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Minutes of Previous Meeting





Minutes of the meeting held on

Wednesday 20 April 2011




Maidstone Borough Council



Councillors Cooke (Chairman), Mrs Blackmore, English, Hinder, Marchant, Ross, J E Wilson and J.A. Wilson




Kent County Council



County Councillors Chittenden, Daley, Robertson and Mrs Stockell


Kent Association for Local Councils


Parish Councillor Butcher



Councillors Ash and Mrs Gooch




46.        Apologies for Absence


An apology was received from Councillor Hotson.




47.        Notification of Substitute Members


There were no Substitute Members.




48.        Notification of Visiting Members


Councillors Ash and Gooch were in attendance.




49.        Disclosures by Members and Officers


Councillor Hinder declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 13 – Update on Petitions Submitted to Kent Highway Services, as he is a member of Boxley Parish Council.




50.        Disclosures of lobbying


Councillors Hinder and Mrs Stockell declared they had been lobbied on Agenda Item 7, notice of petition regarding reducing the speed limit on Charlton Lane, West Farleigh and Councillors Mrs Blackmore, Chittenden, English and Robertson declared they had been lobbied on petitions included in the update at Agenda Item 13.




51.        Minutes


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 19 January 2011 be approved as a correct record and signed.




52.        Petitions


Mr Bruce Scott, the Chairman of West Farleigh Parish Council, presented a petition to the Board to reduce the speed limit on Charlton Lane, West Farleigh from 60 mph to 30 mph for the safety and protection of all residents and road users.


Mr Scott stated that the stretch of road concerned is 1,100 metres long, it services 83 properties, including houses, homes for the elderly and the Dandelion Trust who help young people, is on a bus route and pedestrians are required to walk on the road as there is only a small section with pavement.  There is also a village green with a children’s play area and an area for ball games.


Mr Scott also stated that the definition of a village is “20 houses, main length of road between 600 metres and 800 metres” and West Farleigh Parish Council feel strongly that Charlton Lane fits these criteria.  The Parish Council is aware of the current financial climate and is willing to help pay towards the cost of implementing this scheme.


The Local Transport and Development Manager from Kent County Council informed the Board that Councillor Mrs Stockell has agreed to fund the cost of the reduced speed limit in Charlton Lane from her Member Highway Fund and that KCC will be proceeding on that basis.  A Traffic Regulation Order to reduce the speed limit will be produced.




53.        Questions/Statements by members of the public


There were no questions/statements by members of the public.




54.        Winter Damage Repairs - Update Information


The Board considered the report of the Director of Kent Highway Services – Winter Damage Repairs – Update Information.


The Board were informed that the first phase was to find and fix the most severe pot holes.  The next phase will be across the whole of the Borough and Officers believe the surfacing list has now been prepared and will circulate it to Members.


It was raised that Members should be kept informed of road re-surfacing work in their Wards and Officers were asked to note an area in Binbury Road, Stockbury that had about 20-30 pot holes that needed repairing.




1.           That the report be noted.

2.           That KCC Officers circulate the surfacing list to all Members of the Board.

3.           That KCC Officers investigate the reported potholes in Binbury Road, Stockbury.

4.           That KCC Officers keep Members informed of all proposed re-surfacing works in their Wards.




55.        Update on Member Highway Funds


The Board considered the report of the Head of Transport and Development – Update on Member Highway Funds.


Members raised concern on a number of schemes regarding the long length of time it is taking to fix a programme date once the costs have been agreed.


RESOLVED:  That the report be noted.




56.        Old Oakwood Hospital Housing Site


The Board considered the report of the Head of Transport and Development – Old Oakwood Hospital Housing Site.


RESOLVED: That the Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Waste be recommended to use the current £100,000 held by Kent County Council to implement the bus only link controlled by a rising bollard while the developer be pursued for any outstanding payments.




57.        Maidstone Transport Strategy


The Board considered the report of the Head of Transport and Development regarding an update on the Maidstone Transport Strategy.


The Board were informed that the current intention is to go out to full consultation (including businesses) for 6-8 weeks in June and that firms who decide not to bring their business to Maidstone are asked to state the reasons why.


RESOLVED: That the report be noted.




58.        Update on Petitions Submitted to Kent Highway Services


The Board considered the report of the Head of Transport and Development regarding an update on petitions submitted to Kent Highway Services.


The Board was informed that the Freight Action Plan has now been finalised and is currently being reviewed internally with KHS and the Planning Department and will shortly be discussed by Cabinet Members.  The Plan will then be brought for discussion at Joint Transportation Boards before going to the relevant Policy Overview & Scrutiny Committee in July or September 2011.


With regard to Walderslade Woods Road, Tovil Green Court and Penenden Heath Pre-School, the Board were informed that none of these schemes acquired funding from the Integrated Transport Programme for 2011/12.  Officers will now discuss these schemes with the community and relevant County and Ward Members to discuss other funding possibilities.


The Board were informed that the Sutton Road Service Road consultation closed on 12 April and the results were as follows:-


54% (21 responses) in favour of the closure

46% (18 responses) against the closure


It was noted that 55 residents signed the petition, but only 39 responded to the consultation. The results have been passed to the KCC Cabinet Member for decision.


20mph speed limit around schools – The Board was informed that, as resolved at the previous meeting, the Chairman, together with KCC Officers, met with the Police to discuss this subject.  It was agreed at the meeting that some pilot schemes could be set up on a County basis, with Maidstone leading the way. 


The KCC Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Waste has agreed with this pilot scheme.  The scheme will compare the benefits of advisory and fixed 20mph measures together with road safety education initiatives and will be reported to the next meeting of the E&E Policy, Overview and Scrutiny Committee. 


The Chairman asked Members of the Board to inform the KCC Local Transport and Development Manager of any schools in their area that they would like to be considered for this scheme.  It was thought that about 6 schools would be included in the pilot in Maidstone.


RESOLVED: That the report be noted.




59.        Withdrawal of Bus Services


A Member of the Board raised the issue of some bus services being withdrawn by Arriva and the fact that no notification was publicised to passengers.


Other Members of the Board said they had also received complaints from residents about this.


The Board were informed that this issue had been raised and discussed at a recent Neighbourhood Forum and that the Business Development Manager from Arriva had attended that meeting and apologised profusely for the lack of public notification on the changes to services.


RESOLVED: That the Democratic Services Officer circulates the contact details of the Business Development Manager at Arriva for Members to write to should they so wish.




60.        Retiring Members


The Chairman thanked those Members who had decided not to return next year for their contribution to the work of the Joint Transportation Board.


The Chairman informed the Board that the KCC Officers who had served the Board over the past few years were now moving on with KCC and the Board thanked them for their support and hard work.




61.        Duration of Meeting


5.00 p.m. to 6.50 p.m.

