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Cabinet, Council or Committee Report for Audit Committee - Member Training and Development enc. 1

                                                                                                                                                APPENDIX A


Audit Committee Training Plan

It is the intention of the Council to provide effective training for all members and specialist topic specific training for those Members that sit on a Committee where technical issues are part of its remit. This is in order to ensure that members have the tools, skills and knowledge to perform their roles effectively.

The Council has agreed that no Member would be able to serve on the Audit Committee without having agreed to undertake a minimum period of training on the policies and procedures as specified by the Committee.

A proposed training plan is set out below. Once agreed it will be the responsibility of the ‘Lead Officer’ to roll this training out and ensure that it takes place effectively with the support of Learning & Development/HR. In the case of the Audit Committee at Maidstone BC the Lead Officer is Zena Cooke – Director of Regeneration and Communities.

In terms of how the training should be delivered, it must be consistent with the Learning & Development Guidelines, Equal Opportunities Policy and developed to suit all learning styles.

This is a rolling plan beginning each year in line with elections and runs over a 2 year period. This plan is supported by the wider Learning & Development Programme for members run annually.




Who to deliver


All new committee members and substitutes – Mandatory


All members are encouraged to attend as a refresher

Within 6 months (between May & Sept)




Induction training to include:

·         Overview of the role of the Audit Committee

·         Terms of reference

·         Governance Framework

·         Briefing on the roles of audit, O&S and standards committees

·         An overview of the councils activities & priorities

·         An overview of the financial and risk environment

·         The role of internal and external audit

Lead & key officers as follows:


Head of Internal Audit, S151 Officer/Head of Finance and Lead officer as described above



Discussion Forum with notes and guidance materials to be delivered in advance




Interactive Workshop/Presentation




Who to deliver


All Committee members and substitutes






All members are encouraged to attend


Between November & January

Finance & Budget, to include:

·         Financial reporting & monitoring

·         Understanding financial statements (council specific)

·         Local Government Finance

Head of Finance/s151 Officer

Interactive workshop

Handouts and notes to be available

Pre reading if possible

All Committee members and substitutes






All members are encouraged to attend


Between February & April

Regulatory Framework, to include:

·         Statutory background, financial rules, contrast rules

·         The Constitution (council specific)

·         The role of Internal & External Audit

Head of Internal Audit


Head of Democratic Service/ Head of Legal


Head of Finance/s151

Interactive workshop

Handouts and notes to be available

Pre reading if possible


All Committee members and substitutes






All members are encouraged to attend


Between July & September

The Importance of Risk Management



Business Continuity

Head of Internal Audit


Officer responsible for BC

Scenarios/practical examples in workshop format

Media formats to be used

Handouts and pre reading available