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Maidstone Borough Council


Maidstone Borough Council


Corporate Services Overview & Scrutiny Committee


Tuesday 11 October 2011


‘Making Waste Work for Maidstone’ Review – Tendering Strategy – Waste and recycling contract from 2013


Report of: Overview & Scrutiny Officer


1.          Introduction


1.1        The Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee chose Waste as their major review topic for the 2011/12 municipal year.  The following two areas are the overarching elements of the review:


·                     Waste reduction; and

·                     The Tendering Strategy – Waste and Recycling Contract from 2013.


1.2        The review is focused on the following outcomes:


·                     Identify how to unlock the economic value of waste in Maidstone;

·                     Examine best practice in established commercial waste services in terms of collection, reuse and recycling;

·                     Investigate possible partnership or subcontracting arrangements;

·                     Investigate Community Projects which could benefit from the reuse of waste materials (and other not for profit organisations) i.e.  terra cycle, YMCA, charities and the Prison (include Bulky collections);

·                     To make recommendations as appropriate to the Best Value Review of Waste which remains a ‘live’ document ;and

·                     Ensure the new waste contract delivers the most comprehensive, cost effective and efficient service possible for residents.


 2.     Recommendation


2.1    It is recommended that the Committee interview Steve Goulette,       Assistant Director of Environment and Regulatory Services to feed into the new Waste and Recycling Contact 2013 as part of the tendering process.


2.2    Areas of questioning could include but are not limited to:


·                     What are the long terms aims of Maidstone Borough Council in terms of Waste and Recycling;

·                     What are the long term aims of Kent County Council in terms of Waste and Recycling;

·                     In establishing a new Waste and Recycling Contract is the Council seeking to align itself with National Waste Policies and targets;

·                     Will the new Waste Contract give the flexibility needed to ensure that the types of waste collected for recycling can be changed if there is a change in the economic value of what is and can be recycled;

·                     What ways will the Tendering Strategy for Waste and Recycling seek to balance the need to reduce waste as well as find economic viability in what is recycled;

·                     Will the new Waste Contract allow for future partnerships to be explored that could be beneficial to both the local authority;

·                     Which councils, if known, have arrangements currently with ‘Closed Loop’ to recycle plastics;

·                     Will a relationship with Closed Loop form part of Maidstone’s future recycling arrangements;

·                     Will the recent defra consultation on local authority non-domestic household waste collection impact on the new waste contract from the outset or in a future clause;


2.3    Members should consider additional lines of questioning they may wish to pursue.


3.      Reasons for Recommendation


3.1    The Tendering Strategy – Waste and Recycling contract from 2013 (Appendix B) will be discussed as part of the ‘Making Waste Work for Maidstone’ review prior to the strategy going to Cabinet. Members will have the opportunity to make recommendations that will be taken to Cabinet on 12 October 2011.


3.2    The Committee have met with Paul Vanston, Kent Waste Partnerships Manager, Steve Goulette, Assistant Director Environment & Regulatory Services and the Waste Team.  Mr Vanston has responsibility for supporting the 13 Councils in the Kent Waste Partnership.  Their investigations and enquiries have led to a revised focus with the following areas being identified to achieve the outcomes of the review:


·                     Waste Reduction;


·                     Freighter Service and Bulky Waste Collections; and


·                     Plastics.


3.2    Members visited Closed Loop recycling plant in Dagenham on 12 August 2011.  Paul Vanston accompanied the Committee on their visit which provided an in depth understanding of the value that can be found in plastic recycling. Marketing Manager, Nick Cliffe described plastics as ‘an untapped natural resource’ for local authorities.


3.3    On 10 September 2011 Councillor Paterson followed the Freighter Service in Maidstone to identify what waste was being collected and to establish possible ways to reuse or recycle what was being collected.  Councillor Paterson monitored what was being collected and sought the opinions of the operatives and members of the public.



3.4    The Committee are keen to explore viable alternatives to the Freighter Service and Bulky Waste Collections as part of the new Waste Contract.  At present there is a Community Waste Reduction, Reuse and Recycling Fund. ‘This fund has been designed to enable community groups, charitable organisations and social enterprises to carry out waste reduction, reuse and recycling events within local communities. The aim is to build community partnerships as well as raise awareness of waste related issues.’  On 8 November 2011 the Committee will be interviewing Jim O’Connor and Steve Gill, Chief Executive and Director at Noah Enterprise.  Noah Enterprise are a homeless charity based in Luton, Bedfordshire.  They reuse waste wood and collect and refurbish bulky waste items including white goods.  The Committee will seek to gain an understanding of how a local authority could work in partnership with a social enterprise to deliver the Freighter and Bulky Waste collection to improve the recycling and reuse of furniture, household items and certain waste materials.  


3.5    The Committee have made a number of recommendations as part of their investigations into Waste (Appendix A).  The responses to these recommendations will assist the Committee in taking forward certain areas of investigation for the Tendering Strategy.  The Committee should review whether they are satisfied with the responses received to date and consider whether there are any follow up points they would like to make.



4.      Impact on Corporate Objectives


4.1     The Committee will consider reports that deliver against the     following Council priorities:


·         ‘Corporate and Customer Excellence’ and ‘For Maidstone to be a decent place to live.’


4.2     The Strategic Plan sets the Council’s key objectives for the medium   term and has a range of objectives which support the delivery of         the Council’s priorities.  The Committee’s work will contribute to the   delivery of these key objectives over the next year.