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Cabinet, Council or Committee Report for a feasibility study to investigate potential improvements to land leased to the Museum Of Kent Life










Report prepared by Joanna Joyce, Acting Cobtree Officer



1.           A  feasibility study to investigate potential improvements to land leased to the Museum Of Kent Life Trust


1.1        Issue for Decision


1.1.1   To consider undertaking two feasibility studies to look at improvements to land leased from the Council acting as corporate trustee of the charity Cobtree Manor Estate by the Museum of Kent Life Trust and being:


i)             To investigate the feasibility of linking the towpath at Allington Lock with Cobtree Manor Park by a combined footpath and cycle way.


ii)           To investigate the feasibility of creating allotments on land adjacent to this proposed footpath and cycle way.   


1.2        Recommendation of the Assistant Director of Environment and Regulatory Services and the Acting Cobtree Officer


That the Committee agrees and approves the following:-


1.2.1   To commission a feasibility study into linking the towpath at Allington Lock with Cobtree Manor Park by a combined footpath and cycle way along the route shown in Appendix A.


1.2.2   To commission a feasibility study into installing allotments on land leased to the Museum of Kent Life shown edged in red on the plan in Appendix B, opposite Cobtree Manor Park and adjacent to the proposed footpath and cycle way.




1.3        Reasons for Recommendation


Combined cycle way and footpath


1.3.1   It is recommended that the feasibility of a combined footpath and cycle way is investigated because it will improve sustainable transport links to the park. At present this involves the use of busy roads. The proposed path would provide a pleasant traffic free route from the town centre to Cobtree Manor Park. The path would follow the route shown in Appendix A.


1.3.2   This will link into the wider feasibility study being undertaken by Sustrans on behalf of the council and other land owners along the river, looking into making a cycle path along the River Medway between Maidstone and Tonbridge. Sustrans is a leading charity which promotes sustainable transport.


1.3.3   Cobtree Manor Park could potentially become a destination park and activities such as cycle hire could be considered.  The feasibility of this final link to Cobtree Manor Park could be included at no cost for the study by Sustrans which is already funded by Maidstone Borough Council.

1.3.4   The longer term aspiration of the project being undertaken by Sustrans is not only to produce the cycle path between Tonbridge and Maidstone but to investigate continuing this path all the way to Rochester. This is unlikely to happen for some time but if it does it would make Cobtree Manor Park strategically important as the midway point.


1.3.5   If Sustrans are unable to incorporate the additional path at no cost as part of the existing study then the feasibility study could be undertaken by the Cobtree Officer. It is estimated that this will take approximately 2 days of officer time.


1.3.6   The feasibility study will involve consultation with the Cobtree Charity Trust and other stakeholders as well as an investigation of the cost and practicalities of the project.


1.3.7   The findings of the feasibility study will be reported back to the Cobtree Manor Estate Committee.




1.3.8   The Museum of Kent Life approached Maidstone Borough Council about creating allotments on land adjacent to the proposed path, see map showing the land edged in red, Appendix B. The land is owned freehold by Cobtree Charity Trust Limited who sub lease it to Maidstone Borough Council as corporate trustee for the charity Cobtree Manor Estate. Maidstone Borough Council in turn sub lease to Kent County Council who in turn sub lease it to The Museum of Kent Life Trust and their operating body Continuum.


1.3.9   There is currently a waiting list of 142 people for allotments in Maidstone and the possible use of this land would help to alleviate some of the problem. This could fit in with the objects of the charity to manage its assets ‘in such a way for the benefit of the inhabitants of Maidstone and other members of the general public.’


1.3.10                The allotments could be managed by The Maidstone Allotments Management Committee (MAMC). The MAMC is a voluntary organisation of allotment enthusiasts which runs all allotments owned by Maidstone Borough Council. The MAMC are very keen to find new sites in order to reduce the waiting list, and would be interested in taking on this site.


1.3.11                Alternatively the allotments could be run by Continuum on behalf of the Museum of Kent Life Trust. This would give an element of independence from the existing allotment arrangements in the Borough and allow alternative tenancy arrangements for plot holders to be considered.


1.3.12                The land is disused at present and the proposed creation of allotments would bring it into community use.


1.3.13                The feasibility study will involve consultation with the Cobtree Charity Trust and other stakeholders as well as an investigation of the cost and practicalities of the project.


1.3.14                The feasibility study could be undertaken by the Cobtree Officer. It is estimated that that this will take approximately 2 days of officer time.


1.3.15                The findings of the feasibility study will be reported back to the Cobtree Manor Estate Committee.


1.4        Alternative Action and why not Recommended


Combined cycle and footpath


1.4.1   Alternatively no feasibility studies could be undertaken into a combined cycle way and footpath. This is not recommended as the studies currently being undertaken into turning the river walk into a cycle way provide an excellent opportunity to link to the park from the river towpath.


1.4.2   Access to the park is restricted at present predominantly to road traffic. Improving cycle and pedestrian access will make the park more sustainable for the future. This is important if in future the park were to be entered for a Green Flag Award.


1.4.3   Easier access will encourage more people to use the park. It has the potential to become a destination on the new cycle route.




1.4.4   Alternative action is to not investigate the potential for allotments on land identified by the Museum of Kent Life. This is not recommended as the Museum of Kent Life has identified an opportunity which could reflect the objects of the Charity Cobtree Manor Estate, by potentially helping to resolve the deficiency in allotment provision in Maidstone Borough.


1.4.5   The purpose of the feasibility study is to investigate the proposal put to Maidstone Borough Council by Continuum and then put forward recommendations resulting from the study to the Cobtree Manor Estate Committee.


1.5        Impact on Committee Objectives


1.5.1   The feasibility studies could contain proposals leading officers to recommend to the Committee that trial consultation be carried out with the other stakeholders and with a view to working up two costed out schemes.


1.6        Risk Management


1.6.1   Potential risks are minimal and include loss of potential funding for the cycle way and footpath feasibility study if nothing is done and officer time if the feasibility studies show that either project is unsuitable to go forward.


1.7        Other Implications



i)                             Financial




ii)                           Staffing



iii)                          Legal




iv)                          Equality Impact Needs Assessment




v)                           Environmental/Sustainable Development



vi)                          Community Safety



vii)                        Human Rights Act



viii)                       Procurement



ix)                          Asset Management






1.7.2   Cobtree Officer time to investigate the Allotments Feasibility Study and the Cycle Way and Footpath study if Sustrans are unable to do this.




1.7.3   Cobtree Officer time to investigate the Allotments Feasibility Study and the Cycle Way and Footpath study if Sustrans are unable to do this.


1.8        Relevant Documents


1.8.1   Appendices


Appendix A                  Map of proposed footpath and cycle route

Appendix B                   Map of proposed allotment land


1.8.2   Background Documents


There are none.



How to Comment


Should you have any comments on the issue that is being considered please contact either the relevant Officer or the Member of the Executive who will be taking the decision.


Cllr John A Wilson                           Cobtree Manor Estate Committee Chairman

                                                                           Telephone: 01622 720989



Joanna Joyce                                                          Cobtree Officer

                                                                         Telephone: 01622 602719                 E-mail:






Yes                                               No



If yes, when did it first appear in the Forward Plan?



This is a Key Decision because: ………………………………………………………………………..



Wards/Parishes affected: …………………………………………………………………………………..




Appendix A         Map of proposed footpath and cycle route



Key:   Red – proposed new route

          Yellow – existing footpaths

          X – The extent of existing cycle path feasibility study


Appendix B         Land identified as potential allotments



Key:   Red – potential allotment land

Blue – existing hardstand which has potential for car parking for the site

Yellow – existing water standpipe