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Cabinet, Council or Committee Report for Olympics 2012 - Torch Relay Event










Report prepared by Brian Morgan


1.                    Olympics 2012 – Torch Relay Event


1.1                 Issue for Decision


1.1.1            To determine the content of the Torch Relay celebrations and make budgetary provision.


1.2                 Recommendation of the Assistant Director of Resources & Partnerships


               Cabinet are asked to:


1.2.1            Note and endorse the content of the Torch Relay celebrations.


1.2.2            Agree a budget provision of up to £150,000 to be allocated from balances.


1.3                 Reasons for Recommendation


1.3.1            The Olympic Flame will arrive in the UK on Friday 18th May 2012.  The Relay starts the following day and will travel around the UK for 70 days and will arrive in London on the 21st July 2012.  The opening ceremony will be on the 27th of July 2012.  To mark its journey around Britain a Torch Arrival/Start event will be held in 66 towns and cities in Britain.


1.3.2            In late 2010 a confidential offer was made to the Council by the London Organising Committee Olympic Games (LOCOG) to hold an evening celebration for the arrival of the Torch on the 19th of July 2012, and to mark the start of the relay on the 20th of July 2012.  Maidstone would be one of two locations in Kent to hold the Torch celebration, the other is Dover on the evening of the 18th of July 2012.


1.3.3            Following discussion with the Leader of the Council and the Leader of the Liberal Democrats it was decided to accept the confidential offer. 

1.4                 Background


1.4.1            The Agreement with LOCOG was entered into on the 28th of January 2011.  It is the requirement of the Agreement that the Council is responsible for the event management, planning of the content of the event in conjunction with the community, the provision of the necessary infrastructure and the stewarding. 


1.4.2            LOCOG were originally seeking an ‘iconic’ location for the evening celebration for the arrival of the torch which is why Leeds castle was identified.  However, as Leeds Castle only has a capacity for 8,000 people for this event, to embrace the wider community it was considered that a wider community celebration should be held at Mote Park.  As a result of the requirements of LOCOG and to take the event planning forward, three working groups were set up to cover the planning of the event:-


The Community Group

– to shape the event


Agency Group

-  this includes Police, Fire & Rescue, Health,   KCC , Highways – to inform, develop and verify the shape of the event as part of its development


Officer Group

-    To coordinate and plan the event


1.4.3         The Torch Relay arrives in the Borough on the 19th of July.  The Torch will be carried by the bearer in Harrietsham and then moved by convoy to Leeds Castle.  The evening celebration will take place at Leeds Castle on the evening of the 19th July.  The start of the Torch Relay on the 20th of July 2012 will be at Mote Park, and the Torch will travel through the town to the river, it will be rowed along the river and then transferred to the torch convoy, to travel to the Medway Towns.


1.4.4         From the work of LOCOG, the community groups, schools and partner agencies, the following activities are planned on the 19th and 20th of July 2012:-


19th July 2012


Torch Bearer - Harrietsham

Schools sports event – Leeds Castle

Torch arrival event – Leeds Castle

Community Celebration – Mote Park


20th July 2012


Relay start – Mote Park/Town Centre

Community Events – Town Centre


1.4.5            Community events are planned for the Town Centre for the morning of the 20th July 2012. The detail of the individual activities is currently being developed.

1.4.6            The Council is directly responsible for the planning of the above events.  In addition on 20th July 2012 Maidstone Leisure Trust and Team Outrageous have proposed and planned a Maidstone Mile Run through the town and a Maidstone Mile Swim in the River Medway.  The Council is not directly involved in the planning of these events, but the organiser’s plans will be the subject of scrutiny by the multi-agency Safety Advisory Group (SAG) as will all the event management plans for the other events.  In addition, there are other events planned in the lead up to the Relay.


1.4.7            More detail about the events is set out at Appendix A.  Each of these events will require event management plans.


1.4.8            The plans for the Torch Relay are still being developed by LOCOG and the Police.  The position in relation to road closures will be dealt with on a Kent wide basis under the Highways/Olympic Act.  However, there will still be the need to use the Town Police Closures legislation to enable crowd control.  Road closures will be done on a ‘rolling’ basis by the Police motorcycle outriders.  This will reduce the need for barriers apart from in key locations in the Town centre.


1.4.9            Sponsorship will be sought in relation to the provision of the overall events and in particular for the community celebration at Mote Park, and the events in the town on the morning of the start of the relay.  Additionally there is the potential to earn revenue through the leasing of food stalls at the Mote Park community event.

1.4.10         The overall shape of the events is now identified and it is possible to identify the majority of the costs apart from the cost in relation to event management which remains an estimate.  The content of the event at Mote Park is pitched at a level that does not require a change to the licence. However, there is a potential concern from the Police in relation to the size of the crowd and it may therefore be necessary to provide an enclosure and ticket the event. This cost has been allowed for in the table below.  A summary of the costs is set out below, with the detail provided in Appendix B.


Summary of Costs


Event Management (Est)


Schools Event


Leeds Castle


20 min community slot – Leeds Castle


Mote Park event


Morning start




Other Events





1.4.11         There is the potential to earn revenue from this event through charging and letting food stall concessions.  The feasibility of food stall concessions is currently being assessed.


1.4.12         The original intention was to seek an event organiser/project manager and this is still being pursued.  However, the organisation of the individual events will still require the input of staff time in relation, and the traffic planning for the entrance to Leeds Castle and the start of the relay. 


1.5                 Alternative Action and why not Recommended


1.5.1            The shape of the various events around the Torch Relay is set out including the content of the Mote Park event.  It would be possible to alter the content of the ‘headline act’ at Mote Park to obtain a very prominent star.  To do so would alter the shape of the event so that it is no longer community based, but the attraction is the ’star’.  It would also increase cost significantly in terms of the fee for the ‘headline act’, ticketing, security and infrastructure.  It is therefore not recommended.  It would also be possible to have no ‘headline act’, but to do so would significantly diminish the attractiveness of the community event.


1.5.2            The Council could at this point opt to cease planning but such a decision is likely to significantly damage its reputation both nationally and locally.  Alternatively, the Council could cease planning the community celebration at Mote Park, however again such a decision is likely to significantly damage its reputation locally.


1.5.3            A charge could be made for the Mote Park event. A crowd of 5,000 at £10 a ticket would generate £50,000 income.  However, if this were not to be a ‘free’ event there is the possibility that the ‘acts’ would seek higher fees, there may be lower attendance and a risk to reputation as the Leeds Castle event would be free. Charging for the Mote Park event is therefore not recommended.


1.6                 Impact on Corporate Objectives


1.6.1            The participation of the Council in the relay celebratory event has the potential of improving the vitality of the town in the run up to the Olympic games and therefore adding to its attractiveness.  In addition, the event may have a benefit of bringing people to Maidstone and therefore supporting its economy.  The event would directly support the Council’s corporate objectives.


1.7                 Risk Management


1.7.1            There are a wide range of risks associated with the events surrounding the Torch Relay including:-


·      Travel arrangements for the Mayor and Cabinet/Officers – to Leeds Castle/Mote Park and morning start.

·       The non arrival of the torch

·       Loss of power to sites

·       Inclement weather – too hot or wind and rain

·       Accidents off site

·       Accidents on site

·       Criminal acts

·       Structural failure

·       Lack of resource

·       Community dissatisfaction

·       Contract with Leeds Castle


1.7.2       In order to reduce and mitigate the risks, event management plans are being prepared for each of the events, and these plans will be the subject of scrutiny and approval by the multi-agency Safety Advisory Group. Additionally, work will continue with partner agencies to develop and verify the Event Plans, and the Officer Group will continue to work on the internal co-ordination of the event and its planning.


1.8                 Other Implications



1.      Financial




2.           Staffing




3.           Legal




4.           Equality Impact Needs Assessment




5.           Environmental/Sustainable Development



6.           Community Safety




7.           Human Rights Act



8.           Procurement



9.           Asset Management




1.8.2            The financial implications are set out in the report.  In relation to staffing the preparation of the event management plans, the organisation of the necessary infrastructure, and the management of the events on the day will have an impact on staff time.  Through the use of an event/projects manager it is the intention to reduce the overall impact.


1.8.3            The legal implications relate to the terms of the agreement with LOCOG and the agreement with Leeds Castle for the evening celebration, which is still to be finalised.  In addition, there is a need to comply with the necessary Health & Safety Regulations in relation to the planning of events and the physical structures.


1.8.4            Community Safety is an issue both in relation to Health and Safety of people at events and in relation to crowd/people behaviour at events.  These issues will be included through the event management plans and examined by the Safety Advisory Group.










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