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120110 Appendix B Strategic Plan Action Plan



Strategic Actions









Action Status


Overdue; Neglected

Unassigned; Check Progress

Not Started; Resuming; In Progress; Assigned






Objective 1. A transport network that supports the local economy










Due Date


Assigned To

Latest Note

OUT 001.01

Deliver an integrated transport strategy


Planning & Environment Directorate Change; Sue Whiteside

The results of the transport modelling that support the development strategy set out in the Core Strategy were presented to Members at a transportation workshop held in March 2011. These findings were published as part of the Core Strategy Public Participation consultation that commenced on 2 September and closed on 14 October 2011. The representations made during the consultation will be reported to Members in due course. In the interim, initial draft parking and cycle strategies that will form part of the Integrated Transport Strategy were considered by the Local Development Document Task and Finish Scrutiny Panel on 19 July 2011. Further research, survey and appraisal work is underway, to test the viability of proposals and to evaluate potential schemes and transportation measures in more detail. Economic impact will be assessed, schemes quantified and a cost benefit analysis completed to ensure the Integrated Transport Strategy is robust and fit for purpose.

OUT 001.02

Implement an infrastructure delivery plan


Planning & Environment Directorate Change; Sue Whiteside

An initial draft infrastructure delivery schedule was subject to Public Participation consultation with the Core Strategy from 2 September to 14 October 2011. The representations made during the consultation will be reported to Members in due course. The schedule was prepared in consultation with the service and infrastructure providers, and included a list of unprioritised infrastructure schemes together with costs (that excluded the identification of funding sources). In advance of engagement with Members to prioritise the schemes that will form part of the detailed Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP), a project management team which includes the Head of Finance is being set up, in order to refine the schedule and to provide greater detail on project costs and funding. Public consultation on the IDP will be undertaken at the same stage as the formal consultation on the Core Strategy Publication version in spring 2012. The project management team is currently scoping the work that will be required to produce the charging schedule which will accompany the IDP and set the Council’s community infrastructure levy (CIL).

OUT 001.03

Support an efficient, integrated, sustainable and multi-modal transport network


Planning & Environment Directorate Change; Sue Whiteside


OUT 001.04

Maintain traffic flow through effective parking enforcement


Planning & Environment Directorate Change; Steve Goulette

The parking enforcement contract specification defines the level of deployed enforcement officer hours to specific locations/areas throughout Maidstone. This is closely monitored and controlled to meet changing demands. Our contractor APCOA UK continues to meet our expectation in terms of deployment, enforcement and quality which ultimately influences driver behaviour maintaining traffic flow.



Objective 2. A growing economy with rising employment, catering for a range of the skill sets to meet the demands of the local economy










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Latest Note

OUT 002.01

Local Development Framework and Core Strategy


Planning & Environment Directorate Change; Sue Whiteside

The Core Strategy has been developed with a cross-departmental officer working group and Corporate Management Team, and by engagement with Members through workshops, the Core Strategy Members Working Group and the Local Development Document Task and Finish Scrutiny Panel (TFSP). A broad cross-section of external stakeholders contributed to the document, in particular the service and infrastructure providers. The Core Strategy was deemed fit for Public Participation consultation by the TFSP, and Cabinet approved the document for consultation on 10 August 2011. The approach to the Core Strategy Public participation consultation was agreed with the TFSP and consultation commenced on 2 September 2011 in accordance with the agreed programme, running for 6 weeks to 14 October. In addition to widespread publicity and a permanently manned exhibition at the Town Hall, 21 road shows/exhibitions were held and 26 presentations were made to a wide range of groups including parish councils, residents and businesses. Consultation statistics cannot be confirmed at this point, but early indications are that the Council has received about 750 representations from individuals and organisations which will translate to approximately 3,000 comments. (This compares with 297 representations and 1,729 comments received during the previous Core Strategy consultation in 2007). The Local Development Scheme for Maidstone (adopted by Cabinet on 12 October 2011) sets the programme for preparing LDF documents, including the Core Strategy. The next step is the analysis of representations with recommended amendments to the Core Strategy for Members’ approval, to meet the milestone for formal public consultation on the Publication version of the document programmed for spring 2012.

OUT 002.02

Review Economic Development Strategy


Regeneration & Communities Directorate; Brian Morgan

Approval to fund this work will be included in a report to Cabinet Member regarding the uncommitted Growth Point revenue funding. A key decision report is due in December.

OUT 002.03

Assistance for businesses


Regeneration & Communities Directorate; Brian Morgan

The launch of the new locateinmaidstone website has attracted over 450 visits per month on average. We are aware of one business that has used the site, together with our support, to help them relocate to Maidstone and one Charity.

OUT 002.04

Review Parkwood Industrial Estate and implement a strategy for its regeneration


Regeneration & Communities Directorate

Details have been submitted to KMIF for an initial view of its suitability for inclusion as a project. Arrangements are also in hand to engage a consultant for a strategic review of the estate and the options for the future.

OUT 002.05

Work with partners through the LSP to deliver a step change in Maidstone’s learning and skills performance to ensure a high-quality skills base sufficient to enable people in Maidstone to realise their full potential.


Regeneration & Communities Directorate

The LSP model has moved into a Locality Board model. Skills is currently being addressed through the Economic Development and Regeneration delivery group through its ‘Worklessness’ stakeholder event being held in February 2012.

OUT 002.06

Deliver the High Street Regeneration Project


Regeneration & Communities Directorate

On programme. Costs have risen but work is ongoing to find savings to offset these and keep the project on budget. Communication channels are working well. Eurovia construction gangs have received positive feedback from retailers and public.

OUT 002.07

Regeneration Statement Milestones Update


Regeneration & Communities Directorate

The Regeneration Statement needs to be reviewed in the face of challenging economic circumstances and is being discussed in the Regeneration Working group. It is expected that the review will be complete by March 2012.

OUT 002.08

Local Implementation Plan Homes and Community Agency milestones


Regeneration & Communities Directorate; John Littlemore

Initial indications are that the majority of schemes in the Local Implementation Plan will receive grant assistance. Working with housing as partners we have successfully lobbied the Homes and Communities Agency which will again provide significant amounts of external funding into MS to enable the delivery of new affordable homes.



Objective 3. Decent, affordable housing in the right places across a range of tenures










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Latest Note

OUT 003.01

New Housing: Enable the delivery of a range of high quality homes that are desirable and affordable to all sections of the community


Regeneration & Communities Directorate; John Littlemore

West Kent Local Investment Plan signed off and submitted to the HCA. The majority of new affordable housing schemes have received funding commitment from the HCA and MBC for the period up to 2015. 2011/12 will see over 200 new affordable homes completed.

OUT 003.02

Existing Housing: Ensure our existing housing is suitable and able to meet future challenges; providing sought after homes now and into the future


Regeneration & Communities Directorate; John Littlemore

The Housing Assistance Grant Policy is being reviewed to ensure that a range of priorities benefit from grants provided to the private sector.  The council is working in partnership with KCC’s Supporting People Team to procure a new Home Improvement Agency for 2012.

OUT 003.03

Homelessness & vulnerable groups: Commission and provide services with partners that meet identified needs, reduce inequalities, are responsive and timely, promote stable, strong communities, self-reliance and encourage positive aspirations


Regeneration & Communities Directorate; John Littlemore

Following the DCLG peer review the housing advice service is taking forward a range of improvements to service delivery in conjunction with the Gateway and contact centre.

The housings service is investigating new ways of unlocking housing through the private sector as the effect of the economic difficulties continues to exhibit itself in an increase in demand for assistance with housing.  A review of the Allocation Scheme is being undertaken to make sure the allocation of affordable housing promotes strong communities.



Objective 4. Continue to be a clean and attractive environment for people who live in and visit the borough










Due Date


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Latest Note

OUT 004.01

Deliver focussed enforcement activity to ensure high impact on the cleanliness of the Borough


David Edwards; Steve Goulette

Area based enforcement has been trialed and the revised scheme has been implemented. A new contract is now in place and campaigns on littering are being undertaken.

OUT 004.02

Work with partners to ensure that all areas of the Borough are clean and well-maintained


Zena Cooke; Steve Goulette

Trials of Area Deep Cleaning and a revised scheme is being implemented.

OUT 004.03

Ensure provision of timely specialist advice and services on heritage and landscape design to protect and enhance Maidstone's environment


Deanne Cunningham; David Edwards

Reviewed working procedures and new pocesses have been implemented which are being monitored. Service Level Agreements have been drafted to ensure advice is provided in a timely manner.

OUT 004.04

Deliver the Carbon Management Plan to ensure that the Council reduces it’s carbon footprint by 3% per annum


David Edwards; Steve Goulette

report to cabinet member identifeid areas for improvement . Action idnetified and being implemented.

OUT 004.05

Maximise our leisure and cultural offer to enhance the quality of life for our residents whilst attracting visitors, new residents and businesses



A new partnership with Tunbridge Wells (TW) has been established to promote Maidstone and TW as tourist destinations following the demise of the Heart of Kent partnership. Maidstone mobile App has been launched. Maidstone Museum and Bentlif Art Gallery East Wing ground floor open to the public from October 2011. Kent Conference Bureau nominated for a Tourism South East Award. Plans to profile Maidstone during the Olympics are developing including Torch Relay event and associated programme of events.

OUT 004.05a

Complete the Leisure and Culture Strategy with a focus on getting others to deliver and lead on leisure and culture


Angela Woodhouse


OUT 004.05b

Complete the redevelopment of the Museum’s East Wing


Zena Cooke; Brian Morgan

Museum extension nearly complete the projected handover date is 21/10/11. Snagging issues have been identified internally and externally. Staffing training and familiarization is presently taking place. As areas become available there will be soft openings but the main opening will be in early 2012 .

OUT 004.05c

Complete a review of play areas and produce a strategy for future provision


Steve Goulette

draft proposals prepared and due to be discussed with Cabinet Member

OUT 004.05d

Complete Mote Park regeneration project capital works


Steve Goulette

new contract started and works on schedule

OUT 004.06

New Waste Contract


David Edwards; Steve Goulette

Cabinet has agreed a partnership contract with Ashford, Swale, Canterbury and KCC. Ojeu notice being prepared and document preparation has commenced. On schedule.

OUT 004.07

Air Quality Action Plan Update


John Newington

MBC continued to carry out it’s statutory air quality function through our monitoring programme and reporting mechanisms to Defra. The latest Air Quality Annual Progress Report was submitted to and accepted by Defra in May 2011. The Progress report highlighted the exceedence of a new NO2 exceedence area along Forstal Road (which falls within the Air Quality Management Area). In response to this MBC have instigated meetings with T&M as the source of the nitrogen dioxide exceedance is from vehicle emissions, predominantly from the industrial estate which falls in both areas.


Installation of extra continuous monitoring equipment and a project investigating the emission inventory along Upper Stone Street are ongoing. This work is key to enhance the effectiveness of the Action Plan Measures and also supports future feasibility and quantification studies.


Pollution Control have successfully bid for £40K grant from Defra to carry out a feasibility study of Low emission zone/schemes. This work will start in November 2011 and should complete by 2013. The Air Quality Action Plan Quantification study has begun and will provide evidence of air quality benefits of the proposed measures within the AQAP and also supports the evidence base for the Integrated Transport Strategy, Parking Strategy and ultimately 4the LDF Core Strategy.



Objective 5. Residents in Maidstone are not disadvantaged because of where they live or who they are, vulnerable people are assisted and the level of deprivation is reduced










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Latest Note

OUT 005.01

Reduce inequalities within communities through preventative action


Zena Cooke

There are a range of activities that the community development team commission/deliver that address inequalities including; Be Free play activities, health preventative commissioning including a new 8-12 yr old activity club, youth diversionary activities, Hotfoot play schemes, DMAX disabled children’s sports club and Switch Youth Café – all have an increasing emphasis on raising aspirations, addressing health inequalities and tackling risk taking behaviour

OUT 005.02

Promote active citizenship – to facilitate and support increased involvement by local people in decision making and involvement in their neighbourhoods


Zena Cooke

Pilot Park Wood Neighbourhood Management Programme started in Park Wood and will run from Oct 2011 to end of March 2012 including; support to community groups, monthly visits from the Mobile Gateway, bi-monthly visual audits to address littering, rubbish dumping and criminal damage, bi-monthly listening evenings to provide a forum for residents to meet MBC and other agencies and to review progress on the action plan. In addition a Democratic Engagement Strategy is being drafted which will set out the tools to be used by the Council to get local people to get involved in the democratic process. The strategy and action plan are due to be submitted to the Cabinet Member for approval in December 2011.

OUT 005.03

Review the Parkwood Planning for Real activity to inform further work and activities supporting communities in identifying and meeting their needs, opportunities, rights and responsibilities


Zena Cooke

A review was carried out and a report submitted to management team in June. A meeting was held with partners in July (to be held every six months), the action plan has been updated, environmental improvements are being pursued and task and finish groups being set up.

OUT 005.04

Implement meaningful community commissioning of services for local people


Zena Cooke

The community development team has started commissioning services utilising CDRP and health funding. These have been carried out jointly with the police, RSLs and Children’s Preventative Services. The next step will be to involve users in this process. This has been trialled with residents involved in commissioning Groundwork to carry out the environmental improvements in Park Wood. A commissioning tool-kit may need to be written to ensure that lessons are learnt and a consistent approach is developed.

OUT 005.05

Support and encourage people to participate in their communities through staff volunteering and supporting local businesses in developing social enterprise initiatives


Zena Cooke

The Kent and Medway Social Enterprise Network gave a presentation on social enterprise to unit managers in September.

OUT 005.05.01

Promote volunteering and funding streams to voluntary groups


Sarah Robson

Volunteering opportunities and funding streams promoted through the department’s quarterly newsletter and through Voluntary Action Maidstone’s (VAM) email circulation list.

OUT 005.05.02

Set up meeting on social enterprise with local businesses to ascertain the appetite and develop support for social enterprise


Brian Morgan; Sarah Robson

This is being addressed through a Worklessness event being hosted the Maidstone Locality Board in February 2012 supporting business growth, business set up/social enterprise, education, skills and training.

OUT 005.05.03

Encourage services to look at social enterprise models as part of future service planning


Brian Morgan; Sarah Robson

‘Models of Social Enterprise’ was an agenda item at the last Unit Managers, with a presentation from the Social Enterprise Network.

OUT 005.05.04

Work with Voluntary Action Maidstone and the LSP to create a database of volunteers to match to volunteering activities


Zena Cooke; Brian Morgan; Sarah Robson

The Community Partnerships team currently supports, though a Service Level Agreement, Voluntary Action Maidstone’s Volunteer Bureau, which maintains a database of volunteering opportunities in the Maidstone borough.



Objective 6. The Council will continue to have and demonstrate value for money services that residents are satisfied with










Due Date


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Latest Note

OUT 006.01

Seek out and implement new ways of delivering services that are not our core business, such as the Theatre and the Museum


Zena Cooke; Brian Morgan

Consultants have been appointed to examine the present operation of the theatre and advise on future governance .The report shoud be available at the end of October .In relation to the musem discussion are taking place in relation to shared services,as part of the work on the further development of the Business Plan the issue of future governance will be examined .

OUT 006.02

Progress the shared services programme for those services that it is practical to do so and savings can be achieved.


David Edwards; Georgia Hawkes

Shared services are now in place for HR, Legal, Revenues and Benefits, Internal Audit, Parking and Licensing. The Revenues and Benefits partnership will deliver approximately £192K savings in 2011/12. Work is on-going to take forward a three authority ICT shared service and discussions are continuing with partner authorities on Procurement, with the most likely model that the Maidstone Procurement team will undertake joint and individual procurement exercises for other partner authorities. The MKIP Management Board is currently considering what the future MKIP work programme will look at.

OUT 006.03

Ensure we use performance management data, customer satisfaction and customer feedback to improve services


Dave Lindsay; Angela Woodhouse

Information received via complaints questionnaires is actioned and fed back to the relevant services. An accountability framework is currently being designed and will be consulted on early in 2012.

OUT 006.04

Undertake a programme of business improvement service reviews to ensure services are customer focused and delivered efficiently and effectively.


David Edwards; Georgia Hawkes

Much of the work of the Business Improvement team over the last 6 months has concentrated on channel shift. A Channel Shift Strategy was agreed by Cabinet in July 2011 and work has been carried out with a number of service areas to improve their on-line offer. For example, it is now possible to view details of parking penalty charge notices, pay and appeal via the website. The next priorities are booking bulky waste collections and funeral directors on-line booking, before work begins on a new look more transactional website – which is critical to the success of the Channel Shift Strategy. A joint BI/BTP review of the Visitor Economy Business Unit has just been completed, with recommendations made for more efficient working, and outlines for reviews/improvement work with Housing and Executive Support are currently being planned. A corporate Business Improvement Plan is being compiled for December 2011 which will inform the future work programme of the Business Improvement team.

OUT 006.05

Ensure that the authority has a productive, proactive and flexible workforce


Dena Smart

The Council continues to use flexible and modern employment practices and although the workforce has reduced by 23% since 2008 it has improved performance in many areas. The Council’s workforce strategy is in the process of review to take account of significant changes in the sector and to ensure that the work force plan is aligned to the strategic plan for 2015. The Council continues to manage sickness effectively so that it remains a top quartile performer for this indicator.