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Enc. 2 for Cabinet, Council or Committee Report for KPI Targets 2012-15



LVE 001

Number of visits to locate in Maidstone website

PKG 001

Percentage of parking spaces used

LEV 005

Percentage of economically active people in Maidstone

LEV 006a

Completions of business space gained a) Office

LEV 006b

Supply of ready to occupy completions b) Industrial

LEV 006c

Supply of ready to occupy completions c) Logistics

R&B 001

Cost of Revenues & Benefits Service

R&B 003

Supply of business rateable floor space

SPT 003a

Percentage of residential planning applications granted a) Urban area

SPT 003b

Percentage of residential planning applications granted a) Rural area 

DCV 004

Percentage of planning applications determined within statutory timescales a) Majors

DCV 005

Percentage of planning applications determined within statutory timescales b) Minors

DCV 006

Percentage of planning applications determined within statutory timescales c) Others


Visits or uses of the museum per 1,000 population

DCV 013

Number of listed building consents granted

HLD 002

Number of Tree Preservation Orders granted

DEP 007

Percentage of fly-tipping reports responded to within one working day

CDP 001

Number of individual volunteers registered with Voluntary Action Maidstone (VAM)

CDP 002

Number of volunteer organisations registered with Voluntary Action Maidstone (VAM)

BIM 001

Savings delivered through reviews


Total 20