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Maidstone Borough Council


External Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Tuesday 16 June 2009


Leader of the Council:

Plans and Priorities for 2009-10


Report of: Acting Overview and Scrutiny Manager


1.      Introduction


1.1        The External Overview and Scrutiny Committee is responsible for holding to account those Cabinet Members whose portfolios fall within the remit of the Committee. 


1.2        The Cabinet Members whose portfolios relate to the Committee are the Leader of the Council and the Cabinet Member for Community Services.


2.      Leader of the Council


2.1        The areas of the Leader’s portfolio that are relevant to the Committee are as follows:


·         Sustainable Community Strategy – to take responsibility for the Sustainable Community Strategy and to work with the LSP in delivering its objectives.

·         External Affairs – to act as an ambassador for the Council and its activities amongst external advisory and interest groups; To act as an advocate for the Council in pressing for changes in national policy.


3.      Recommendation


3.1     The areas of the Leader’s portfolio that are relevant to the Committee are outlined at section 2.1.  Members are recommended to consider these, and ask questions of the Leader with regard to his plans and priorities for the year for these areas.


3.2     Furthermore, Members are recommended to make recommendations to the Leader with regard to these plans and priorities.