Contact your Parish Council

110906 the Council as a Business survey responses appendix a

1. What can you offer the residents of Maidstone? Can you think of a 'paid for' service that yours or another department could offer?

Providing a scribe service that would enhance ideas that a resident wanted to put down, i.e. when he/she wanted to air a grievance with either a paper or with a outside body (excluding legal matters.

2. What niche service could you offer the public and/or private sector?

Us IT to help people starting up computer access.

3. How could Maidstone Borough Council manage their land and/or resources in a manner that could generate an income? (or in a manner that is more efficient?)

Consider using MBS vehicles to help movement of awkward items


1. What can you offer the residents of Maidstone? Can you think of a 'paid for' service that yours or another department could offer?

we are developing the potential for providing personal travel planning advice.

2. What niche service could you offer the public and/or private sector?

we are developing the potential for providing travel planning advice for small businesses.

3. How could Maidstone Borough Council manage their land and/or resources in a manner that could generate an income? (or in a manner that is more efficient?)

The Council could set up a work hub facility for small businesses either on the first floor gateway area or in the 6th floor which I understand is being looked at being got rid of. Instead of gettign rid of it, it could be made availabel to small businesses to sue as a work hub and printing facilites retained for thier use (at a fee of course). This would benefit local small business the council.


1. What can you offer the residents of Maidstone? Can you think of a 'paid for' service that yours or another department could offer?

How about getting our IT department to develop a free smartphone application, working with the Visit Maidstone team, to say 'What's on in Maidstone'. This could be done in conjunction with the KM's 'What's On' as well as Downs Mail's 'What's On' service which is currently printed in their newspapers. They could pay a small fee to get their services online, and we could fund the service (and make a small margin) from selling adverts to pubs, hotels etc. People can add their own events to allow pubs to advertise band nights, for example, but anyone wanting to advertise an event could pay a small fee, e.g. £2, to stop abuse of the service (e.g. people advertising house parties etc!). Hopefully this means the app looks after itself, rather than needing a member of staff to run it. Apps are supposed to be very easy to make in this day and age, so there is probably someone on the IT team who can do it - or who knows someone who can do it. This ties up with the Communication and Leisure and Culture strategies. It could be modelled on the 'Time out' website for London. If nothing else, it'll get some good press for the council - especially if it is done with the papers as partners. Can be used to highlight events at the Theatre and Leisure centre, to help drive up revenue there.

2. What niche service could you offer the public and/or private sector?

As above

3. How could Maidstone Borough Council manage their land and/or resources in a manner that could generate an income? (or in a manner that is more efficient?)

Make it clearer how community groups can hire out facilities, e.g. parks, for events. Could the council loan out equipment to manage grounds to RSLs and even private households and businesses?


1. What can you offer the residents of Maidstone? Can you think of a 'paid for' service that yours or another department could offer?

I'm required to fill in this box to proceed. My suggestion relates to box two. But, while I'm here how about premium number residential telephone IT Helpdesk servce

2. What niche service could you offer the public and/or private sector?

Hosted email, file and possibly web services.

3. How could Maidstone Borough Council manage their land and/or resources in a manner that could generate an income? (or in a manner that is more efficient?)

Not my area. Sorry


1. What can you offer the residents of Maidstone? Can you think of a 'paid for' service that yours or another department could offer?

The Councils Property Section used to offer a design and construction service to other public bodies and built several village halls in the surrounding villages. We stopped making a profit when the service broken up and the council housing went.

2. What niche service could you offer the public and/or private sector?

I am the Council's Conservation Architect, working on listed buildings and Scheduled Ancient monuments. Not a common skill set.

3. How could Maidstone Borough Council manage their land and/or resources in a manner that could generate an income? (or in a manner that is more efficient?)

Easy - listen to the legal and property professional’s advice and stop interfering.


1. What can you offer the residents of Maidstone? Can you think of a 'paid for' service that yours or another department could offer?

After school clubs (Assumes spare capacity, which is unlikely)

2. What niche service could you offer the public and/or private sector?

Event/conference organisation (Again, assumes spare capacity, which is unlikely)

3. How could Maidstone Borough Council manage their land and/or resources in a manner that could generate an income? (or in a manner that is more efficient?)

Increase planning and building control fees to fully recover the cost of providing the service +10% (assuming we have the powers). Introduce road pricing/tolls/single user car pricing


1. What can you offer the residents of Maidstone? Can you think of a 'paid for' service that yours or another department could offer?

See Q3 below

2. What niche service could you offer the public and/or private sector?

See Q3 below

3. How could Maidstone Borough Council manage their land and/or resources in a manner that could generate an income? (or in a manner that is more efficient?)


1. What can you offer the residents of Maidstone? Can you think of a 'paid for' service that yours or another department could offer?


2. What niche service could you offer the public and/or private sector?


3. How could Maidstone Borough Council manage their land and/or resources in a manner that could generate an income? (or in a manner that is more efficient?)



1. What can you offer the residents of Maidstone? Can you think of a 'paid for' service that yours or another department could offer?

1. On site (at Maidstone House) childminding service for Council staff and any 'left over' spaces could be offered to the public maybe in conjunction with the Department for Works and Pensions helping long term unemployed with childcare when they go back into work. 2. MBC to offer a floristry service to the public esp to cater for Births, Deaths and Marriages. As an example, Glasgow City Council have run this service very successfully for nurmerous years now. 3. Start a running group(s) for Council staff and the Public. Different groups available to cater for all fitness levels. The memberships could be set up through Mote Park Leisure Centre and paid for on a quarterly basis. 4. Car parking - have a scheme where residents/businesses can purchase permits for Council owned car parks on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis.

2. What niche service could you offer the public and/or private sector?

1. Offer printing services to local companies. 2. Offer the 'Weight for It' scheme, currently available to MBC staff only, to members of the public and carry out the sessions in the evening and charge for this 10 week 'course'.

3. How could Maidstone Borough Council manage their land and/or resources in a manner that could generate an income? (or in a manner that is more efficient?)

1. Utilise the space at the ground floor of the gateway building (under the stairs and escalators) by offering pitches to local small businesses


1. What can you offer the residents of Maidstone? Can you think of a 'paid for' service that yours or another department could offer?


2. What niche service could you offer the public and/or private sector?


3. How could Maidstone Borough Council manage their land and/or resources in a manner that could generate an income? (or in a manner that is more efficient?)

Search for a large event organiser and let Mote Park for big festival event such as the Radio 1 big weekend


1. What can you offer the residents of Maidstone? Can you think of a 'paid for' service that yours or another department could offer?


2. What niche service could you offer the public and/or private sector?

Fire risk assessments - all commercial premises by law need to have a fire risk assessment. Project Management - we could sell this as a service to KCC, local housing associations. Building surveying - we have the expertise to undertake condition surveys. Clerk of works - we could undertake this for local developers or housing associations.

3. How could Maidstone Borough Council manage their land and/or resources in a manner that could generate an income? (or in a manner that is more efficient?)

I noticed that the park and ride at willington street was closed on a sunday. Why not have a bootfair there? There is a boot fair at sutton road, where they charged £10 per pitch and there must have been circa 100 pitches. Entry was £3 and there must have been at keast 200 people there across the day. The boot fair could be advertised on the councils website and via posters at the carpark and also in mote park which is very popular. If the event is held once a month, you may make £15K per year? Another site could be mote park? If the high speed train is permanant at maidstone west and is a success, couldnt 13 tonbridge road be turned in a car park?


1. What can you offer the residents of Maidstone? Can you think of a 'paid for' service that yours or another department could offer?


2. What niche service could you offer the public and/or private sector?


3. How could Maidstone Borough Council manage their land and/or resources in a manner that could generate an income? (or in a manner that is more efficient?)

Charge 20p to use MBC public toilets


1. What can you offer the residents of Maidstone? Can you think of a 'paid for' service that yours or another department could offer?


2. What niche service could you offer the public and/or private sector?


3. How could Maidstone Borough Council manage their land and/or resources in a manner that could generate an income? (or in a manner that is more efficient?)

utlise buildings like the town hall as a farmers market on a sunday or to show artwork of local up and coming artists, wedding receptions, proms etc


1. What can you offer the residents of Maidstone? Can you think of a 'paid for' service that yours or another department could offer?


2. What niche service could you offer the public and/or private sector?


3. How could Maidstone Borough Council manage their land and/or resources in a manner that could generate an income? (or in a manner that is more efficient?)
