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Cabinet, Council or Committee Report for Improvement Plan 2012-15 enc. 1

Draft Improvement Plan 2012-15


Maidstone Borough Council has been recognised under previous inspection regimes as providing good quality value for money services.  However, we want to be even better, offering the services that people want for a cost they think is good value.  Last year the Government announced its plans to reduce public spending by 25% and reduce the national deficit.  The Council has to save around £2.9m over the next three years, which is a substantial reduction in the budget we have to spend on providing services for local people, at the same time that the number of potentially vulnerable people requiring some of those services, like housing advice and Housing and Council Tax Benefit, is increasing.

The Strategic Plan details the priorities and priority outcomes for Maidstone until 2015 and how these will be delivered.  The Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) sets out what the Council will spend and when and where savings will be made.  In order to deliver the Strategic Plan and MTFS the Council is undertaking various pieces of work and projects to improve value for money and quality of customer service, and this must be aligned with the Council’s strategic objectives and Medium Term Financial Plan.  This improvement work makes up the building blocks that will make Maidstone a better council

This plan explains the key workstreams for the Council’s improvement journey, the drivers for improvement as well as priority services and projects for improvement.  It will allow work to be planned, sufficiently supported and monitored to ensure savings needs and the improvements required for the Council to meet its priority outcomes are delivered.


It is important that the Council delivers services that are value for money and that residents are satisfied with.  We must make savings and maximise income where we can but also be flexible enough to take opportunities as they arise, including those that come from external influences like changes in legislation.  Therefore, the objectives of the improvement journey are:

1.   A reduction in net cost, through making savings or increased income

2.   Improving or maintaining quality: ensuring we deliver excellent services, which means delivering what is promised to agreed standards

3.   Identifying and responding to opportunities aligned with the Strategic Plan

Improvement workstreams

The Council’s Improvement Plan is corporate and involves a number of different workstreams, which are owned by different officers in the organisation.  Those workstreams identified as most important are:

  1. Incremental improvement (Head of Change and Scrutiny) making good use of performance and financial information and good business planning to enable service managers to make small changes to enable continuous improvement in the services their teams provide.
  2. Asset management (Asst Director of Environmental & Regulatory Services) making the best use of what we have in terms of buildings and land and management of our use of water, gas, electricity and petrol/diesel.  It is important we know what assets we keep and what we want to sell or transfer to others, and that we actually dispose of those assets we no longer require.  This is essential in terms of providing capital income and ensuring services are delivered to residents in the best way. This may mean that we transfer assets to others, including community groups, to enable them to deliver more services in the future.  It may also mean that we work with public service providers and local people to redesign services and pool budgets through Community Budgets.
  3. Transformation (Head of Business Improvement) larger changes to ensure key outcomes are delivered effectively and efficiently.  Making good use of unit cost information and benchmarking to consider different ways of delivering services, for example using shared services to gain economies of scale and increase resilience, and using business improvement techniques to improve processes.  This also includes working with other organisations and residents to deliver shared goals as well as different teams within the Council working together better.  More internal and/or external support to make these improvements may be required. 
  4. External challenge (Head of Change & Scrutiny) using information and challenge from residents and critical friends to improve services.  This includes complaints information, feedback from local people, peer reviews, nationally driven change like the welfare and reform changes and Overview & Scrutiny reviews.

These workstreams and the whole Improvement Plan are underpinned by the following enablers:

  • Organisational culture (Head of HR) – creating an organisational culture where there is permission to experiment and time to learn and where all officers and members are engaged and are able to give their feedback and ideas.  Also ensuring that change is well managed and there is the capacity and capability to deliver the required outcomes.
  • Good information and knowledge management (Head of Business Improvement) smart use of information we gather about our customers and making use of other customer insight, like Mosaic Public Sector, to create messages that people hear and understand and which cause them to make positive changes in behaviour.
  • Councillor assurance – leadership and involvement of elected members in shaping, implementing and monitoring the progress and outcomes of policies and projects.

Other important tools for improvement are:

  • Procurement
  • Use of technology

Priority services and projects for improvement

In order to ensure we can deliver our priority outcomes in the Strategic Plan and savings in the MTFS is important to ensure we make changes in the following service areas.  The list of service areas below is in order of priority for improvement, from highest priority to lowest.  These improvements may be to deliver savings, improve the quality of a service or respond to an opportunity that may arise. 

1.   Waste & Recycling – procuring a new waste contract with other Kent authorities and working to achieve the target of 50% recycling by 2015

2.   Customer Services delivery (including Gateway, Contact Centre and Corporate Support) – becoming more customer-centric and designing a sustainable model of customer services delivery for the long term

3.   ICT – sharing our ICT service with local authority partners

4.   Parking Transport Management – completing our Transport  Strategy and implementing this

5.   Hazlitt Arts Centre – investigating options for governance and implementing the chosen option to ensure value for money

6.   Planning – developing the synergy between Planning and Economic Development to improve the prosperity of the borough and being ready to respond to any change in legislation that would allow us to set our own planning fees

7.   Revenues and Benefits – embedding the shared service, preparing for the national welfare reforms and exploring different ways of delivering the service for the future

8.   Housing – ensuring we can respond to the increased need for homeless services, preventing homelessness wherever possible, enabling the provision of more housing and ensuring that there is a supply of decent, affordable and  accessible housing, including in the private rented sector

9.   Finance – building a service that supports the Council make informed strategic financial management decisions, manage and control budgets and commit and measure resources and investigating how this service could be delivered in the future

10.                Building Control – re-designing the service, diversifying work to undertake more trading rather than statutory work and looking to both public and private sector partners to investigate and develop a model for delivery for the future

The following table shows our top priorities for the next three years:




Waste & Recycling


Customer Services delivery


Revenues & Benefits




Hazlitt Arts Centre


Development Management


Parking Transport Management

Waste & Recycling


Customer Services delivery




Revenues & Benefits



Customer Services delivery


Revenues & Benefits




Building Control


Corporate Support




As well as work in particular service areas there are number of other important projects that need to be undertaken in each of the improvement workstreams.  This is how the priority services and projects for improvement fit in with the 4 improvement workstreams:

Asset management

Incremental improvement


External challenge

Future use of Town Hall

Community asset transfer

Major assets review:

·       King Street

·       Medway Street

·       Park Wood

More proactive use of Covalent

Management & Admin recharges review

Customer services delivery

Waste & Recycling




Other shared services and Mid Kent Improvement Partnership work

Cross organisational collaboration

Better internal collaboration

Revenues & Benefits

Development Management

Parking Transport management

Hazlitt Arts Centre

Building Control

Corporate peer review



More detail on the work to be undertaken on the priority service areas in the Transformation and External challenge workstreams in Appendix 1.

Governance and Monitoring

The Chief Executive owns and is ultimately accountable for the delivery of the Council’s improvement journey. Political leadership is given by the Leader and Cabinet Member for Corporate Services.  A head of service is responsible for each of the workstreams and enablers that make up the improvement journey detailed above.  The Leader, Cabinet Member for Corporate Services, Chief Executive and the appropriate heads of service make up a  group that will monitor progress against plan  to ensure that any as yet unknown opportunities that would provide greater benefit than the work already planned are not missed and that the services and projects for improvement are re-prioritised as necessary as a result.

This plan will be updated annually to the same corporate planning timetable as the Strategic Plan and MTFS.  A progress report will be compiled and sent to Cabinet 6 months after the adoption of the improvement journey.










Future for priority service areas in Transformation and External challenge workstreams

Service area

Long term

Medium term


Waste & Recycling

·         Recycling 50%+

·         New open book waste contract

·         Refresh strategy in 2015

·         Review staff structures

·         Undertake tender process

·         Clarify how bulky collections etc will work

·         Clarify role of contractors

·         Use of ICT for monitoring performance/contract

·         Strategy alignment with Kent County Council (KCC)

·         Maximise recycling rates to maximise KCC funding

·         Moving processes on-line (next 6 months)

Customer Services Delivery (Contact Centre, Gateway & Corporate Support)

·         Reduced cost of provision

·         Greater range of partner provision

·         Effect of welfare reforms

·         Effect of waste contract

·         Break clause in Gateway contract in 2 years

·         Customer service review

·         Ownership of website and resources – one service for customer contacts

·         Voice recognition software – automated switchboard

·         More work on Electronic Document and Record Management System (EDRMS) project and effects of moving towards this e.g. increased work


·         Fully integrated ICT partnership

·         Considering models for delivery

·         Complete phase 3 – governance and organisational structure

·         Preparing business case and vision/10 yr strategy for April 2012/13

·         Phase 1 – moving kit to Maidstone

·         Phase 2 – Move virtual services to MKIP cloud

·         Start phase 3

·         Quick wins in consolidation, single systems and joint working e.g. new website Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells councils

Hazlitt Arts Centre

·         Vibrant theatre that people want to go to all the time

·         Cut subsidy by 50%+

·         Increased community participation and involvement

·         Different governance structure – 2013/14

·         Run more like a business

·         Link to Museum on education

·         Planning and implementing different governance structure

·         Work to make Hazlitt financially ready - maximising savings and income

·         New governance means asset management and support structure issues


·         Making sure vision including leisure and business opportunities is delivered in a sensitive way

·         Effects of Local Development Framework – less planning enforcement

·         So could move resources to deal with increased levels of development

·         Skills development – more negotiation and selling


·         Investigate options for improvement of processing and delivery of planning support e.g. shared

·         Channel shift to website

·         Restructure to include Spatial Policy, plus support for those in management roles

·         Investigation of Management & Admin recharges

·         Consider options for service e.g. gold plated

·         Efficiency work e.g. Business Improvement process improvement

·         Participating in and responding to peer review


Parking Transport Management

·         More customer power to pay, less enforcement

·         Expand partnership

·         Transport Strategy –models considered and delivery set up including Park and Ride issues

·         Consolidate parking partnership

·         Investigate other ways to pay e.g. mobile phone

·         Channel shift on-line (into medium term)


Revenues & Benefits

·         Develop wider shared service or pursue commercial opportunities

·         Restructure and change through welfare reform

·         Decide if we take the saving or use the capacity for income generation

·         Effect of Council Tax reforms e.g. possible reduced collection rate

·         Opportunities through business rate reforms

·         Efficiency work e.g. channel shift and reducing avoidable contact – building capacity to sell

·         Planning to manage welfare reforms – need to have Council Tax benefit structure in place by 2012


·         Quality housing that people want and is accessible to the whole community

·         Affordable housing delivered to strategy – challenges in achieving this

·         Good private sector market with choice

·         Good housing advice that prevents homelessness

·         Welfare reforms – manages effects on private sector

·         Improved working with registered providers and private sector landlords

·         Review policies and priorities

·         Business Improvement process review – Private Sector Housinf then Housing Options

·         Review tenancy strategy, homelessness strategy, empty homes approach, affordable housing programme

·         Understand, respond to and begin prevention of increased homelessness

·         Decide how to respond to increased legal challenges

·         Review use of local Bed & Breakfast accommodation

·         Review housing assistance grants

·         Decide on home improvement agency approach

·         Threat to Disabled Facilities Grant funding – internal and external

·         Plan approach for tackling disadvantage with early years (into medium and long term)


·         Support the business make informed decisions, manage budgets, commit and measure resources

·         Investigate model of delivery

·         One ICT system across Mid Kent Improvement Partnership

·         Restructure to work towards long term better support for business

·         Decide approach to recharges

·         Develop use of Agresso e.g. for Direct Debits for more things

Building Control

·         Model of delivery – trading arm doing work on behalf of private companies

·         Diversify work – less statutory, more trading account

·         Develop and take advantage of partnership opportunities

·         Break even

·         Staff restructure

·         Channel shift on-line