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Maidstone Borough Council


Maidstone Borough Council


Corporate Services Overview & Scrutiny Committee


Tuesday 4 October 2011


‘The Council as a Business?’ Review – A Business like Culture


Report of: Overview & Scrutiny Officer


1.          Introduction


1.1   At their meeting held on 6 September 2011 the Committee made       the following recommendation: ‘The business community should       be engaged with and sought as witnesses for a future meeting to     explore a ‘business like’ culture for the Council.’


1.2   The Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee are conducting a review called ‘The Council as a Business?'.  There are     two areas being investigated:


·      Engage with staff, Councillors and the public to get their ideas on income generation and efficiency savings for the Council; and


·      Creating a business like culture at the Council.


2.          Recommendation


2.1     That the Committee interview the following witnesses to gain an understanding of how the Council could take a business like approach by developing a business culture within the organisation:


·      John Taylor, Chair of the Regeneration and Economic Development Local Strategic Partnership Sub Group;

·      Victoria Wallace, Chief Executive Leeds Castle;

·      Elaine Collins and Terry Collins, Marden Business Forum and the Network of Rural Business Forums;

·      Darren Hoadley, Director of Scarab Sweepers;

·      Jan Renwick, Retired Director of Inprint Ltd;

·      Councillor Chris Garland, Leader of the Council; and

·      Councillor David Burton, Managing Director of Burton’s Medical Equipment Limited.


2.2     Areas of questioning could include but are not limited to:


·      What forms the basis of your business in terms its ethos;

·      How do you measure the performance of your business;

·      How do you measure the satisfaction levels of your customer base;

·      How do you ensure continuity in the service you provide;

·      What are the three most important elements of your business;

·      Is ‘branding’ important to your business;

·      How did you develop your ‘brand’;

·      What are the main criteria in creating a business like environment in the workplace;

·      What factors can detract from a business like environment;

·      What is your perception of the Council as a service provider;

·      What services have you utilised as part of your business activity;

·      How do you think a Council is perceived by other organisations, particularly in the business community;

·      What do you think are the Council’s strengths in projecting a business like approach; and

·      What are the Council’s failings in projecting a business like approach?


3.      Reasons for Recommendation


3.1    The Committee felt that it was important to look outside the organisation and seek the opinion of the business world in order to establish an informed consensus on what was considered to be a business like culture. 


3.2    The Council is responsible for delivering regulatory services to the residents of Maidstone.  The services provided include:


·         Licensing;

·         Environmental Enforcement;

·         Environmental Health;

·         Economic Development and Tourism;

·         Building Surveying;

·         Council Tax;

·         Housing Benefits;

·         Parking Services; and

·         Development Control.


3.3    The manner in which the Council delivers its services impacts on the public and businesses community.  In 2011 the Council re-evaluated its priorities as part of the Strategic Plan.  The three priorities set were:


·       For Maidstone to have a growing economy;

·       For Maidstone to be a decent place to live; and

·       Corporate and Customer Excellence.



4.      Impact on Corporate Objectives


4.1     The Committee will consider reports that deliver against the     following Council priority:


·       ‘Corporate and Customer Excellence’.