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110823 Museum& Hazlitt

Maidstone Borough Council


Regeneration & Economic Development

 Overview & Scrutiny Committee


Tuesday 23 August 2011


Museum & Hazlitt Update


Report of: Overview & Scrutiny Officer


1.      Introduction


On 23 November 2010, under the Leisure & Prosperity Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Mandy Hare, Theatre and Events Manager and Simon Lace, Museum and Heritage Manager were interviewed to provide information regarding their contribution of leisure and culture in Maidstone. The minutes from this meeting is attached at Appendix A, and the Scrutiny Committee Recommendation Action And Implementation Plan (SCRAIP) is attached at Appendix B.


 2.     Recommendation


2.1        The Committee is recommended to interview Mandy Hare, Theatre and Events Manager and Simon Lace, Museum and Heritage Manager to provide an update on the previous recommendations.


2.2        Areas of questioning could include but are not limited to:


·         Have the recommendations been met;

·         Were there any barriers to meeting the recommendations – how could these be removed; and

·         What is the future for the Theatre and the Museum – do you foresee any economic changes that will affect your service.


3.      The Maidstone Museum


3.1    More than 200,000 historic items and collectables have made their way back to Maidstone Museum after being in storage for 18 months whilst the East Wing extension has been built. Since work started at the beginning of May 2011, a number of volunteers, including council staff, have helped with the move. The items, which have been in storage in central Maidstone, have been photographed and catalogued. The Museum is scheduled to re-open in September 2011.


4.      The Hazlitt and Youth Theatre      


4.1     The Hazlitt Theatre, seats 382 to see a variety of shows, including

comedians, musicians, dance and drama to name a few.

Although the Hazlitt Theatre is closed for one week during August for essential maintenance work, they have got a good programme of events scheduled for its reopening at the end if August.


5.      Impact on Corporate Objectives


5.1     The Strategic Plan 2011-15 states that the Council wants “Maidstone to be a decent place to live” and “to have a growing economy”, which includes the provision of sporting, leisure and cultural activities which is supported by both venues.