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A2 Appendix Shell Tamarisk - Locketts general conditions

Page 19.


Section P Describe the steps you intend to take to promote the four licensing objectives:


a) General-all four licensing objectives (b, c, d, e)


A suitable and sufficient CCTV system with recording facilities will be in place at site and will operate at all times the premise is open for licensable activities.  Images can be made available upon reasonable request by the Police or other relevant officers of a responsible authority.


Staff will be trained with regard to their responsibilities in the retail sale of alcohol and regular refresher training will also be undertaken.  Training records can be made available for inspection upon reasonable request by the Police or other relevant officers of a responsible authority.


A refusals book will be operated and maintained and will be produced to a relevant officer of the Police or other relevant officers of a responsible authority upon request.


A Challenge 25 policy will be operated at the premise, acceptable forms of identification are a passport, photocard driving licence and PASS accredited identification card.


Spirits will be located behind the counter.


b) The prevention of crime and disorder.


A suitable and sufficient CCTV system with recording facilities will be in place at site and will operate at all times the premise is open for licensable activities.  Images can be made available upon reasonable request by the Police or other relevant officers of a responsible authority.


Spirits will be located behind the counter.


Staff will be trained with regard to their responsibilities in the retail sale of alcohol and regular refresher training will also be undertaken.  Training records can be made available for inspection upon reasonable request by the Police or other relevant officers of a responsible authority.


c) Public Safety.


A suitable and sufficient CCTV system with recording facilities will be in place at site and will operate at all times the premise is open for licensable activities.  Images can be made available upon reasonable request by the Police or other relevant officers of a responsible authority.





d) The prevention of crime and disorder.


Staff will be trained with regard to their responsibilities in the retail sale of alcohol and regular refresher training will also be undertaken.  Training records can be made available for inspection upon reasonable request by the Police or other relevant officers of a responsible authority.


e) The protection of children from harm.


Staff will be trained with regard to their responsibilities in the retail sale of alcohol and regular refresher training will also be undertaken.  Training records can be made available for inspection upon reasonable request by the Police or other relevant officers of a responsible authority.


A refusals book will be operated and maintained and will be produced to a relevant officer of the Police or other relevant officers of a responsible authority upon request.


A Challenge 25 policy will be operated at the premise, acceptable forms of identification are a passport, photocard driving licence and PASS accredited identification card.


Spirits will be located behind the counter.