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Update on Petitions submitted to Kent Highway Services


A report by the Head of Transport & Development to the Joint Transportation Board





  1. A report to update the Board on the current status of petitions received by Kent Highway Services (KHS).


Traffic Calming Measures, Heath Road, Coxheath


  1. A petition was submitted in April 2008 by 59 residents, lead by Mr A R Monk of Westerhill Road, Coxheath.  It sought action to improve the traffic calming measures installed along Heath Road, Coxheath as the petitioners felt these were dangerous.


  1. A number of changes have been carried out to the traffic calming since the submission of this petition and as previously reported KHS had agreed to carry out a review of the safety record in Coxheath, further speed checks and complete the safety audit of the current scheme. This work has been completed and sent to the both the County Councillor and Parish Council.


  1. The Parish Council have held an exhibition to consult the community of Coxheath on alternative proposals put forward by their independent consultants. The results of the public consultation were presented to the County Council in September 2011. The County Council agreed to provide the Parish Council with the costings for the alternative proposals. These costings were provided in October 2011 and a further meeting is to be held with the Parish Council and the Cabinet Member for Highways on 19th January 2012.


Request for the Implementation of a Weight Restriction through Yalding


  1. A petition was submitted in September 2008 by Yalding Parish Council with over 570 signatures supporting a previous request for a weight restriction through Yalding and that surveys of lorry movements through Yalding and East Farleigh be undertaken.


  1. It was previously reported to this Board that HGV surveys, paid for by the local County Councillor and Parish Council, had been carried out and the results circulated to the relevant Councillors and Parish Councils.


  1. In November 2011 the County Council met with Cllr Stockell, Cllr Wilson, and Cllr Blackmore together with Mrs Brown of Yalding Parish Council. At this meeting Cllr Stockell agreed to fund a Weight Restriction on a section of the B2162 from her Member Highway Fund. Officers from the County Council's Highways Team are currently working on the detailed proposals and once these plans have been drawn up there will be a public consultation to make sure they meet the needs of all parties before installation can begin. If any objections are raised to the proposals they will need to be reported back to this Board for discussion.


Parking Issues Tudor Avenue


  1. It has been reported to previous meetings of this Board that KHS had been passed a petition with 54 signatures from the residents of Tudor Avenue, Maidstone requesting parking restrictions be implemented to deal with commuter parking that the residents feel is causing potential road safety problems.



  1. Cllr Chittenden has agreed to fund the work through his Member Highway Fund, it has proved more cost effective to combine these works with additional parking requests in his ward. Works are progressing.


The withdrawal of the Arriva 101 Service from Bus Stops at Cobtree Golf Course and Salisbury Road, Kits Coty


  1. It has been previously reported to this Board that a petition had been received calling for the reinstatement of the 101 bus service to the Cobtree Golf Course Bus Stop and a report was submitted proposing a number of options and seeking Members views.


  1. It was agreed that further quotes be obtained for Option 2 in an attempt to reduce the costs of this preferred option. These quotes were returned to KHS and passed to Paul Carter, the local County Councillor, for consideration for funding. Cllr Carter approved funding for the scheme from his Member Highway Fund budget and the Bus Stop has now been relocated and installed; Kent County Council will continue to monitor the location. No further updates will be reported.


Postley Road, Maidstone


  1. A petition has been received from the residents of Postley Road, Maidstone which raises concern over the dangerous and increasingly unacceptable use of the road by buses including speeding. Kent County Council met with the lead petitioner and separately with the local Councillors to discuss a way forward with respect to this petition.


  1. It was agreed that Postley Road would be included as part of the Speed Reduction pilot project outside schools with measures to be implemented to reduce vehicular speed on Postley Road. Designs are currently being finalised and discussions are ongoing with the County Councillor regarding implementation.


Boxley Road and Beechen Bank Road


  1. At the previous meeting of this Board a petition was received requesting a reduction in the speed limit along Boxley Road and Beechen Bank Road. Boxley Parish Council has agreed to fund the speed limit reduction on Boxley Road, designs and costs have been approved by the Parish Council. Negotiations are ongoing regarding the delivery of the works.


Footpath along Lenham Road to Sports Field, Kingswood


  1. At a previous meeting of this board a petition was submitted by Broomfield & Kingswood Parish Council signed by 101 residents requesting a footpath be constructed along the Lenham Road, Kingswood to ensure the safety and well being of pedestrians accessing the Sports Field and its facilities.


  1. Kent County Council undertook a formal consultation with residents of Lenham Road seeking views of dedicating private land into the publicly maintainable highway in order to safely install the new footway. Due to objections from residents to the consultation KCC agreed not to pursue this scheme.


  1. However, Cllr Whittle in partnership with Broomfield and Kingswood Parish Council agreed to fund a design and cost estimate through the Member Highway Fund process. This will enable the Parish Council to decide whether to fund the works. Officers have met with Kingswood and Broomfield Parish Council providing the design for the works and offering advice regarding the delivery of the scheme. The responsibility now lies with the Parish Council regarding any future construction for the footpath. No further updates will be reported.


Speed Limit Reduction in Sheephurst Lane & Green Lane, Collier Street


  1. Kent County Council received petitions from residents of Sheephurst Lane & Green Lane, Collier Street requesting that the current speed limit is reduced. There have been no reported personal injury crashes over the last 3 year period as a resultant of speeding along these roads however, Cllr Stockell has agreed to fund the speed limit reductions from her Member Highway Fund. Works will be progressed through the Member Highway Fund process and future updates will be included in the Member Highway Fund Update report.


Speed Reduction pilot project outside schools


  1. Kent County Council as previously reported is implementing a number of speed reduction pilot schemes outside primary schools in Maidstone this year. To ascertain the success of these schemes pre traffic surveys and safety perception surveys have been undertaken at the schools.


  1. Detailed designs are currently being finalised so that consultation can be undertaken with the County Members who are funding the schemes through their Member Highway Fund and the Police prior to installation.  Discussions are ongoing with the Schools to reduce any congestion during the construction phase of the project.


New Petitions


  1. There are currently no new petitions to report to this Board.












Accountable Officer:              Andy Corcoran 01233 648302