 March be agreed as a correct record and duly signed by the Chairman.





102.    Amendment to Order of Business


It was agreed by the Committee that Item 10, Update on Transport Modelling, be taken before Item 8, Progress update from the Cabinet Member for Environment.





103.    Exclusion of the Public from the Meeting


Resolved:   That the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business due to the likely disclosure of exempt information for the reason specified under schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972:






Head of Schedule 12A and Brief Description

Transport Modelling Update

2 - Information which is likely to reveal the identity of an individual.




104.    Update on Transport Modelling


Public minute of Transport Modelling Workshop Update.


The Chairman introduced Flo Churchill, Interim Head of Core Strategy Development who thanked the Committee for accommodating her request at short notice.


Ms Churchill updated the Committee on the Transportation Modelling Workshop and a new appointment to her team which would enable them to go forward more quickly and effectively with the Core Strategy.  With reference to the Workshop, Ms Churchill felt that there was some divergence from Members on a number of fundamental issues including cycling, Park and Ride provision and operation, and town centre parking.  The Officer informed Members that it was also recognised that there was a need to ‘bring together the transport strands’ by working with Kent County Council and also to remember the importance of rural areas.

Funding issues were highlighted to the Committee; they were told that support from KCC was reducing so there would be a need for creative and considered thinking in this area. Ms Churchill spoke of a staffing restructure at County level which would have an effect on current resources.  Members were informed that that Peter Rosevear’s secondment from KCC Highways, currently full time, would reduce to two days a week.  The new appointment mentioned was to be a senior, temporary post which would help ensure the Core Strategy continued to move forward. The Officer explained that a pattern for spatial distribution had to be agreed as well as a consensus from Members on the assumption of the Park and Ride and the impact of congestion. The officer informed the Committee that the transport model would have to be re-run but this would not happen at present as it would cause delay to the Core Strategy going forward. 


The Committee questioned the comments which were included in the member’s feedback from the transport modelling workshop and whose attitude was reflected in the request for ‘realism in the Transport plan’.  Ms Churchill explained that the comment was directed at Officers to ensure that a realistic approach was taken with an awareness of the restrictions in funding.  The Committee discussed joined up thinking and a collaborative approach suggesting the inclusion of the Business sector in this.  The Officer felt that the current working arrangements in place between KCC and Maidstone Borough Council in the shared resource, Peter Rosevear from Highways, working full time with the Core Strategy team reflected this approach. Ms Churchill told the Committee she wanted to ensure a close working relationship was established with Businesses and the Rural Economies Field Trip, arranged by the Leisure and Prosperity Overview and Scrutiny Committee, had helped to enable that.  The Officer explained that having spoken to the rural business community she wanted to ensure this continued through the neighbourhood forums.

Members raised the issue of traffic speed, particularly near schools.  The Officer told members that this was not an issue that had been raised in the workshops and was not something the authority had influence over. As the Core Strategy developed any issues that arose that Maidstone were unable to address would be passed on to KCC. The Committee reiterated the need for a joined up approach to transport, especially with the County responsible for so much.


Members asked the Officer, as someone new to the town, what her initial impression of the town and its transport system was.  Ms Churchill told the Committee that she thought the Park and Ride worked very well despite its sometimes early closure.  The Officer felt that the level of car parking in the town centre was excessive and described other options such as the car sharing scheme promoted by KCC and Green Travel Plans. In response to the Committee’s suggestions regarding an alternative route to the A229 Ms Churchill felt that a bypass was not a solution to the traffic congestion in the town but car parking on the other side of the town, increasing the frequency and availability of the Park and Ride and addressing the issue of free bus pass users using the Park and Ride were all areas that could be explored.  The Officer agreed with the Committee that it was about finding one solution and devising a strategy that encompassed both parking and Park and Ride.  Rail travel was discussed in relation to a joined up approach to transport and the need for those coming into Maidstone to use the rail facilities being considered and accommodated in Maidstone’s transport infrastructure.


The Officer concluded the discussion by reminding Members of the new staffing resource that would help explore the way forward.






a)   That the Committee be kept informed on Core Strategy developments and Members workshops; and


b)   That the meeting be reopened to the public.






105.    End of Year Progress Update from the Cabinet Member for Leisure and Culture


Councillor Ash, Cabinet Member for Leisure and Culture, was welcomed to the meeting and began by updating the Committee on the Crematorium and the improvement project that was now reaching an end.  The Cabinet Member described the new music system and its vast online library as well as other features that made the facilities on offer comparable with Medway and Kent and Sussex. The Cabinet Member informed Members of the favourable feedback he had received and extended his thanks to Deborah Herbert-Evans, Tim Jefferson and the rest of the team.  Members were told that the chapel, a Grade 1 listed building, would need to be addressed in the near future and would cost a vast sum to restore as the cost of repair had grown with other projects having taken priority for so long. 


The Committee was updated on Parks and Open Spaces and in particular the Mote Park Improvement Project.  Members were told that work had begun with the scrub clearance but there was a lot more to come over the next year. Through Section 106 Agreements money had been allocated for replanting in Rocky Hill and many other locations in the town including Palace Avenue Gardens and Brenchley Gardens.  The Committee was informed that Green Flags had been awarded to Clare Park and Whatman Park and that legal work had recently been completed to enable Water Sports to return to Mote Park.


Councillor Ash also discussed the natural play area for 8-13 year olds due to come to Mote Park after a consultation process involving over 250 people and the BMX track funded by redbull which was the result of 3 local school boys’ hard work. Members discussed the benefits to projects like Mote Park of volunteers and the organisation ‘Friends of Mote Park’.

The Cabinet Member mentioned Allotments and a report due to come forward on the duplication of organisations facilitating including the Management Team and the Allotment Gardens Association.  Councillor Ash congratulated Jason Taylor and the Parks and Opens Spaces team. The Committee queried a review of allotment finances that had been discussed earlier in the year which Councillor Ash agreed to follow up.


Members questioned an issue that had arisen earlier in the municipal year regarding damaged headstones.  The Cabinet Member confirmed that that there had been no further problems.


The Chairman thanked the Cabinet Member for attending.


Resolved that the update be noted.





106.    End of Year Progress Update from the Cabinet Member for Environment


The Committee welcomed Councillor Ben Sherreard, Cabinet Member for the Environment, to the meeting.  Councillor Sherreard updated the Committee on the Freighter Service which he said was running successfully.  Members questioned the amount of refuse from the Freighter Service going to land fill.  The Cabinet Member explained that everything that could be recycled, including garden waste had now been removed with only bulky items remaining.  Councillor Sherreard moved on to the Best Value Review of Waste and Recycling and the Waste Strategy which was the Council’s first Waste Strategy.  Members were told that the food waste recycling had already peaked at 130 tonnes which demonstrated 70 % participation.  This exceeded the overall recycling target of over 50%.  The Committee was informed that the food waste was composted at Glaze Farm into high grade compost which was given out free of charge to local farmers; it was on its way to achieving a standard of goodness, free from contamination which once achieved would allow for the Council’s ground maintenance teams to use it. Members questioned the measures in place now the recycling target had been met.  The Cabinet Member explained that there was only so much that the authority was responsible for and they were coming to the end of what could be achieved at present. The opportunities for the Waste Strategy now were what was happened next and the example of Glaze farm composting was given.


With regard to street cleaning, Members were told that the way in which feedback was sought had been changed from feedback questionnaires on postcards to the team going out and talking to people in the community which was proving far more successful.  The Council had issued 3,500 fixed penalty notices (FPNs) to date and there was a visible improvement in the levels of littering as a result.  The majority of FPNs were paid on time and if pursued to court, there was a 100% success rate.  Members were told that a small number of cases had been dropped and Kent Police had been called to one or two incidents.  Councillor Sherreard told the Committee he was impressed with the team and had received a letter from a member of the public who had been issued a fine to compliment the team on the professional manner the fine had been given. He explained that the fines also helped tackle littering caused by the night time economy. Members queried the types of littering the fines were issued for and whether they included dog fouling.  The Cabinet Member agreed to provide a breakdown of the types of littering the fines had been issued for.  The Committee was informed that the team would soon begin wearing cameras as a means of protecting a person’s safety and to show that there was no intimidation taking place in response to discussions on adverse publicity and feedback surrounding the team.


Members raised questions about tetra pack recycling and suggested that additional facilitates could be located in Council owned car parks in areas where a supermarket is not providing this.  


The Committee praised the improved cleanliness of the borough and were also informed that fly tipping had fallen by 400 incidents over the year.  Members questioned the possibility of the recycling facilities at Tovil being charged for as had been reported in Somerset. Councillor Sherreard informed the Committee that this was not something he was aware of but should it come to light, he would strongly oppose it.

Members raised the issue of air quality hotspots.  The Cabinet Member explained the Action Plan and that there were things that could be done in Maidstone but it was difficult because of the way the town had developed.  He told the Committee that the issues came down to the way in which transport moved through the town.  Councillor Sherreard explained that it was about looking at the issue as a whole within the Core Strategy and Integrated Transport Strategy and not working in silos.  The Committee was informed that the Carbon Management Plan which demonstrated how the Council would achieve a 20% reduction in its own emissions would provide £8.5 Million in savings over the life of the plan.


The Cabinet Member was thanked for attending the meeting.



It was resolved that:


a)   The use of MBC of car parks for recycling facilities should be explored;

b)   Statistics showing a breakdown of the types of littering Fixed Penalty Notices are issued for should be provided to the Committee

c)   There should be a continued engagement with the community to use food waste recycling from the Waste and Recycling Team;

d)   The Committee should be provided with a full list of what is being recycled from the freighter service and what is going to land fill; and

e)   The Committee should be advised on the next steps for the Waste Strategy now the recycling target had been achieved.





107.    Securing Water Supplies Draft Review


Members discussed the draft Water Report which brought together the Committee’s investigations into water shortages and water efficiency over two previous meetings.  Over the course of the meetings Members interviewed Alan Turner, Principle regeneration and Project’s Officer at KCC, Lee Dance, Head of Development Management and Steve Clarke, Principle Planning Officer.  The Committee had also sought to engage with Southern Water but to no avail.


Members felt that the inspector’s report from the recent South East water enquiry was something that needed to be referenced in the report and the inclusion of the water companies strategies to provide an outlook for the next 5- 10 years. With the inclusion of this information members felt that the report would be more conclusive.


It was resolved: That the Chairman and the Scrutiny Officer would meet to discuss the changes proposed and a final copy would be circulated by email to the Committee for comments.





108.    Future Overview and Scrutiny Work Programming 2011-2012


The Chairman asked the Committee to consider items for the Overview and Scrutiny work programme 2011-2012.


Members discussed the Joint Working group which incorporated Members from Partnerships and Well-Being and Environment and Transportation Overview and Scrutiny who had looked at Air Quality issues in the borough with a view to establishing a Low Emission Zone. The Working Group had been established in relation to the remit available to council’s and communities via the Sustainable Communities Act to meet the challenges of sustainability and local well-being.  The new direction given from the Local Government Association, the ‘selector’ body, regarding the Sustainable Communities Act was in relation to ‘barrier busting’; to help facilitate a change by removing a bureaucratic obstacle that prevented ideas from being put into action.   Councillor Vizzard informed Members about the Sustainable Transport 2011 – Greening the transport sector conference he attended with Councillor Paterson which included talks on the use of bikes, smart ticketing and electric cars.  Councillor Vizzard felt that a great deal of emphasis had been placed on the use of electric cars at the conference.  Members discussed and ideas previously explored which was to include an electric car in the MBC vehicle fleet thereby endorsing its use. 


The Committee discussed the work that had been carried out by Scrutiny over the past year and areas that they felt needed to be revisited as well as new items for the agenda.


Resolved: That the following items be put forward for the Overview and Scrutiny work programme:


  • Communal Open Spaces – Are there too many in one area?;
  • Railways – The high speed link and the structure in place to facilitate this i.e. car parks;
  • Park and Ride - Parking Strategy/Integrated Transport Strategy incorporating Park and Ride ;
  • Big Society – The integration of charities in activities, their place in MBC society; and
  • Is Maidstone a town you can live in if you are disabled?  Exploring traffic/pedestrian interface, barriers to disabled vehicle use, drop kerbs etc.






109.    Exclusion of the Public from the Meeting


Resolved:   That the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business due to the likely disclosure of exempt information for the reason specified under schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972:






Head of Schedule 12A and Brief Description

Written Update on King Street Car Park

3 - Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding this information).




110.    Exempt: Update on King Street Car Park


The Committee considered the written update on King Street Car Park, the cost of refurbishment and the impact a derelict site would have on that area of the town.


It was resolved that further updates should be requested as and when they happen.





111.    INFORMATION: New Strategic Priorities

