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Appendix B:

Key Milestones for Implementation


By end of:


Decision by Councils on the Partnership in October 2010


Phase 1: Service Infrastructure

(Management / Business Support / Systems)


1.   Initial all staff briefings / communication

November 2010


2.   Formal consultation with Managers, team leaders & Business support staff (extended to all staff)

November 2010


3.   Advertise and appoint Head of Service Revenues & Benefits

December 2010


4.   Negotiations finalized for back office system (Capita) and Anite EDMS

December 2010


5.   Advertise and appoint Section Managers for Revenues  Team and Benefits Team

January 2011


6.   Advertise and appoint Team Leaders & Business Support staff

February 2011


7.   Review – Implementation of phase 1

March 2011


Phase 2: Back Office Implementation

(Fraud / Benefits Processing / Revenues)


8.   Formal staff consultation – Fraud and Visiting team

March 2011

No longer required

9.   Contract start for shared back office system (Capita)

April 2011

On Schedule

10.EDMS data migration to Anite and system live

April 2011

Revised date

July 2011

11. Advertise and appoint Fraud and Visiting Team Members

April 2011


12. Formal staff consultation with Benefits Processing Team

May 2011

No longer required

13. Advertise and appoint Benefits Processing Team

June 2011


14. Migration to central back office system

June 2011

Revised date

August 2011

15.Formal staff consultation with Revenues Team

July 2011

No longer required

16.Advertise and appoint Revenues Team

August 2011


17.Advertise and appoint additional Contact Centre Staff

August 2011

No longer required

Phase 3: Service Review


18. Review to confirm savings achieved, savings forecast and opportunities for development/ improvement

March 2012

On schedule