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120110 Appendix A-Key Performance Indicators

Appendix A- Key Performance Indicators


Priority 1: For Maidstone to have a growing economy


Outcome 1


Maidstone has a growing economy with rising employment, catering for a range of skill sets to meet the demands of the local economy.



Existing KPIs

Possible new KPIs

•       Creating the right planning environment

•Number of business enquires to locate in Kent

•Percentage of  commercial planning applications completed within statutory timescales

•Percentage of people claiming Job Seekers Allowance

•Percentage of vacant units within the town centre 

•Percentage of economically active people in Maidstone

•Completions of business space gained a) Office b) Industrial c) Logistics

•Cost of Revenues & Benefits Service

•Value of business rateable floor space

•Supply of business rateable floor space

•Pre-applications advice a) Percentage of major business planning applications taking-up pre-application advice

b) Percentage of those taking pre-application advice where the applications were approved



·         No. Of businesses in borough (SPI)

·         GVA per head (3yrs in arrears)

·         3 year business survival rates (KCC)

·         NEETs (KCC)

·         Working age people educated to NVQ level 4 or higher (KCC)

•       Development of key infrastructure

•       Business expansion

•       Inward investment

•       Development of stronger business relationships

•       Tackling worklessness

Outcome 2


Maidstone has a transport network that supports the local economy



Existing KPIs

•       Integrated transport strategy with KCC

•       Percentage of parking spaces used (annual survey)

•       Percentage change in bus usage on services from Maidstone depot (Arriva Services)

•       Average journey time per mile for key routes (Congestion)

•       Number of Park and Ride transactions

•       Income from pay and display car parks per parking space

–      Sustainable transport approach

–      Behavioural change/modal shift

–      Maidstone town centre as a regional transport hub

•       Integrated parking strategy

•       Consultation February/March 2012 alongside Core Strategy


Priority 2: For Maidstone to be a decent place to live


Outcome 1


Maidstone as decent, affordable housing in the right places across a range of tenures.


Existing KPIs


•       Develop sustainable communities

•     Percentage of residential planning applications granted a) Urban area

•     Percentage of residential planning applications granted a) Rural area 

•     Percentage of  residential planning applications processed within statutory timescales

•     Percentage of planning applications determined within statutory timescales a) Majors

•     Percentage of planning applications determined within statutory timescales b) Minors

•     Percentage of planning applications determined within statutory timescales c) Others

•     Number of affordable homes delivered

•     Number of homes occupied by vulnerable people made decent

•     Percentage of new homes built on previously developed land

•     Average grant per MBC funded affordable home unit

•     Cost of planning per head of population


•       Increase choice and improve the quality of life for vulnerable people

Time taken to process DFG (SPI)

•       Improve our existing homes


•        Improve access to housing advice and work to prevent  homelessness and rough sleeping in Maidstone

Annual estimate of rough sleepers (Homeless link)












Outcome 2


Maidstone has a clean and attractive environment for people who live in and visit the borough





•       New waste management arrangements in place by 2013

•       Cost of maintaining the Borough's parks & green spaces per head of population

•       Cost of waste collection (per household)

•       Cost of street cleaning per head of population

•       Percentage reductions in C02 emissions from local authority operations (Tonnes)

•       Number of listed building consents granted

•       Percentage of waste recycled (NI 192)

•       Visits/Uses of the Museum per 1,000 population

•       Number of Tree Preservation Orders granted

•       Percentage of relevant land assessed with unacceptable levels of a) litter

•       Percentage of relevant land assessed with unacceptable levels of b) detritus

•       Percentage of fly-tipping reports responded to within 1 working day

Residual waste per household (SPI)

•       Development of commercial services –including business case for commercial waste

Any new indicators for this would depend on business case.

•       Completion of “new” cleansing model – area working, deep cleaning, enforcement


•       Improve perception of cleanliness in the borough


•       Reduce the Council’s energy consumption


•       Implement Air Quality Management Area Action Plan



Outcome 3

Residents are not disadvantaged because of where they live or who they are, vulnerable people are assisted and the level of deprivation is reduced.



Existing KPIs


•       Early intervention preventative approach to tackle disadvantage – young children and their families

•       Percentage of the Borough covered by Broadband

•       Average time taken to process and notify applicants on housing register

•       Number of individual volunteers registered on the Voluntary Action Maidstone Database of volunteers

•       Number of volunteer organisations registered with VAM

•       Number of residents participating in Neighbourhood planning as a percentage of the ward population

•       Average time taken to process new benefit claims and changes of circumstances (NI 181)

•       Number of households prevented from becoming homeless through intervention

•       Gap between median wage of employee (residents) and the median wage of employees (workplace) (salary differences)

Achievement gap between those eligible for Free School Meals  and their peers – Key stage 4 (KCC)

•       Intervention with families already with multiple needs; key criterion – intergenerational worklessness

Benefit claimants (already do JSA but could do disability and others)

•       Other intervention including community safety

Percentage change in no. of first time entrants to Youth justice System (KCC)











Priority 3: Corporate and Customer Excellence


Outcome 1


Maidstone Council provides value for money services that residents are satisfied with.





•       Strategic Plan – Medium Term Financial Plan alignment

Satisfaction with the way the Council runs things (biennial survey)

Satisfaction with Council's recycling service (biennial survey)

Satisfactions with Council's refuse collection service (biennial survey)

Satisfaction with Council's parks and open spaces (biennial survey)

Satisfaction with Street Cleansing (biennial survey)

Satisfaction with the Leisure Centre (biennial survey)

Percentage of business rates collected

Percentage of Council tax collected

Savings delivered through reviews (Value for Money

Value of fraud identified (Housing benefits)


•       Improvement Journey

Monitoring of business improvement Plan

•       Customer centred organisation

Complaints within timescale (SPI)

Satisfaction with complaints handling (SPI)

•       Localism and “Bigger Society”

Participation rates on initiatives

•       Future Shape of the Organisation – including structure and governance


•       Workforce strategy

Annual HR Workforce Report


Percentage agreeing that Maidstone Borough Council provides value for money




