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Maidstone Street Lighting Report


A Common Sense Plan for Safe and Sensible Street Lighting

Report to:

Joint Transportation Board – Information Only


18 January 2012

Reporting officer:

Bryan Sweetland, KCC Cabinet Member for Environment Highways and Waste


Director of Kent Highways and Transportation


Street Lighting



Recommendations: The content of the report be noted




1.  Energy costs in the recent past have increased significantly and this trend is likely to continue. In response the County Council has been reviewing its Street Lighting management, details of which are set out in the attached report - A Common Sense Plan for Safe and Sensible Street Lighting. This report was considered and wholeheartedly endorsed by KCC’s Environment, Highways and Waste Policy Overview Committee on 22 November, with some Members indicating that the County Council should consider being more radical in approach. 


2.  As part of its formal consultation process, KCC would welcome the views of Joint Transportation Boards.



2.   To note the content of the attached report.



Contact Officer – Behdad Haratbar, Head of Programmed Work, Kent Highways and Transportation - Tel: 08458 247200