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Maidstone Borough Council


Environment and Leisure Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Tuesday 28 April 2009


2009/2010 Work Programme


Report of: Overview and Scrutiny Officer


1.      Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme


1.1     On 27 May 2009, a work programming workshop will be held to consider potential work programme items for the 2009/2010 Overview and Scrutiny Committees.


1.2     At the workshop, Members will consider work programme suggestions from officers, members of the public, Councillors and the 2008/09 Overview and Scrutiny Committees.


1.3     Topics for the work programme must not include individual complaints or have been reviewed in the two years previously.  Reviews carried out by Overview and Scrutiny in the Municipal Year 2008/09 included:


Enforcement of Planning Conditions and Compliance with Section 106 Agreements;

Public Conveniences;

Choice Based Lettings Allocations;

Road Safety;


Review of Past Reports;

Diverse Communities; and

Mental Health.


2.      Recommendation


2.1     Members are recommended to propose potential work programme items for the Municipal Year 2009/10 to be considered at the Overview and Scrutiny Work Programming Workshop.