Contact your Parish Council







25TH APRIL 2012




Report prepared by: Dave Lindsay 



1.                           Street naming and numbering (SNN)


1.1                        Issue for Decision


1.1.1                   Whether to resolve to adopt the provisions of sections 17 and 18 of the Public Health Act 1925 relating to street naming and alteration of street names to apply throughout the Borough of Maidstone.


1.1.2                   It is recommended that the Council:              Resolves to adopt the provisions of sections 17 and 18 of the Public Health Act 1925 relating to street naming and alteration of street names to apply throughout the Borough of Maidstone with effect from 1st June 2012.


1.1.3                   Background              On 22nd August 2011 the Cabinet Member for Corporate Services agreed in principle that the Council should charge for the street naming and numbering service.              The commencement of charging was dependent upon identifying the relevant legislation under which the power to charge arose, formal adoption of relevant legislation, and introduction of a schedule of rates which is comparable with other neighbouring local authorities.              Following a period of research and consultation with the Council’s Legal Service, it was concluded that the most appropriate legislation to adopt was the 1925 Public Health Act.              In accordance with the provisions of set out under schedule 14 paragraph 25 (5) of the Local Government Act 1972 the Council has advertised its intention to adopt by:


·         Placing a notice in the Kent Messenger for two consecutive weeks;

·         Sending a notice to every Parish Council in the Borough.              It is proposed that, subject to adoption becoming effective, charges will be implemented with effect from 1st June 2012.



1.2                        Representations


1.2.1                   No representations have been received in response to these Notices.


1.3                        Reasons for Recommendation


1.3.1                   To add value for money for the general tax payer, as the street naming and numbering function is currently effectively funded by the tax-payer, this initiative merely facilitates a direct charge to users of the service.


1.3.2                   To standardise practice for street naming and numbering with other Councils where charges are made.



1.4                        Alternative Action and why not Recommended


1.4.1                   The SNN service can be left unchanged and remain free of charge.  This is not recommended because there appears to be a general expectation from both residents and commercial property developers that a charge will be levied.  Feedback from some commercial property developers in particular suggests that they are often surprised that the service is free.


1.4.2                   Maidstone Borough Council will also lose the opportunity to realise income that could help to cover the cost of the service.


1.4.3                   In the current economic climate, the Council must explore every potential source of revenue and seek to secure it if it is deemed appropriate to do so.


1.5                        Impact on Corporate Objectives


1.5.1                   This proposal will support the achievement of value for money services.


1.6                        Risk Management


1.6.1                   The Council has followed the provisions of set out under schedule 14 paragraph 25 (5) of the Local Government Act 1972.


1.6.2                   There have been no representations from the public or Parish Councils in response to the notices relating to the adoption of the legislation.



1.7                        Other Implications



1.      Financial




1.           Staffing




2.           Legal




3.           Equality Impact Needs Assessment




4.           Environmental/Sustainable Development



5.           Community Safety



6.           Human Rights Act



7.           Procurement



8.           Asset Management





1.7.2   Financial


         It is the intention that the charges levied for the street naming and numbering function will cover the cost of the service.   




1.7.3   Legal


Covered in the body of the report.


1.8        Relevant Documents


1.8.1   NONE