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Appendix to Audit Report






1              Introduction – Purpose of the Contract Standing Orders

Current Section 1

Proposed Section 1

1           Introduction – Purpose of the Contract Standing Orders


1.1    Purchasing decisions and processes are important because the money involved is public money. The purpose of these Contract Standing Orders is to provide a structure within which purchasing decisions are made and implemented and which ensure that the Council:


1.1.1 Furthers its corporate objectives.


1.1.2 Uses its resources efficiently.


1.1.3 Purchases appropriate quality goods, services and works. 


1.1.4 Safeguards its reputation from any implication of dishonesty or corruption.


1.2    Purchasing by the Council, from planning to delivery, shall incorporate (where appropriate) principles of sustainability, efficiency, whole life costings and cost savings.


1.3    These Contract Standing Orders are made in accordance with the requirements of Section 135 of the Local Government Act 1972.


1.4    These Contract Standing Orders do not provide guidelines on what is the best way to purchase works, supplies (goods) and services.  They set out minimum requirements to be followed.  Further information and guidelines are set out in the Council’s Purchasing Guide.







No Changes






2     General Principles – Application and Compliance with Contract Standing Orders

Current Section 2

Proposed Section 2

2         General Principles – Application and Compliance with Contract

           Standing Orders


   2.1  These Contract Standing Orders apply to the purchase by or on behalf of the Council of works, supplies (goods) and services.


   2.2    These Contract Standing Orders apply to all contracts including all

            purchase orders, concessions and contractual arrangements

            entered into by or on behalf of the Council, except for the specific

            types of contracts and purchasing methods which are listed in 2.3. 


   2.3    These Contract Standing Orders do not apply to:


   2.3.1 Employment contracts


   2.3.2 Contracts relating solely to the purchase or sale of interests in land


   2.3.3 Contracts for retention of legal counsel and the appointment of

            expert witnesses in legal proceedings


   2.3.4 Service level agreements setting out the conditions which the

            Council applies to its funding of particular voluntary sector bodies.






No Changes










3              General Principles Applying to All Contracts

Current Section 3

Proposed Section 3

Summary /explanation of changes

3          General Principles Applying to All Contracts


3.1    All purchases however small shall be in writing.


3.2    Standard contract clauses shall be used in all    

         contracts.  The standard contract clauses are

         attached as an appendix to these orders.


3.3    As a minimum, all contracts shall include clauses

         which set out:


3.3.1 The works, supplies (goods), services, material,  

         matters or things to be carried out or supplied.



3.3.2 The time within which the contract is to be  



3.3.3 Quality requirements and/or standards which

         must be met.


3.3.4 Requirements on the contractor to hold and

         maintain appropriate insurance.


3.3.5 What happens in the event that the contractor  

         fails to comply with its contractual obligations (in

         whole or in part).


3.3.6 Requirements on the contractor to comply with all

         relevant equalities and health and safety






3.3.7That the Council shall be entitled to cancel the

         contract and recover losses in the event that the

         contractor does anything improper to influence

         the Council to give the contractor any contract or

         commits an offence under the Prevention of

         Corruption Acts 1889 to 1916 or s117(2) Local

         Government Act 1972.









3.4    Written contracts shall not include non

         commercial terms unless these are necessary to

         achieve best value for the Council.  In this

         context, “non commercial” means requirements

         unrelated to the actual performance of the



3.5    All contracts shall include relevant specifications

        and/or briefs/technical requirements which are

        prepared taking into account the need for

        effectiveness of delivery, quality, sustainability and

        efficiency (as appropriate) and the information set

        out in the Council’s Purchasing Guide.


3.6    All contracts of a value of £5,000 or more or

        which involve a substantial risk to the Council must

        be subject to a written risk assessment, which

        should be kept on the contract file.






3.2      Deleted. 




3.3      becomes 3.2






3.2.2   The contract value or a pricing schedule by

           which the price to be charged for the works,    

           supplies or services provided can be calculated.

















3.2.8    Requirements on the contractor to comply with

            relevant sustainability guidelines



3.2.9    That the Council shall be entitled to cancel the

            contract and recover losses in the event that the

            contractor does anything improper to influence the

            Council to give the contractor any contract or

            commits an offence under the Bribery Act 2010.



3.2.10  Requirements regarding freedom of information,

            data protection, data quality and copyright



3.2.11  Requirements regarding business continuity


3.2.12  Conditions of termination


3.3       Written contracts shall not include non

            commercial terms or terms unrelated to the

            actual performance of the contract, unless these

            are necessary to achieve best value for the












3.6      All contracts over a value of £10,000 or for the

           provision of consultancy services shall be in a form

           of contract approved by the Head of Legal





Replaced by new clauses in 3.2 listing minimum contract  clauses





To add requirement for price clause currently missing.
















To add requirement for sustainability clause



Replaced original acts with new bribery act






Adds requirements regarding freedom of information,

 data protection, data quality and copyright legislation


Adds requirements regarding business continuity


Adds requirements for Conditions of termination


Wording changed for clarity

















Adding the requirement for a written contract for purchases over £10,000, rather than just a purchase order.













4              Regulatory  Context

Current Section 4

Proposed Section 4

Summary /explanation of changes

4         Regulatory Context


1.6            4.1   All purchasing shall be conducted in accordance

1.7                    With Regulatory Provisions which are:


1.9            4.1.1 All relevant statutory provisions


1.11        4.1.2 The relevant EU Rules and EC Treaty Principles,

1.12                 which are defined in the Council’s Purchasing

1.13                 Guide.


1.15        4.1.3The Council’s Constitution including these

1.16                 Contract Standing Orders, the Council’s Financial

1.17                 Procedure Rules and Scheme of Delegation.


1.19        4.1.4The Council’s Purchasing Guide and other

1.20                 policies and procedures of the Council as

1.21                 appropriate.


   4.2    In the event of conflict between the above, the

            EU Rules will take precedence, followed by UK

            legislation, then the Council's Constitution, the

            Council’s Purchasing Guide and guidelines,

            policies and procedures.





1.25         4.1.2    The relevant European Community Treaty

1.26                     Principles and EU Rules , which are defined in the

1.27                     Council’s Purchasing Guide.







1.32         4.2        In the event of conflict between the above, the EC

1.33                      Treaty Principles and EU Rules will take

1.34                      precedence, followed by UK legislation, then the

1.35                      Council's Constitution, the Council’s Purchasing

1.36                      Guide and guidelines, policies and procedures.








To clarify that the EC Treaty takes precedent over the other rules.






To clarify the relevant hierarchy










5              Responsibilities of Directors and Responsible Officers

Current Section 5

Proposed Section 5

Summary /explanation of changes

5          Responsibilities of Directors and

            Responsible Officers


5.1    Each Director shall:


1.40        5.1.1 be responsible for the purchasing undertaken

1.41                 by his/her Directorate.


1.43        5.1.2 be accountable to the Executive for the

1.44                 performance of his/her duties in relation to

1.45                 purchasing.


1.47        5.1.3 comply with the Council’s decision making

1.48                 processes including, where appropriate,

1.49                 implementing and operating a Scheme of

1.50                 Delegation.


1.52        5.1.4 appoint a Responsible Officer in writing who

1.53                 shall be an authorised signatory.


1.55        5.1.5 take immediate action in the event of breach of

1.56                 these Contract Standing Orders.


1.58        5.2    A Responsible Officer is an officer with

1.59                 responsibility for conducting purchasing   

1.60                 processes for the purchase of works, supplies

1.61                 (goods) or services on behalf of the Council.


1.63        5.3    A Responsible Officer’s duties in respect of

1.64                 purchasing are to ensure:


1.66        5.3.1compliance with all Regulatory Provisions and

1.67                 integrity of the tender process.


1.69        5.3.2 compliance with the relevant statutory provisions

1.70                 and the Council’s requirements relating to

1.71                 declarations of interest affecting any tender

1.72                 process.


1.74        5.3.3 that there is an appropriate analysis of the

1.75                 requirement, timescales, procedure and

1.76                 documentation to be used.


1.78        5.3.4 the purchasing process, from planning to delivery

1.79                 incorporates (where appropriate) principles of

1.80                 sustainability, efficiency, whole life costs and

1.81                 cost savings.


1.83        5.3.5 compliance with the Council's decision making

1.84                 processes.


1.86        5.3.6 ensuring that all contracts of a value of £15,000

1.87                 or more are included on the Council’s Contract

1.88                 Register.


1.90        5.3.7 making sure that that proper records of all

1.91                 contract award procedure, waivers/exemptions

1.92                 and extensions are maintained, with separate

1.93                 files for each purchase of a value of £15,000 or

1.94                 more.







1.101      5.3.8 that value for money is achieved.


1.103      5.3.9that adequate and appropriate security (such as a

1.104              bond or guarantee) is taken to protect the Council

1.105              in the event of non-performance.


1.107      5.4   In considering how best to procure works,

1.108              supplies and services Directors and/or

1.109              Responsible Officers (as appropriate in the

1.110              context) shall take into account wider contractual

1.111              delivery opportunities and purchasing methods

1.112              including the use of Purchasing Schemes and

1.113              e-procurement/purchasing methods, and the

1.114              availability of local authority charging and trading

1.115              powers under the Local Government Act 2003.


1.117      5.5   It is a disciplinary offence to fail to comply with

1.118              these Contract Standing Orders and the Council’s

1.119              Purchasing Guide.  All employees have a duty to

1.120              report breaches of Contract Standing Orders to

1.121              the Head of Internal Audit and Risk Strategy.


5.6      Any officer or Member who suspects any

           misconduct or corruption in relation to the

           purchase by or on behalf of the Council of works,

           supplies (goods) and services must immediately

           report that suspicion to the Council’s Monitoring

           Officer and Head of Internal Audit and Risk




































1.157      5.3.2    compliance with the relevant statutory provisions

1.158                  and the Council’s requirements relating to

1.159                  declarations of interest affecting any purchasing

1.160                  process.





















1.179     5.3.8    that the works, supplies or services procured are

1.180                 appropriate and proportional to the council’s needs.




5.3.8     becomes 5.3.9        


1.185      5.3.9     becomes 5.3.10














5.5       It is a disciplinary offence to fail to comply with

            these Contract Standing Orders and the Council’s

            Purchasing Guide.  All employees have a duty to

            report breaches of Contract Standing Orders to the

            Head of Audit Partnership.


5.6       Any officer or Member who suspects any

           misconduct or corruption in relation to the purchase

           by or on behalf of the Council of works, supplies

           (goods) and services must immediately report that

           suspicion to the Council’s Monitoring Officer and

           Head of Audit Partnership.


















Broadens the clause to encompass all purchasing rather than just tendering























To state that requirements should not be over specified but should reflect what the Council actually needs

















Change of Title






Change of Title







 6             Scheme/s of Delegation

Current Section 6

Proposed Section 6

6         Scheme/s of Delegation


  6.1    Council purchasing may only be undertaken by officers with the

           appropriate delegated authority to carry out such tasks as set out in

           the Council's Scheme of Delegation.  Officers with delegated

           authority may only delegate to other officers who have the

           appropriate skills and knowledge for the task and such delegation

           shall be recorded in writing by the officer delegating the task and

           notified to the relevant Head of Service. 


6.2      Officers shall, where appropriate, be informed by their Head of

           Service of the extent of any delegated authority and applicable

           financial thresholds.





No Changes














7              Financial Thresholds

Current Section 7

Proposed Section 7

Summary /explanation of changes

7           Financial Thresholds and Procedures


7.1    The table below sets out the general rules applying to the

         choice of purchasing procedure for contracts at the stated

         threshold values. 


7.2    There is a general presumption in favour of competition. 

Wherever possible contract opportunities should be advertised by way of a public notice.  The Council must consider the potential effect of a contract on interstate trade (at a European level).  If a contract may be of interest to contractors from other member states then this may result in a need to advertise in a manner which ensures that potential contractors from other member states are aware of the opportunity, even for small value contracts or contracts under the EU Threshold levels outlined below in Table 7.4.


7.3    The public notice referred to at 7.2 may take the form of a notice or advertisement in an electronic or paper format, on an easily accessible website or other electronic media and/or in the press, trade journals or Official Journal of the European Union (“OJ”) (as appropriate). The Responsible Officer may choose to place one or more public notices in different media.


7.4    Table setting out financial thresholds and procedures


Total value


Type of contract

Procedure to be used

0 to 10, 000

works, supplies and services

At least one quote in advance

10,001 to 74,999

works, supplies and services

At least three written quotes in advance

75,000 to 156,441**

works, supplies and services

At least three written tenders in advance,  following advertisement by public notice

156,442** plus


**EU Threshold for supplies and services

Supplies and services

EU Rules apply – full competitive process following advertisement in the OJ for supplies and Part A* services.

For Part B* services reduced requirements apply under the EU Rules but there is a presumption in favour of advertising and a competitive process

156,442 to 3,927,259**


Full competitive process with tenders following advertisement by public notice



**EU Threshold for works


EU Rules apply – full competitive process with tenders following OJ advertisement 


* For the purposes of the EU Rules services are divided into two types and the EU Rules apply to a different degree. Responsible Officers should act cautiously and seek advice when considering the procedure to be used and application of the EU Rules to services contracts

** or relevant threshold in force at the time under the EU Rules


7.5    Where contracts are of a type and value which means that they are subject to the EU Rules then there are four main types of EU procedures available. These are the open, restricted, competitive dialogue and competitive negotiated procedures. Care must be taken to ensure that the correct and most appropriate procedure is used and assistance on the choice and use of EU procedure should be sought.
































At least one written quote in advance














Adds the word ‘written’



8     Financial Thresholds and Processes Applying to Approval and Execution of Contracts


Current Section 8

Proposed Section 8

Summary /explanation of changes

7.6        8         Financial Thresholds and Processes Applying

7.7                   to Approval and Execution of Contracts


7.9           8.1    For contracts over the relevant EU Threshold (in

7.10                 force at the time), the choice of purchasing

7.11                 procedure to be used and the decision to proceed

7.12                 to advertisement must be authorised in writing by

7.13                 the Assistant Director of Environment and

7.14                 Regulatory Services (or an officer authorised in

7.15                 writing by him) in advance.


7.17        8.2    When a decision is made to award a contract

7.18                 then the Responsible Officer must, in addition to

7.19                 complying with his/her general obligations under

7.20                 these Contract Standing Orders ensure, in

7.21                 particular, that:


7.23        8.2.1 the appropriate approvals have been obtained to

7.24                 authorise that decision; and


7.26        8.2.2 where appropriate, a standstill period complying

7.27                 with the EU Rules is incorporated into the final

7.28                 award process.




















8.3    Any contracts valued at £75,000 or above shall be executed as a deed.  All other contracts may be signed by officers with appropriate delegated authority. £10,000 shall be the threshold for the purposes of Regulation 8 of the Local Authority (Executive Arrangements) (Modification of Enactments and Further Provisions) (England) Order 2001.



8.4     Electronic signatures may be used in

          accordance with the Electronic Signature

          Regulations 2002 provided the sufficiency of

          security arrangements has been approved by the

          Head of Internal Audit and Risk Strategy.
























7.67         8.2.3   Where the contract value is £10,000 and below

7.68                    authorisation is delegated to the appropriate officer

7.69                    in accordance with the previously advised financial

7.70                    sign off level.


8.2.4    Where the contract value is between £10,001 and

            £49,999 written authorisation must be obtained from

            the appropriate Director prior to awarding the contract.


7.73         8.2.5   where the contract value is £50,000 or above,

7.74                    written authorisation must be obtained from Chief   

7.75                    Financial Officer  prior to awarding the contract.


7.77         8.2.6    In the event that the contract is not awarded to the

7.78                     lowest bidder the Chief Financial Officer must

7.79                     consult with the relevant cabinet portfolio holder

7.80                     before confirming the award.














7.94         8.4       Electronic signatures may be used in accordance

7.95                     with the Electronic Signature Regulations 2002

7.96                     provided the sufficiency of security arrangements

7.97                     has been approved by the Head of Audit

7.98                    Partnership.













Where the contract value is £10k or below it can be authorised by an officer provided he has the sufficient signoff authorisation in Agresso .


Where the contract value is  above £10k but below £50k it can be authorised by an appropriate Director.

7.100     Where the contract value is above £50k it must be authorised by the Chief Financial Officer.



If a supplier has been evaluated as offering the best value (do to other factors) but is not the cheapest. The Chief Financial Officer must discuss the award with the relevant cabinet portfolio holder.








Change of Title



9   Calculating the Contract Value

Current Section 9

Proposed Section 9

9         Calculating the Contract Value


   9.1    The starting point for calculating the contract value for

            the purposes of these Contract Standing Orders is that the contract value shall be the genuine

           pre-estimate of the value of the entire contract excluding Value Added Tax. This includes all payments to be made, or potentially to be made, under the entirety of the contract and for the whole of the predicted contract period (including proposed extensions and options).


   9.2    There shall be no artificial splitting of a contract to

            avoid the application of the provisions of the EU Rules

            and/or these Contract Standing Orders.


   9.3    The EU Rules can cover contracts which are below

            the stated EU threshold where they constitute repeat

            purchases and/or purchases of a similar type in a

            specified period. Responsible Officers should

            therefore seek advice on the application of the EU

            Rules where they envisage that they may require

            repeat purchases and/or purchases of a similar type.




No Changes





10           Principles Underlying Procurement Processes and Evaluation


Current Section 10

Proposed Section 10

Summary /explanation of changes


7.102   10        Principles Underlying Tendering Processes and Tender Evaluation


10.1        All tendering procedures (including obtaining quotes), from planning to contract award and signature,  shall be undertaken in a manner so as to ensure:


10.1.1     Sufficient time is given to plan and run the process


10.1.2     Equal opportunity and equal treatment


10.1.3     Openness and transparency


10.1.4     Probity


10.1.5     Outcomes which deliver sustainability, efficiency and cost savings (where appropriate).



 10         Principles Underlying Procurement Processes and   










The title is amended to cover the wider process of procurement rather than just tendering
















11           Submission and Opening of tenders

Current Section 11

Proposed Section 11

11        Submission and Opening of tenders


   11.1 An Invitation to Tender shall be issued by the Council for all

           contracts over £75,000 and tenders shall be submitted in

           accordance with the requirements of the Invitation to Tender.


  11.2   Any tenders received (other than those received electronically, to

            which 11.3 shall apply) shall be:


  11.2.1 addressed to the Director of Regeneration and Communities or

             other nominated Director not involved in the Tender process.


  11.2.2 in a sealed envelope marked “Tender” followed by the subject

             matter to which it relates.

  11.2.3 kept in a safe place by the Director of Regeneration and   

             Communities or other nominated Director 


  11.2.4 retained unopened until the date and time specified for its opening.


  11.3   Where the Council has indicated in the Invitation to Tender that a

            tender can or must be submitted electronically, then those tenders

            shall be:


  11.3.1 in the format specified in the Invitation to Tender.


  11.3.2 stored  securely with a secure method of opening.


  11.3.3 retained unopened until the date and time specified for their opening.


  11.4   No tender received after the time and date specified for its opening

            shall be accepted or considered by the Council unless Director of

            Regeneration and Communities or other nominated Director is

            satisfied that there is sufficient evidence of the tender having been

            dispatched in time for it to have arrived before the closing date and

            time, or other exceptional circumstances apply and the other

            tenders have not been opened.


  11.5   Tenders shall be opened by the Director of Regeneration and

            Communities or other nominated Director or a member of their staff

            designated by them and an immediate record shall be made of

            tenders received including names and addresses and the date and  

            time of opening.




No Changes



12           Evaluation of Quotes and Tenders


Current Section 12

Proposed Section 12

Summary /explanation of changes

12        Evaluation of Quotes and Tenders


7.108       12.1 All quotes and tenders shall be evaluated in

7.109               accordance with evaluation criteria notified in

7.110               advance to those submitting quotes/tenderers.


7.112       12.2 Tenders subject to the EU Rules shall be

7.113               evaluated in accordance with the EU Rules.


    12.3  Save in exceptional circumstances approved in

             advance by Head of Business Improvement all

             contracts  shall be awarded on the basis of the

             quote or tender which represents best value for

             money to the Council and not on the basis of

             lowest price.











12.3                                                                                      12.3 Save in exceptional circumstances approved in advance by the Assistant Director of Environment and Regulatory Services all contracts shall be awarded on the basis of the quote or tender which represents best value for money to the Council and not on the basis of lowest price.






Change of Title

















13           Waivers

Current Section 13

Proposed Section 13

  13         Waivers


13.1  The requirement for the Council to conduct a competitive purchasing process for contracts in excess of £10,000 may be waived in the following circumstances.


   13.1.1 For contracts which are not subject to the EU Rules, the work,

              supply or service is required as a matter of urgency and a delay

              would be likely to lead to financial loss, personal injury or damage

              to property; or


   13.1.2 the circumstances set out in Regulation 14 apply (whether or not

              the contract is of a type which is subject to the application of the

              EU Rules); or


   13.1.3 the contract is awarded under a  Purchasing Scheme of a type

              where a competition has already been undertaken on behalf of the

              Council; or


   13.1.4 at the discretion of the Assistant Director Environment and   

              Regulatory Services who may proceed in a manner most

              expedient to the efficient management of the service/Council with

              reasons recorded in writing.


   13.2    A Responsible Officer who seeks a waiver of Contract Standing

              Orders other than SO 13.1.3 shall do so only in advance and only

              in exceptional circumstances.  Further guidance on what may

              constitute exceptional circumstances permitting waiver of these

              Contract Standing Orders is set out in the Council’s Purchasing



   13.3     All waivers from these Contract Standing Orders must be:


   13.3.1  Fully documented.


   13.3.2  Subject to a written report in an approved format to be submitted

               in advance to the appropriate Director which shall include

               reasons for the waiver which demonstrate that the waiver is

               genuinely required.




  13.3.3   Subject to approval in advance by the appropriate Director who

               shall consult the relevant Cabinet Member and record that they

               have considered the reasons for the waiver and that they are

               satisfied that the circumstances justifying the waiver are

               genuinely exceptional.


  13.4      All decisions on waivers must take into account:


  13.4.1   Probity


  13.4.2   Best value/value for money principles.


  13.5      For contracts subject to the EU Rules, any waiver from the

               requirement for competition must meet the conditions set out in

               the EU Rules in addition to the general requirements above.


  13.6      A waiver shall not be applied for reasons of poor contract





No Changes




















14           Extensions to Existing Contracts


Current Section 14

Proposed Section 14

Summary /explanation of changes

7.115    14                  Extensions to Existing Contracts


7.117    14.1   Where extensions to existing contracts are made,

7.118              the extensions must be determined in accordance

7.119              with the contract terms, for a specified period and

7.120              made in accordance with the principles set out in

7.121              the Council’s Purchasing Guide.


7.123    14.2   Any extension must be:


7.125    14.2.1 Fully documented


7.127    14.2.2 Subject to a written report in an approved format  

7.128               to be submitted to a Director which shall include

7.129               reasons for the extension which demonstrate that

7.130               the need for the extension is genuinely

7.131               exceptional.


7.133   14.2.3  Subject to approval by the Director who shall

7.134               record that they have considered the reasons for

7.135               the extension and that they are satisfied that the

7.136               circumstances justifying the extension are

7.137               genuinely exceptional.


7.139   14.3        Any extension must take into account:


7.141   14.3.1     Probity


7.143   14.3.2     Best value/value for money principles.















14.2.2  Subject to a written report in an approved format to

            be submitted to a Director which shall include

            reasons for the extension which demonstrate that

            the need for the extension is genuinely beneficial.



14.2.3 Subject to approval by the Director who shall record

           that they have considered the reasons for the

           extension and that they are satisfied that the

           circumstances justifying the extension are genuinely






14.4        For contracts subject to EU Rules, any extension must meet the conditions set out in the EU Rules in addition to the more general requirements set out above.







To remove the requirement for contract extensions to be approved only in exceptional circumstances and replace it with a need to be for beneficial circumstances


To remove the requirement for contract extensions to be approved only in exceptional circumstances and replace it with a need to be for beneficial circumstances






To emphasise that the extension must meet all EU procurement requirements








15           Purchasing Schemes

Current Section 15

Proposed Section 15

 15          Purchasing Schemes


 15.1    A Responsible Officer may use Purchasing Schemes subject to the

           following conditions and the Council’s Purchasing Guide.


 15.2   Responsible Officers must check in advance that


 15.2.1 The Council is legally entitled to use the Purchasing Scheme.


15.2.2The purchases to be made do properly fall within the coverage of the

           Purchasing Scheme.


 15.2.3 The establishment and operation of each Purchasing Scheme is in

            compliance with the EU Rules (where they apply) and meets the

            Council's own requirements.


 15.3    A “Purchasing Scheme” may include:


 15.3.1 Contractor prequalification lists/select lists.


 15.3.2 Framework arrangements (including those set up by the Office of

            Government Commerce).


15.3.3 Purchasing arrangements set up by central purchasing bodies and

           commercial organisations.


 15.3.4 Consortium purchasing.


 15.3.5 Collaborative working arrangements.


 15.3.6 Formal agency arrangements.


 15.3.7 E-procurement/purchasing schemes and methods.


 15.3.8 Other similar arrangements.


 15.4    Where a Purchasing Scheme is used then there shall be a whole or

            partial exemption from the obligations under these Contract

            Standing Orders in respect of the choice and conduct of

            procedures to the extent permitted and indicated in the Council’s

            Purchasing Guide.




No Changes






16           Review and Changes to these Contract Standing Orders

Current Section 16

Proposed Section 16

  16         Review and Changes to these Contract Standing Orders


  16.1  These Contract Standing Orders shall be reviewed and updated on

           a regular basis.  Save in the case of revisions to the EU Thresholds

           in Contract Standing Order 7, amended Contract Standing Orders

           shall be agreed and adopted by the Council.  Revisions to the EU

           Thresholds shall be dealt with in accordance with them by the

            Assistant Director Environment and Regulatory Services.





No Changes