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20 MAY 2009

















Any function under a local Act



All Members of the authority

Maidstone Borough Council Act 2006 functions

Assistant Director of Environmental Services

The determination of an appeal against any decision made by or on behalf of the authority: (a) where there is a statutory appeals procedure 

(b) relating to the granting of a licence













All Members of the authority


All Members of the authority






Appeals Committee



Licensing Committee

The conducting of best value reviews in accordance with the provisions of any order for the time being having effect under Section 5 (best value review) of the Local Government Act 1999



Leader and Cabinet

Chief Executive to appoint working groups of officers to undertake best value reviews

Any function relating to contaminated land



Leader and Cabinet

Director of Change and Environmental Services/Assistant  Director of Environmental Services to exercise all powers


The discharge of any function relating to the control of pollution or the management of air quality



Leader and Cabinet

Director of Change and Environmental Services/Assistant Director of Environmental Services to exercise all powers







The service of an abatement notice in respect of a statutory nuisance



Leader and Cabinet

Director of Change and Environmental Services/Assistant  Director of Environmental Services to exercise all powers


The passing of a resolution that Schedule 2 to the Noise and Nuisance Act 1993 should apply in the authority’s area



Leader and Cabinet

Director of Change and Environmental Services/Assistant  Director of Environmental Services to exercise all powers


The inspection of the authority’s area to detect any statutory nuisance



Leader and Cabinet

Director of Change and Environmental Services/Assistant  Director of Environmental Services to exercise all powers


The investigation of any complaint as to the existence of a statutory nuisance



Leader and Cabinet

Director of Change and Environmental Services/Assistant  Director of Environmental Services to exercise all powers


The obtaining of information under Section 330 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990



Leader and Cabinet

Director of Prosperity and Regeneration/ Development Control Manager to exercise all powers


The obtaining of particulars of persons interested in land under Section 16 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 (b)

Provisions) Act 1976



Leader and Cabinet

Directors/Assistant Directors/Heads of Service to exercise all powers






The appointment of any individual

(a)    to any office other than an office in which he is employed by the authority;

(b)   to any body other than (i) the authority (ii) a joint committee of two or more authorities; or

(c)    to any committee or sub-committee of such a body, and the revocation of any such appointment.




The making of agreements with other local authorities for the placing of staff at the disposal of those other authorities.



Chief Executive






















(Amended Sept06)










Planning Committee

13 Members of the authority

(NB members and substitute members of Licensing Committee and Licensing Act 2003 Committee cannot be members of Planning Committee)

Planning and Conservation - Functions relating to town and country planning and development control as specified in Schedule 1 to the Local Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities) (England) Regulations 2000 (the Functions Regulations)

As detailed in the appendix to Part 3 of the Constitution

The Director of Prosperity and Regeneration/Development Control Manager have delegated power to undertake all the functions relating to planning and conservation, except where the intended delegated decision on a planning or related application:

(a)    would be contrary to the written views of the Ward Member or political group spokesperson of the Planning Committee and the Member has requested Committee consideration. The request for the application to be heard by Planning Committee should be made within a period of twenty one days of the receipt of a notice advising them of the application.  In the case of political groups spokespersons, the request must be made within twenty one days of the applications received being published on the Council’s website which will be on a daily basis. Additionally, if a Member requests that an application is determined by Committee, that member should attend the Committee to address the planning issues they have raised.

(b)   would be contrary to the written view of any Parish Council

(c)    would be contrary to the written view of any statutory consultee in the planning process; or

(d)   would be contrary to the provisions of the Development Plan or any emerging development plan policies that have been adopted by the Council for Development Control purposes.


The Director of Prosperity and Regeneration/ Development Control Manager have delegated power to undertake all functions relating to planning enforcement.












Planning Committee

Functions relating to High Hedges contained in Part 8 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003

The Director of Prosperity and Regeneration/Assistant Director of Development and Community Strategy have delegated authority to determine high hedges complaints and to take appropriate enforcement action, except in the following specific circumstances;-

  • Where the case relates to a hedge on Council land or complaints relate to Council Officers or Members
  • Where trees within a hedge are protected by a Tree Preservation Order or are located within a Conservation Area and the Officer decision would be contrary to the views of Ward Members or the Parish Council
  • Exceptional cases where there are wider issues of a public nature or where there is a potential impact on the Council and/or its policies.

Planning Referrals Committee

(7-9 Members of the Authority, excluding Members and Substitute Members  of the Planning Committee)

To determine planning applications referred to it by the Development Control Manager if he is of the opinion that the decision of the Planning Committee is likely to have significant cost implications













Licensing Committee



(NB members and substitute members of planning committee cannot be members of licensing committee)

Licensing – Functions relating to licensing as set out in Schedule 1 to the Functions Regulations.

As detailed in the Appendix to Part  3 of the Constitution.


(Except those functions which are the responsibility of the Licensing Act 2003 committee)

All functions delegated to the Director of Prosperity and Regeneration/ Democratic Services Manager except the determination of policy, setting the level of fees and charges, consideration of appeals against any licence and the making of an order identifying a place as a designated public place for the purposes of police powers in relation to alcohol consumption which are the responsibility of the Licensing Committee


Licensing Act 2003 Committee


(NB members and substitute members of planning committee cannot be members of Licensing Act

2003 Committee)


(must comprise 10-15 members of the Authority)

To deal with Licensing functions in accordance with the Licensing Act 2003 and the Licensing Policy agreed by the Council.


To deal with Gambling functions in accordance with the Gambling Act 2005 and the Statement of Principles agreed by the Council.

All applications where a “Relevant Representation” (Licensing) or a “Representation” (Gambling) has been made will be dealt with by the Licensing Act 2003 Sub Committee.  Cancellation of club gaming / club machine permits.  Counter notice to temporary use notice will be dealt with by the Licensing Act 2003 Sub Committee.  All other licensing applications will be dealt with by the Director of Prosperity and Regeneration/Democratic Services Manager.  All other gambling applications will be dealt with by the Democratic Services Manager.











Employment and Development Panel 8 Members of the authority (including at least one member of the Executive) (no member of the Investigatory Committee shall be a member of this Panel)

a) to consider the applications received for the posts of Chief Executive and Directors and to compile a short list for interview and subsequently to interview and make appointments.


b) to review annually the performance of the Chief Executive and Directors, to agree targets for the coming financial year, and agree any corrective action which may be required relating to the previous financial year.      


c) to consider all other matters concerning the terms and conditions of service of the post of Chief Executive, and to    recommend Accordingly the Council.


d) Power to determine terms and conditions on which staff  hold office (including procedures for their dismissal.)


e) to hear and determine appeals under the disciplinary procedures for staff on the JNC Conditions of Service for Chief Officers of Local Authorities






























Appeals Committee

8 Members of the authority (including at least one Member of the Executive)


































(a)    To hear and determine appeals under either the grievance or disciplinary procedure for all categories of employees except those staff on JNC conditions of Service for Chief Officers of Local Authorities.

(b)   To be the final level of appeal relating to any statutory appeal decisions taken by Members of the executive and non-executive arms of the Council.







Investigatory Committee 8 members of the authority (including at least one member of the Executive) (no member of the Employment and Development Panel shall be a member of this Committee)

To act as an Investigatory Committee in disciplinary matters for staff on the JNC Conditions of Service for Chief Officers of Local Authorities


























Standards Committee

6 Members of the

Authority other than

The Leader.

4 people who are not

Councillors or officers of the Council or any other body with a Standards Committee

3 members of Parish Councils wholly or majorly in the Council’s area.  The Standards Committee will have 3 substitutes (one from each political group) who can each be called upon to substitute for any Member.

(a)   The promotion and maintenance of high standards of conduct within the Council.

(b)   To advise the Council on the adoption or revision of its Code of Conduct.

(c)   To monitor and advise the Council about the operation of its Code of Conduct in the light of best practice, changes in the law, guidance from the Standards Board and recommendations of case tribunals under Section 80 of the Local Government Act 2000

(d)  Assistance to Members and co-opted members of the authority to observe the Code of Conduct.

(e)   To ensure that all Members of the Council have access to training in all aspects of the Member Code of Conduct, that this training is actively promoted, and that Members are aware of the standards expected from local Councillors under the Code.

(f)   Functions relating to standards of conduct of Members under any relevant position of, or regulations made under, the Local Government Act 2000, and Local Government and Public Involvement Health Act 2007.


































(g) Oversight of the Constitution, the whistle blowing policy, complaints handling and ombudsman investigations.

(h) To make recommendations to the Council regarding the making of payments or the provision of other benefits in cases of maladministration.

(i)  To make recommendations to the Council regarding the operation of the Members’ Allowance Scheme.

(j)  Consideration of any application received from any officer of the Authority for exemption from political restriction under Sections 1 and 2 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 in respect of the post held by that officer and directing the Authority that the post shall not be considered to be a politically restricted post and that the post be removed from the list maintained by the Authority under Section 2(2) of that act.

(k) Consideration, upon the application of any person or otherwise, whether a post should be included in the list maintained by the Authority under Section 2(2) of the 1989 Act, and directing the Authority to include a post in that list.

(l)  The appointment of independent persons of other authorities’ Standards Committees to be temporary members of the Standards Sub-Committees.




















Initial Assessments Investigations, Consideration of M.O.’s reports and Determinations to be dealt with by Standards Sub-Committee, comprising 5 members of Standards Committee including one independent person and one Parish member to be appointed by the Monitoring Officer in consultation with the Chairman of Standards Committee.  Review of decisions not to investigate to be dealt with by the Standards Review Panel comprising 5 Members of Standards Committee including one independent member and one Parish member to be appointed by the Monitoring Officer in consultation with the Chairman of Standards Committee.






Chief Executive has authority to make payments of up to £500.




Standards Sub Committee











Standards Sub Committee






Monitoring Officer in consultation with Chairman of General Purposes Group.










Strategic Housing Advisory Committee

6 Members of the Authority

To give advice to the Cabinet on the following matters:-


The Monitoring of the performance of the Maidstone Housing Trust.


Audit Committee

5 Members of the Authority

See Article 6A of the Constitution


General Purposes Group

9 Members of the Authority (plus 1 Independent Co-opted Member of the Standards Committee when the Group is considering making recommendations to the Council as to the appointment of Independent Persons to serve on the Standards Committee.)

1.         In parallel with the Executive, Overview and Scrutiny Committees, Standards Committee and the Monitoring Officer, to consider matters relating to changes in the Constitution and make recommendations to Council as appropriate.

2.         To consider any matters relating to electoral registration, elections or electoral boundaries which have not been delegated to the Electoral Registration Officer or Returning Officer.

3.         To recommend to the Council the appointment of an Electoral Registration Officer and Returning Officer.

4.         To recommend to the Council the appointment of Independent Persons to serve on the Standards Committee.

5.         To be responsible for the appointment of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Members’ Allowances.

6.         To consider matters relating to the Mayoralty where appropriate.

7.         To advise the Cabinet Member for Corporate Services and the Head of Human Resources on Member development priorities where appropriate.

8.         To approve the Council Tax Base.

9.         To appoint Council nominees to outside bodies and seminars as appropriate.

10.     To consider other non-executive functions not allocated to a Committee or to an Officer and to make recommendations to the Council, as appropriate.









Joint Consultative Committee

8 Members of the Authority and 8 Trade Union Representatives (6 representatives from UNISON, 1 representative from TGWU and 1 representative from GMB


A consultative forum for views to be expressed between both parties on the Committee regarding the following issues relating to the employment of staff by the Council but excluding individual cases:

-          Health and Safety Issues at Works

-          Changes in Staff Structures

-          Terms of Conditions of


Such views are referred to the appropriate Council Decision Making Body.



Local Development Document Advisory Group

12 Members of the Authority

To give advice to the Cabinet, the Cabinet Member for Regeneration, or the Full Council as appropriate on the powers and duties relating to the Local Development Documents which are Development Plan documents and on all other issues relating to the Development Plan process.



Group of Members to Receive the Report of an Independent Person

All issues relating to the receipt of the independent person’s report except any decision to dismiss the Head of Paid Service which must be approved by Council.






























All Members of the authority

Health and Safety – Functions relating to health and safety under any “relevant statutory provision” within the meaning of Part I of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 to the extent that those functions are discharged otherwise than in the Council’s capacity as an employer.

All functions delegated to the Director of  Change and Environmental Services/Assistant Director of Environmental Services



All Members of the Authority


Functions relating to elections

1. Duty to appoint an electoral registration officer.

On recommendation of General Purposes Group



2.  Power to assign officers in relation to functions of the registration officer.

Electoral Registration Officer



3.  Functions in relation to parishes and parish councils.

Electoral Registration Officer



4.  Power to dissolve small Parish councils.

Electoral Registration Officer

to consult



5.  Power to make orders for grouping parishes, dissolving groups and separating parishes from groups.

Electoral Registration Officer

to consult



6.  Duty to appoint returning officer for local government elections.

On recommendation of General Purposes Group



7.  Duty to provide assistance at European Parliamentary elections.

Returning Officer



8.  Duty to divide constituency into polling districts.

Electoral Registration Officer



9.  Power to divide electoral divisions into polling districts at local government elections.

Electoral Registration Officer



10.  Powers in respect of holding of elections.

Electoral Registration Officer



11.  Power to pay expenses properly incurred by electoral registration officers.

Electoral Registration Officer



12.  Power to fill vacancies in the event of insufficient nominations.

Returning Officer



13.  Duty to declare vacancy in office in certain cases.

Returning Officer



14.  Duty to give public notice of a casual vacancy.

Returning Officer



15.  Power to make temporary appointments to parish councils.

Returning Officer



16.  Power to determine fees and conditions for supply of copies of, or extracts from, elections documents.


Returning Officer








17.  Power to submit proposals to the Secretary of State for an Order under Section 10 (pilot schemes for local elections in England and Wales) of th e Representation of the People Act 2000.


Returning Officer



All Members of the Authority

Function relating to name and status of areas and individuals

1. Power to change the name of the


2. Power to change the name of a Parish.

3. Power to confer title of honorary alderman or to admit to be an honorary freeman.

4. Power to petition for a charter to confer Borough status.




Power to make, amend, revoke or re-enact byelaws 




Power to promote or oppose local or personal Bills 




Functions relating to pensions etc.

1.  Functions relating to local government pensions, etc.


Head of Human Resources



Miscellaneous provisions

1. Duty to approve authority’s statement of accounts, income and expenditure and balance sheet or record of receipts and payments (as the case may be).




2. Power to make standing orders (Procedure Rules)

On recommendation of General Purposes Committee



3. Power to appoint staff

Chief Executive



4. Power to make standing orders (Procedure Rules) on contracts.

On recommendation of General Purposes Committee



5. Power to make payments or provide other benefits in case of maladministration etc.

Delegated to the Chief Executive up to £500/ Standards Committee to make recommendations to the Council.



6. Duty to make arrangements for proper administration of financial affairs etc.




7. Power to appoint officers for particular purposes (appointment of    “proper officers”)

Chief Executive



8. Power to make closing order with respect to take-away food shops.

Licensing Committee



9. Duty to designate officer as the head

of the authority’s paid service, and to provide staff, etc.




10.  Duty to designate officer as the Monitoring Officer and provide staff etc.





11. Powers relating to the protection of

important hedgerows.

Planning Committee



12. Powers relating to the preservation of


Planning Committee







































Officer Responsibility


The Chief Executive, Directors, Assistant Directors, Heads of Service, the Democratic Services Manager, the Overview and Scrutiny and Policy Manager, the Development Control Manager, the Museums and Heritage Manager and the Theatre and Events Manager will be responsible for the execution of functions and the provision of all the services under their respective headings as set out on pages 60-70, having authority to act on all such matters (including the authorisation of legal proceedings and the issue and service of notices), subject to:


(a)        actions being taken being in accord with the Council’s Budget and Policy Framework; and


(b)        the referral of any required decision or action which is controversial in nature to the appropriate Member decision making individual or body:


The Chief Executive, Directors, Assistant Directors, Heads of Service, the Democratic Services Manager, the Overview and Scrutiny and Policy Manager, the Development Control Manager, the Museums and Heritage Manager and the Theatre and Events Manager may authorise any other officer of the Council to exercise their delegated functions on their behalf.


Assistant Directors may exercise any of their Director’s functions in the absence of the Director.


Action in Response to a Major Emergency:


The most senior officer of the authority present will have the authority to approve any expenditure in expediting the Council’s response to a major emergency affecting the Borough where it is not possible to refer the matter for decision to a more senior officer of the Council, the appropriate Cabinet Member or the Leader of the Council. 









(Amended Sept06)



The Chief Executive has direct responsibility for the provision of the following services together with those separately listed which are undertaken in the Sections of his Department.  The Chief Executive may undertake any decision in respect of these services as required.


The provision of policy advice to the Council and the Executive, ensuring that they receive such guidance and advice as will enable them to use the Council's resources to the best advantage in the development of its strategies and policies.  Specifically to ensure that the Council and Executive has advice on the establishment and structure needed to carry out efficiently the work of the Council.


The exercise of authority over all other officers of the Council so far as this is necessary for the efficient management of the Council's functions.


Supervising, co-ordinating and ensuring the implementation of the Council's decisions.  Specifically to lead the Council's Corporate Management Team in securing a co-ordinated approach to the affairs of the Council generally.


Ensuring the propriety of the Council's actions (together with the Monitoring Officer).


The research and development of corporate policy options for consideration by Members.


The development of beneficial relations between Members and officers of the Council.


The promotion and safeguard of the best interests of the Council locally and nationally.  Specifically to liaise with national and local associations, authorities, groups, companies, organisations and individuals to further the policies and objectives of the Council.


Provision of advice to the Cabinet on the implementation of the Best Value process.


The preparation and submission to the Cabinet of the draft Community Plan and upon approval by Council, the implementation of the Plan.


Responsibility for undertaking negotiations and consultation with staff through their trade unions on all matters relating to employment.



Head of Communications


(1)       The provision of Public Relations Marketing Services, and Public Consultation Services.


(2)       Responsibility for a Communications Strategy.


Head of Internal Audit and Risk Strategy


(1)        The provision of an adequate and effective system of internal audit of the Council’s accounting records and its system of internal control in accordance with the proper practices in relation to internal control as prescribed by the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2003 (amended 2006).


(2)        The maintenance the Council’s Strategic Risk Register and the provision of advice and guidance on the principles and practices of Risk Management.






The Director of Resources and Partnership has responsibility for the provision of the following services.  The Director may undertake any function in respect of these services as required.



Assistant Director of Customer Services and Partnerships


(1)       The provision of advice on the formulation of the Council’s I.T. Strategy and the facilitation of Corporate I.T. activities so that they may remain within the corporate I.T. Strategy.


(2)       The provision of a central purchasing service for all I.T. related functions including hardware, software and consumables.


(3)       The provision of a strategic input to decisions on matters concerning new technology.


(4)        The provision of a switchboard and contact centre service.


(5)        The administration, collection and recovery of non-domestic rates and Council Tax, including determining any discretionary items in connection with local taxation or national non-domestic rates.


(6)       The determination, administration and making payments including arranging abatements and rebates for Council Tax Benefit and Housing Benefit including determining any discretionary items in connection with Council Tax Benefit and Housing Benefit.


(7)        Operation of the receipt of payments service.


(8)        The administration arrangements for the Borough Council’s Concessionary Fares Scheme.


(9)               The development and implementation of the Council’s Customer Care Strategy.


(10)           Provision of a printing service.


(11)           Management of the Council’s reception/Gateway.


(12)           Development of Partnerships.


(13)           The development of an art strategy for the Borough and the provision of a varied events programme during the year.


(14)           The provision of a sport play and youth development service.


(15)           The responsibility for the various halls used for recreational purposes throughout the Borough.


(16)           Responsibility for all aspects of community safety.


(17)           The provision of advice on the development of policies on social inclusion community development and community planning.


(18)           Advice to the Council and other organisations on all matters relating to grants and lottery applications.



Head of Finance


(1)        The provision of financial advice throughout the authority to Officers and Members.


(2)        The maintenance of corporate financial systems and ensuring the financial integrity of all other systems.


(3)        The compilation of financial accounts in accordance with statutory requirements.


(4)        Compilation and submission of grant claims.


(5)        The provision of corporate financial services.


(6)               The provision of general financial advice on the allocation of resources for concurrent functions.



Head of Legal Services


(1)        The provision of advice to Members and Officers of the Council on all legal issues.


(2)        The provision of a legal service relating to the Council’s functions.


(3)        Provision of advice to the Executive and the Council on the operation of the Constitution.


(4)               The investigation and resolution of Stage 2 complaints against the Council and dealing with the Local Government Ombudsman.


(5)               All Monitoring Officer duties.


Head of Human Resources


(1)        The provision of advice to Members and Officers of the Council on all aspects of personnel policy and issues including employment issues, conditions of service, pay and grading.


(2)        The administration of the Council's scheme of job evaluation for the grading of posts.


(3)        Ensuring that the Council's personnel policies and procedures comply with employment legislation and E.C Directives.


(4)        The approval of all staff qualification training; planning and design of in-house training services and co-ordination of the Youth Training Scheme.


(5)        Ensuring the payment of salaries, wages and associated employer expenses to employees and Members of the Council, and advising on pension matters.


(6)               Ensuring the appropriate development of Members and Officers.


(7)               Ensuring that the Council’s Health and Safety at Work policies and procedures comply with legislation and E.C. Directives including Fire Regulations and training.






The Director of Prosperity and Regeneration is the authorised officer for Responsible Authority Functions under the Gambling Act 2005.


The Director of Prosperity and Regeneration has responsibility for the provision of the following services.  The Director of Prosperity and Regeneration may undertake any function in respect of these services as required.



Assistant Director of Development and Community Strategy


(1)               Implementation of the tourism strategy for Maidstone.


(2)               The responsibility for the twinning relationship set up by the Council.


(3)               The provision of advice and the taking of actions to further the aim of sustainability and Local Agenda 21 both internally within the Council and externally throughout the Borough.


(4)               Responsibility for all aspects of Conservation and Tree Preservation.


(5)               Taking action to foster an efficient and attractive public transport network in the Borough, including the development of the Park and Ride service, and implementation of the concessionary fares scheme.


(6)               The provision of conservation and landscape advice in the determination of planning applications and policy.


(7)               Preparation of statutory planning policy documents and supplementary planning guidance and advice to developers.


(8)               Responsibility for functions relating to High Hedges legislation.


(9)               Responsibility for Sustainable Community Strategy and Resourcing for Prosperity and Regeneration.


(10)           The drafting and implementing of the Council’s Housing Strategy, including the preparation of the Housing Investment Programme and its submission to the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions.


(11)           The development of the Council’s housing enabling role, including liaison with the Housing Corporation and Registered Social Landlords as appropriate.


(12)           Ensure the Council’s duties and obligations in relation to homelessness and the operation of the Council’s allocation scheme are fulfilled.


(13)           Manage all forms of temporary accommodation in connection with the Council’s homelessness duties including entering into lease agreements and service of any related notices.


(14)           Undertaking any special housing initiatives that might arise.


(15)           Responsibility for ensuring that private sector housing standards are achieved, in particular as they relate to houses in multiple occupation and unfit dwellings.


(16)           The operation of the grants system for renovating private sector properties.


(17)           Perform the Council’s duties and obligations in connection with private sector housing including enforcement measures.


(18)           Enter into arrangements with third parties to enable the delivery of new affordable housing including authorising payments either directly or via government appointed bodies.


(19)           To be responsible for the management of Gypsy caravan sites.



Development Control Manager


(1)        The enforcement of all aspects of planning control.


(2)               Handling and determination of all applications submitted under the Town and Country Planning Acts in accordance with criteria as set out in the Constitution, including the adoption of screening and scoping opinions in relation to Environmental Statements.


(3)               Exercising all other non-executive functions relating to planning (other than those relating to planning policy).

To be responsible for taking action to remove gipsies from non-Council owned land.


Democratic Services Manager


(1)               Organisation of the Mayoral function, Civic matters and Town Hall.


(2)               The provision of Facilities for Members.


(3)               The servicing of the Council’s Committees and Sub-Committees.


(4)               The servicing of the Executive, its Committees, and the decision making process of individual Cabinet Members.


(5)               The production of an annual register of electors and responsibility for the running of elections, electoral boundaries and all parish council matters.


(6)               The responsibility for the Council’s local land charges service.


(7)               Responsibility for all licensing functions (not otherwise delegated or prohibited).


(8)               Responsibility for all gambling functions (not otherwise delegated or prohibited).



Theatre and Events Manager


(1)        The responsibility for the Hazlitt Arts Centre including the Hazlitt Theatre, Maidstone Room,  Exchange Studio, 4th Wall and Graham Clarke Gallery.  The provision of various entertainment at these sites and outside events.





The Director of Change and Environmental Services has responsibility for the provision of the following services.  The Director may undertake any function in respect of these services as required.


Responsibility for Emergency Plan Function


The Director of Change and Environmental Services is responsible for daily management of The Queens Own Royal West Kent Regiment Museum Trust and the Cobtree Tree Manor Estate Charity.



Assistant Director of Environmental Services


i.                        The responsibility for pollution control including noise, air, land, water and private drainage.


ii.                        To ensure that sustainable development policies and good environmental working practices are widely promoted and integrated into the day to day working practices of the Council and publicised to all sectors of the wider community.


iii.                        The provision of a dog warden service.


iv.                        The responsibility for the hygiene and control of food including the provision of safe food, control of standards, meat inspection and education.


v.                        The responsibility for health and safety at work matters through education, enforcement and investigation of accidents, including the authorisation of Officers from the Health and Safety Executive and other Authorities in Kent to act as inspectors and to take action in respect of those matters in Maidstone, and authorisation of Maidstone Officers to act as inspectors and take action in respect of HSE matters and in all areas of Kent.


vi.                        The responsibility for the control of infectious diseases, etc.


vii.                        The provision of a health promotion service, including home and water safety.


viii.                        To be responsible for the enforcement of the Sunday Trading Act 1994.


ix.                        Handling and determination of all applications submitted under the building regulations.


x.                        Enforcement of building regulations.


xi.                        The exercise of control over demolitions and dangerous structures under the Public Health Acts and Building Act.


xii.                        The operation of Park and Ride in the Borough. 


xiii.                        Responsibility for the Decriminalised Parking service and the provision of off-street parking facilities.


xiv.                        Undertaking consultation concerning, and the making of, traffic regulation orders.


xv.                        Responsibility for the development and provision of a cleansing service including street cleansing, refuse collection, public conveniences, and building cleaning.


xvi.                        The monitoring of Council contracts in respect of all cleansing services.


xvii.                        Co-ordination and implementation of environmental improvement schemes in accordance with the Council's strategy.


xviii.                        Responsibility for the development and provision of a grounds maintenance service including parks and open spaces, horticulture, arboriculture and sports pitches.


xix.                        Responsibility for the development and provision of Leisure Activities including Maidstone Leisure Centre, Cobtree Golf Course, river mooring facilities, fishing and catering facilities.


xx.                        The monitoring of Council contracts in respect of all Grounds Maintenance Services and Leisure Activities.


xxi.                        The responsibility for the Vinters Park Crematorium and Maidstone Cemetery.


xxii.                        Management of the Lockmeadow Market.


xxiii.                        The responsibility for the central purchasing of vehicle and transport supplies.


xxiv.                        Responsibility for a pest control service.


xxv.                        The responsibility for running a Unified Direct Labour Organisation (DLO).


xxvi.                        Ensuring that the optimum level of the works and services provided by the Council in the areas of Highways and Sewers, Grounds Maintenance, Emergencies and any other areas as determined by the Council are undertaken.


xxvii.                        To be responsible for the Enforcement of Street Trading Legislation (including the Maidstone Borough Council Act 2006).


xxviii.                        To be responsible for the Enforcement of Smoke Free Legislation.

xxix.                        To be responsible for the Council’s Emergency Response Service.



Head of Business Improvement


(1)        To provide through the Property and Procurement Section:-


(a)                Policy and strategic advice to Members and Council officers on all technical and consultancy matters.


(b)               The procurement and supervision of a full range of architectural, building and engineering related professional services to ensure the completion of the various Council construction programmes through all work stages from inception/feasibility to completion and final account.


(c)                Collation and holding of professional and trade references.


(d)               Conservation and preservation of the Council's stock of civic buildings.


(e)                Preparation and holding of archival, historic and statistical information on Council buildings.


(f)                Community Projects relating to construction activities.


(g)               Responsibility for land drainage matters.


(h)               Flood plan, advice and liaison with the Environmental Agency on flooding and related matters.


(i)                 Advice on procurement services


(2)       Acquisition and disposal of land and buildings.


(3)       The maintenance of all general fund properties.


(4)       The provision of a valuation service for the Council.


(5)       The provision of a property advisory service.


(6)       The management of all non-operational properties.


(7)       Business transformation.


(8)      To be responsible for taking action to remove gypsies from Council land.



Overview & Scrutiny and Policy Manager


(1)               Ensuring the smooth, efficient and transparent operation of the Overview and Scrutiny process.


(2)               Ensuring consistent compliance with the Best Value Principles throughout the Council.


(3)               Implementation of the Council’s Performance Management System. 


(4)               To be responsible for the introduction of change management in the Authority.



Museums & Heritage Manager


(1)       The responsibility for the Museums in Maidstone and the provision of the various facilities at these sites.


(2)       Responsibility for the daily management of The Queens Own Royal West Kent Regiment Museum Trust.





(As referred to in the tables at

Section 2 of this Part of the Constitution)




A.                 Functions relating to town and country planning.


1.                  Powers and duties relating to local development documents which are development plan documents.


2.         Power to agree to establish a joint committee to be, for the purposes of Part 2 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, a local planning       authority.


3.         Power to agree to confer additional functions on a joint committee.


4.         Power to request the dissolution of a joint committee.


5.                  Power to determine applications for planning permission.


6.                  Power to determine applications to develop land without compliance with conditions previously attached.


7.                  Power to grant planning permission for development already carried out.


8.                  Power to decline to determine application for planning permission.


9.                  Duties relating to the making of determinations of planning applications.


10.              Power to determine application for planning permission made by a local authority, alone or jointly with another person.


11.              Power to make determinations, give approvals and agree certain other matters relating to the exercise of permitted development rights.


12.              Power to enter into agreement regulating development or use of land.


13.              Power to issue a certificate of existing or proposed lawful use or development.


14.              Power to serve a completion notice.


15.              Power to grant consent for the display of advertisements.


16.              Power to authorise entry onto land.


17.              Power to require the discontinuance of a use of land.


18.              Power to serve a planning contravention notice, breach of condition notice or stop notice.


19.              Power to issue an enforcement notice.


20.              Power to apply for an injunction restraining a breach of planning control.


21.              Power to determine applications for hazardous substances consent, and related powers.


22.              Power to require proper maintenance of land.


23.              Power to determine application for listed building consent, and related powers.


24.              Power to determine applications for conservation area consent.


25.              Duties relating to applications for listed building consent and conservation area consent.


26.              Power to serve a building preservation notice, and related powers.


27.              Power to issue enforcement notice in relation to demolition of unlisted building in conservation area.


28.              Powers to acquire a listed building in need of repair and to serve a repairs notice.


29.              Power to apply for an injunction in relation to a listed building.


30.              Power to execute urgent works.



B.                 Licensing and registration functions (insofar as not covered by any other paragraph of this Schedule)


1.                  Power to issue licences authorising the use of land as a caravan site (“site licences”).

2.                  Power to license the use of moveable dwellings and camping sites.

3.                  Power to license hackney carriages and private hire vehicles.

4.                  Power to license drivers of hackney carriages and private hire vehicles.

5.                  Power to license operators of hackney carriages and private hire vehicles.


6.         Power to register pool promoters (as saved by Gambling Act Order).

7.         Power to grant track betting licences (as saved by Gambling Act Order).


8.         Power to license inter-track betting schemes (as saved by Gambling Act Order).


1.                  Power to grant permits in respect of premises with amusement machines (as saved by Gambling Act Order).


2.                  Power to register societies wishing to promote lotteries (as saved by Gambling Act Order).


11.       Power to grant permits in respect of premises where amusements with prizes are provided (as saved by Gambling Act Order).


12.       Not used.

13.       Not used.

14.       Not used.

14A     Functions relating to licensing contained in Sections 5 to 8 of the Licensing            Act 2003.

14AA  Duty to comply with requirement to provide information to Gambling Commission.

14AB  Functions relating to the exchange of information.

14AC  Functions relating to occasional use notices.
14B     Power to resolve not to issue a casino premises licence.
14C     Power to designate officer of a Licensing Authority as an authorised person.

14CA  Power to make Order disapplying Section 279 or 282(1) of the Gambling Act in relation to specified premises.

14D     Power to institute criminal proceedings.
14E      Power to exchange information under Section 350 of the 2005 Act.
14F      Determination of fees for premises licences.

14G     Functions relating to the registration and regulation of small society lotteries.


15.              Power to license sex shops and sex cinemas.


16.              Power to license performances of hypnotism.


17.              Power to license premises for acupuncture, tattooing, ear-piercing and electrolysis.


18.              Power to license pleasure boats and pleasure vessels.


19.              Power to license street trading.          


20.       Not used.


21.              Power to license dealers in game and the killing and selling of game.


22.              Power of register and license premises for the preparation of food.


23.              Power to license scrap yards.


24.              Power to issue, amend or replace safety certificates (whether general or special) for sports grounds.


25                Power to issue, cancel, amend or replace safety certificates for regulated stands at sports grounds.


26.              Power to issue fire certificates.

27.              Power to license premises for the breeding of dogs.


28.              Power to license pet shops and other establishments where animals are bred or kept for the purposes of carrying on a business.


29.              Power to register animal trainers and exhibitors.


30.              Power to license zoos.


31.              Power to license dangerous wild animals.


32.              Power to license knackers’ yards.


33.              Power to license the employment of children.


34.              Power to approve premises for the solemnisation of marriages.


35.              Power to license persons to collect for charitable and other causes.


36.              Power to grant consent for the operation of a loudspeaker.


37.              Power to grant a street works licence.


38.              Power to issue licences for the movement of pigs.


39.              Power to license the sale of pigs.


40.              Power to license collecting centres for the movement of pigs.


41.              Power to issue a licence to move cattle from a market.

41A.    Power to grant permission for provision etc. of services, amenities, recreation         and refreshment facilities on highway, and related powers.

41B.    Duty to publish notice in respect of proposal to grant permission under       Sections 115E of the Highways Act 1980.


42.              Power to approve meat product premises.


43.              Power to approve premises for the production of minced meat or meat preparations.


44.              Power to approve dairy establishments.


45.              Power to approve egg product establishments.


46.              Power to issue licences to retail butchers’ shops carrying out commercial operations in relation to unwrapped raw meat and selling or supplying both raw meat and ready-to-eat foods.


47.              Power to approve fish products premises.


48.              Power to approve dispatch or purification centres.


49.              Power to register fishing vessels on board which shrimps or molluscs are cooked.


50.              Power to approve factory vessels and fishery product establishments.


51.              Power to register auction and wholesale markets.


52.              Duty to keep register of food business premises.


53.              Power to register food business premises.


54.              Power to make an order identifying a place as a designated public place for the purposes of police powers in relation to alcohol consumption.


C.        Functions Relating to Health and Safety at Work


            Health and Safety – Functions relating to health and safety under any “relevant statutory provision” within the meaning of Part I of the Health and         Safety at Work Act 1974 to the extent that those functions are discharged otherwise than in the Council’s capacity as an employer.


D.        Functions Relating to Elections


1.         Duty to appoint an electoral registration officer.


2.         Power to assign officers in relation to requisitions of the registration officer.


3.         Functions in relation to parishes and parish councils.


4.         Power to dissolve small parish councils.


5.         Power to make orders for grouping parishes, dissolving groups and             separating parishes from groups.


6.         Duty to appoint returning officer for local government elections.


7.         Duty to provide assistance at European Parliamentary elections.


8.         Duty to divide constituency into polling districts.


9.         Power to divide electoral divisions into polling districts at local government           elections.


10.       Powers in respect of holding of elections.


11.       Power to pay expenses properly incurred by electoral registration officers.


12.       Power to fill vacancies in the event of insufficient nominations.


13.       Duty to declare vacancy in office in certain cases.


14.       Duty to give public notice of a casual vacancy.


15.       Power to make temporary appointments to parish councils.


16.       Power to determine fees and conditions for supply of copies of, or extracts            from, election documents.


17.       Power to submit proposals to the Secretary of State for an Order under       Section 10 (pilot schemes for local elections in England and Wales) of the          Representation of the People Act 2000.


E.        Functions Relating to Name and Status of Areas and Individuals


1.         Power to change the name of the Council.

2.         Power to change the name of a parish.

3.         Power to confer title of honorary alderman or to admit to be an honorary    freeman.

4.         Power to petition for a charter to confer borough status.


F.        Power to Make, Amend, Revoke or Re-enact Bylaws

FA.      Functions relating to smoke free premises etc

1.         Power to enforce offences relating to the display of no smoking signs
2.         Power to enforce offences relating to smoking in smoke-free places
3.         Power to enforce offence of failing to prevent smoking in smoke-free places
4.         Power to transfer enforcement functions to another enforcement authority.

G.        Power to Promote or Oppose Local or Personal Bills


H.        Functions Relating to Pensions etc.


I.          Functions Relating to Public Rights of Way

(Part I)

1.         Power to permit deposit of builder’s skip on highway.


2.         Power to license planting, retention and maintenance of trees etc. in part of            highway.

3.         Power to authorise erection of stiles etc. on footpaths or bridleways.


4.         Power to license works in relation to buildings etc. which obstruct the         highway.

5.         Power to consent to temporary deposits or excavations in streets.


6.         Power to dispense with obligation to erect hoarding or fence.


7.         Power to restrict the placing of rails, beams etc. over highways.


8.         Power to consent to construction of cellars etc. under street.


9.         Power to consent to the making of openings into cellars etc. under streets, and      pavement lights and ventilators.

10.       Power to authorise stopping up or diversion of footpath or bridleway (Section 257 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990).



I.          Other Miscellaneous Provisions

(Part II)

1.         Duty to approve authority’s statement of accounts, income and expenditure           and balance sheet or record of receipts and payments (as the case may be).

2.         Power to make standing orders (Procedure Rules).


3.         Power to appoint staff.


4.         Power to make standing orders (Procedure Rules) on contracts.


5.         Power to make payments or provide other benefits in case of           maladministration etc.

6.         Duty to make arrangements for proper administration of financial affairs etc.


7.         Power to appoint officers for particular purposes (appointment of “proper   officers”).

8.         Power to make closing order with respect to take-away food shops.


9.         Duty to designate officer as the head of the authority’s paid service, and to            provide staff, etc.

10.       Duty to designate officer as the Monitoring Officer, and to provide staff.

10A.    Duty to provide staff, etc to person nominated by Monitoring Officer.


11.       Powers relating to the protection of important hedgerows.


12.       Powers relating to the preservation of trees.

13.       Powers relating to Overview and Scrutiny Committees (voting rights of co-            opted Members).