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Decision Maker and Date of Decision

Adoption of Dog Control Orders

Cabinet Member for Environment


1 June 2012

Information Strategy 2012 – 2015




13 June 2012

Annual Governance Statement



13 June 2012

Localism and the Community Rights to Challenge and Bid



13 June 2012

Local Council Tax Discount Scheme



13 June 2012

Private Sector Housing: Review of Housing Assistance

Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services


29 June 2012

Formation of Building Consultancy

Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development


29 June 2012

Budget Strategy 2013 – 14 Onwards



11  July 2012

Public Gypsy & Traveller Site: process update



11 July 2012

Policy Changes for New Waste Collection Contract

Cabinet Member for Environment


31 July 2012



Last submission date for next Forward Plan: 16 May 2012

Publication of next Forward Plan: 18 May 2012