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120110 LSP Quarter 3 update 2011 Corporate Services

maidstone matters partnership in action




Quarter 3 update: Corporate Services

Date: 15 December 2011

Report Prepared by: Sarah Robson


1.0       Overview - Maidstone Locality Board update

Following on from the dissolution of the Maidstone Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) in September 2011, the final scoping meeting of the Maidstone Locality Board was held on 18 November 2011. Attendees discussed the role of the Locality Board, constitution, membership and future work programme, including a review of the existing LSP delivery groups.  The key difference between the LSP and Locality Board will result in a greater input from county and district councillors, but with representation from the wider public sector, including Kent Police, Kent Fire and Rescue Service, NHS, the voluntary and community sector and the business community.


2.0    Delivery Groups

The five delivery groups that previously existed under the Local Strategic Partnership now report directly to the Locality Board. The groups are;


·           Economic Development and Regeneration

·           Environmental Quality

·           Health and Wellbeing

·           Local Children’s Trust

·           Safer Maidstone Partnership


In early 2012, the delivery groups will be reviewed to bring them in line with the Maidstone Locality Board work programme.


3.0    Delivery Group Priorities

The following priorities have been adopted by each delivery group;


Economic Development and Regeneration

Priority: Worklessness

Focus: Young people not in employment, education or training. Develop apprenticeship, mentoring and training opportunities.


Environmental Quality

Priorities: Waste reduction, climate change and carbon reduction


Focus: Reduce residential and business waste (organise a stakeholder event), travel plans


Health and Wellbeing

Priorities: Teenage conception, Health Weight and Healthy Eating and Mental Health

Focus: Improved awareness of positive relationships/domestic abuse, tackling obesity through nutrition and exercise and positive mental health


Local Children’s Trust

Priorities: Safeguarding, emotional and mental health, a healthy start in life, adolescent engagement

Focus: Community Budgets pilot


Safer Maidstone Partnership

Priorities: Anti social behaviour, domestic abuse, road safety (killed and seriously injured) and substance misuse

Focus: Partnership working through education, intervention and enforcement to support the priorities