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120410 Making Waste Work for Maidstone covering report

Maidstone Borough Council


Communities Overview & Scrutiny Committee


Tuesday 10 April 2012


Making Waste Work for Maidstone Review


Report of: Overview & Scrutiny Officer


 1.     Introduction


1.1        At the meeting of the Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 14 June 2011, Members agreed to carry out a review of waste and recycling in relation to the new 10 year waste contract.


1.2        The Committee agreed to focus its review on two areas:


    • Waste reduction; and
    • the new waste and recycling contract


1.3        As the review progressed three main areas were identified where the Committee could add value:


·         Waste reduction;

·         Freighter Service and Bulky Waste Collection; and

·         Plastics.


 2.     Recommendation


2.1              Members are recommended to consider the draft report of Making Waste Work for Maidstone Review and make amendments and suggestions as appropriate. 


2.2    Following any requested amendments to the report, Members are recommended to approve this for submission to the appropriate Cabinet Member and external bodies.


3.      Impact on Corporate Objectives


3.1     The Committee will consider reports that deliver against the Council’s priorities:


·      ‘Corporate and Customer Excellence’

·       ‘For Maidstone to have a growing economy ‘; and

·       ‘For Maidstone to be a decent place to live’;


3.2     The Strategic Plan sets the Council’s key objectives for the medium term and has a range of objectives which support the delivery of the Council’s priorities.  The Committee’s work will contribute to the delivery of these key objectives over the next year.